Saturday, August 22, 2009

Heart filled with emotions at the moment, I felt so fortunate today. Very very fortunate. I really want to thank god for giving me such a wonderful life compared to other people who has no choice but to wallow in misery. It leaves me shaking my head in disbelief with all the evil things people do, and I'm happy not to meet any such nonsensical souls.

At least the one that hurts me the most in my life is the only one that I truely loves and gave all my heart out to, and the one that make me feel so special like no one does. Though I had been complaining and being upset and sobbing at times, indecisive me still feels happy and lucky.

I want to be there for people who needs me like how I need them.

Family, friends, lover. I have them all.
When's Thanksgiving? Lol! I wanna celebrate it for the first time!


One word to describe today, ENJOYABLE. With a damn fucking in front. LOL
}adopted from the movie Orphan. Ok lah not adopted just that the word 'fucking' just reminds me of the movie. 11/10 stars for this movie, just like 110% recommended!

Disclose all the events with J.Ang tomorrow night, gonna see her again soon! No, it's like in minutes time! :)

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