Monday, August 3, 2009

I've cut short my fringe! No, there isn't a picture of it in this post. It's not as bad as the last time, I cut it abit slanted.
Hope it does look better? But everyone tell me my hair looks like usual, duh -.-


Day at Malaysia on Friday & Saturday was fantastic, how I wish there's more relatives-gatherings like this.

Trimmed by eyebrows for one, now my eyebrows look more pleasant and not that thick anymore.
I DID MANICURE! My godmother did it for me, as she is learning and practicing it. How much for one manicure huh? FREE! I'm so happy at the results of my beautiful nails :) My left hand finger nails are longer, thus it looks much prettier.

Lotsa stupid pictures was taken with my mother on the bus to Malaysia, love her to the max.

Went to 'slack' at the salon for 4 hours while waiting for Mum to dye her hair and my turn to cut my hair.
Played and fooled around with the baby. He's like ever so talkative and adorable. Cant bear to scold him!

It was auntie & cousins talk all day long!
At night, Godsister and I had Malay mama-stall tomyam noodles for supper while watching 换换爱 and sweet dreams!

Next day, ate my curry mee for lunch and off I go to have my teeth check-up.
When the dentist was about to inject my gums, I was like, huh, my tooth has to be pluck out?!
She was like ya, and there goes the needle into my gums. Wth can!!! I thought I was only going for a check-up.
So now I'm like officially bo-geh again, sigh.
Plan was to play badminton, but didnt get to play because it will deterioriate my gum's condition.
Went to nearby cafe for a papaya milk with the adults, then to this particular place, my Mum wanted to buy orchid flowers.
She's such a flowery person! Flowers in the balcony, flowers as earrings, flower prints on clothes.
Did manicure & pedicure at my Aunt's house, but a few diamonds fell off already ):
Was extra careful with them every single moment!
Ate rendang chicken w/ rice, chit-chat and laughters, home sweet home!

Sister performed a hip-hop dance at Zouk, and she showed us her dance when we got home.
I was so shocked by her ability to dance well that I was speechless, and I was like exclaiming, is she my sister?!?!?! the next moment. Lol! OMG that's the way my dearest sister, family behind you all the way!!!

Today was another satisfied day for me :)
Met up with JoyceAng to Civics's Mac for lunch and Titanic to 'slack'.
Stayed at Mac' for quite long, but it's great to talk so much once again after so long.
I still love you like before man! Shall look forward to working out my abs at the gym with you soon. LOL

Daddy drived Sis & I to Suntec City after that to look for our mother & sister who's working there.
Walked a few rounds at Suntec City & Sister meet-up her friend before family, godsister and aunties went to eat beancurd, eggtarts, etc.

Pictures hate me at the moment because they dont wanna

Today is one of those very bad days when I dont know how to rephrase my words and have a short blog entry! This entry is damn long.

I'm satisfied with whatever I have now.

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