Sunday, August 30, 2009

Restaurant City can level up again! 400000 points!

Stressed sia now everyday look at my blog. No fucking idea why!

Went shopping with Ang yesterday at Bugis. Reach there at about evening and dinner at LJS.
Saw loads of apparels at Bugis Street, but just no idea what I want and what I should buy.
Same goes for J, we were frustrated! Thus cabbed to FEP, hoping to end up with shopping bags on our arms!!!
Wahlao in the end still disappointment, but nevermind we went to Wisma & Cineleisure.
Can take it as we just went to town to window-shop that day! :/
(saw alot of chiobu that we ooo-ed and ahh-ed about lmao)

Though bought nothing that we like and we were sian-ed alot of half, it was always nice hanging out with this bitch. There's always something to laugh and talk about! It has been like this always and I like it! :D

Dine with her again at Civics Macdolnalds!

(loving myself more before finding J, 2nd pic fucking fugly lah damn)

So much laughters today, went to the arcade and played the photohunt & 3-players machine and the last time I touch it was sometime in last year! Wl like damn long and wl again because I can scold Joyce whenever I like she's so niceeee to be guailan with! *lots of heartshapes and kisses*

Going back to primary school, hopefully can get in. I miss Ms Tay! Like suddenly one.
Sucha pity Aiai & Pohshen cant go!
Looking forward to seeing my love too (;

Nights people. I need to bathe like now!?!?!?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Lesson's a bore today, can't concentrate at all.

O's oral tomorrow and I had jitters only like now! I dont have much notes for oral, but I hope those few pieces of paper could boost some courage into me for tomorrow.
I really want to score well for oral damn! I dont know why... Okay lah I wanna score well for all of my subjects. Grr so annoying!

Study plans for ytd and today was cancelled by myself because I couldnt drag myself to the library! I can only study in the library or Macdonald.

Time is passing so fast now. It was 10.30pm just now and after 'awhile' I look at the time and gosh 12am already.

I'm getting sick of my own blog posts! So many things to say yet cannot say. Yah irritating I know.

I'm going to start reading the dictionary to increase my range of vocabulary.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Okay. I gotta jot down my feelings here. No, is elaborate.

I just feel like shit these few days. It's not other ordinary feel-like-shit days. It's those days when I'm so scared of losing all the things I love, and I continuouly have the feeling that I will lose them someday.
Everything I have now is so not things that I can call them "only mine". And my hands are just so slippery that I have trouble grapping hold of them. Soon or later, I wouldnt have the control of them anymore. People say, what's yours is meant to be yours, and you cant force things that are not yours to be yours. Ok lets see, sometimes there are things that dont belong to anyone, and you share them with people. That certain thing dont seem to belong to anyone then isnt it?
I'm so confused by my words now. But then again, when you share them with people, as time goes by, the 'share' that you have is so little that it's almost nothing and both of you just drifts apart.
Yes I'm talking about a human, a person, a friend. No I dont just treat that person as a thing, but I just want to emphasize in a way that this person is important you get it?

I just find it so difficult to balance my life. I have everything I need now but it's not that I'm not satisfied, it's just that a problem always comes after another, it will always rain after that even if the sun is shining ever so brightly.
I want to let everyone that knows that I love them all these while that I really have treasured them, and even though I really dont show it and put on a i-dont-care front, I really do.
I might have done things to disappoint my friends again and again, but I dont want that to be the cause of any problems in the friendship, because no matter what happen, those friends that I have been repeatingly mentioned so much have such an important place in my heart.
Things, times and people changes. But the value of a precious friendship will never changes.

No I'm not the coolest girl with the best language, not the gentlest girl with a pleasant attitude, not the prettiest beauty with a great fashion sense, not a great friend that can be there everytime & anytime for someone.
Thinking that I will put a BUT Imma .... blah blah right? That's the problem. I dont know what goodness is there in me. Everything just seems to lie inside of me and I can't really open it out to anyone because I find myself just a horrible person when I think of the things I did :(
People say that they suck, and I think it's for a reason.

Friend ask, Why? Person explains, but I dont think every single truth came out of her mouth because she's afraid that when Friend knows, Friend will look down on/change view of/angry with/upset with Person. Just an example. Might be true in my situation though.

Remembered that I have a conversation with Lorencia about secrets. She asked me is it that everyone has a secret inside them, and we both agreed that every single person in this planet earth has a deepdown untoldable secret inside them that no one else knows, and sometimes even the person her/himself dont even know.
And I wondered what's that dirty little secret of mine that I dont dare tell the world?
No I dont think I'm wondering, I think I know it, I am just thinking how to break it out to people around.
I'm nervous and I dont have the courage to know what will happen!

How good it is if I could read minds or see the future. For those random FB quiz that ask what super powers I hope I have, I always click 'read minds'. Then I can do the right things and avoid conflicts. I have been hating conflicts, even smallllll conflicts since primary school. Shivers.

Guess a blog is always good when you have no one to turn to. I'm very surprised myself that even me has a day like this!

I'm not really mentioning about someone certain or anyone. It's just a general view, and my feelings overall. I'm really afraid to tell someone, then again, I should because friends are true people who stands by us no matter what happen rain or shine right? Of course that excludes huge mistakes like betrayal.

Sigh. Should just get to sleep and prepare for a brand new day tomorrow.

Love my usual bitches and the one jerk in my life :)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I know I made you very upset for this few days and you 'forgave' me and treat me so much nicer.
I really want to do something for you. I will show you how true I am to you.

FRIDAY. Had curry noodles with Dad at JE after lesson, went back home to nap till late afternoon.

Met up with Joyce bitch to town!
Gosh, love times with her, I was like totally myself and said every nonsense that I will usually sprout naturally. Lol!
Watch Orphan and it's really a very good movie! Still think about the Esther at times, sucha poor thing.
The angmo beside me was so hilarious.

Went window shopping while Joyce bought a few items.
I wanted SO MANY THINGS! But damn broke. I have been broke for 2 weeks!

Laughters and jokes along the way, really enjoyed myself maximum.

Went home for a bath & off to her house for a girls night!!! WOOHOO!!
Her sister was so funny lah lol! Love her new house, cozy.
Watched an old chinese horror film, ate Ruffles, butter cookies, nuggets & coke! YUM
She fried those nuggets you know anot! Got mummy-taste LOL

After that we hung out in her room and talk our hearts out till the sun rises.
The last time I had a sleepover with her is one year ago, and that is so long ago!
She really listens and I feel happy to befriend this 'long-lost' friend once again. *hugs*

Someone to be there when I fall, and someone to be there for when she needs me.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Heart filled with emotions at the moment, I felt so fortunate today. Very very fortunate. I really want to thank god for giving me such a wonderful life compared to other people who has no choice but to wallow in misery. It leaves me shaking my head in disbelief with all the evil things people do, and I'm happy not to meet any such nonsensical souls.

At least the one that hurts me the most in my life is the only one that I truely loves and gave all my heart out to, and the one that make me feel so special like no one does. Though I had been complaining and being upset and sobbing at times, indecisive me still feels happy and lucky.

I want to be there for people who needs me like how I need them.

Family, friends, lover. I have them all.
When's Thanksgiving? Lol! I wanna celebrate it for the first time!


One word to describe today, ENJOYABLE. With a damn fucking in front. LOL
}adopted from the movie Orphan. Ok lah not adopted just that the word 'fucking' just reminds me of the movie. 11/10 stars for this movie, just like 110% recommended!

Disclose all the events with J.Ang tomorrow night, gonna see her again soon! No, it's like in minutes time! :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Great news: I got an A2 for goddamn CHINESE!!! WOOO no need resit.

Bad news... I still have four more screwed up exams lmao. Revision for Chemistry was kinda ok with TY as my tutor, Sister alongside.

I really wanna score at least a 14 for L1R4!
Discussed the courses I can take with TY & Sister this morning, seems like none suits me :(

I got lots to update!!! Wait till I'm back today after day out with APY that bitch *flood with kisses*

Gotta catch my 1 hour nap like, NOW. I have only 53 minutes left and I'm so beat out :(

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wl. Fucking bad mood lah. Should just fucking get over it man. Shouldnt be so petty.
I don't get it!!!!

Why are thoughts and actions two different world. Fucking annoying sia. Now everything seems like totally annoying shit.
FML!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hard. Grr.

Chinese O's result gonna be out tmr at 9am. Will be the first ever kiasu SGPorean to enter and see my A1. LMAO.
My sister say at most I get is B3.
Hope not.


(very easy irritated mood)


Monday, August 17, 2009

So sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Back from Malaysia, with a flu and some mosquito bites.
Very nice ok! Especially the curry, how I wish I could have a bowl of it steaming hot in front of me now, sigh.

Malacca trip was cancelled in the end because my uncle couldnt rush in time for it and there wouldnt be enough cars for everyone. I had a hard time sleeping on both nights! It was so dusty and I just keep sneezing and rubbing my eyes.

No photos taken, nah look so shag.

It was absolutely windy IN the house when there's rain. Love the weather.

Exercising and hair-highlighting tmr. EXCITED.

Gotta go to sleep soon and not be late tomorrow. Toodles!

Friday, August 14, 2009

"The only people you need in your life are the ones who prove that they need you in theirs."

I doubt that it will make a difference whether I'm there or not, you dont even see me.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fine day, parents are back, miss them like f.
Lunch & dinner both with family, and Sis even treat us to ice-cream.
Thanks sis, though I'm always so mean to you.

Lesson was such a relief! Dev wasnt that bad anymore you know.
Maybe it's because we came on time for lesson? *raise eyebrow*

Didnt meet up TL & SimAiai because someone wei ji mong gok.
Seeing Aiai tmr though! :) Hope Laopo will be there too.

Studied with Lorencia at Macdonald and she was exhausted at 11.30pm so we went home and here I am.

Needa wake up at 7am tomorrow so when hair dries I'm turning in.

WTF! This post sound so monotonous and plain boring I can't tolerate it myself LOL

You don't even know me anymore. It's been so hard to tell you I'm sorry. I know, I know that we were more than friends in the end. And it's so hard, it's so hard to take.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's one of those days that I hate the most.

In my world these few days, it just keep drizzling non-stop.
No storms, no heavy rain, just drizzling. And I'm already drenched from head to toe...
To me, everything that is a single bit unpleasant that happens to me, I deemed them as the worst thing ever.
Why? Why can't I ever be satisfied with my alright-life?
I just keep losing people in my life. Losing, getting, losing, getting. This process keep repeating and I'm really tired...

I don't have the will to look forward to my selfclaimed-bright future, when I just seem to stay stuck here.
Will a wise, mature & understanding soul, please tell me what I should do.
Because I just feel that everything I'm doing is just so wrong, but don't they have one saying, which is, "Do what you think is right for you." ?

Wait, I think I'm doing things that is comfortable for me.
I ask my sister whether I'm more paranoid or self-centered, and she told me I'm self-centered.
Am I really selfish? Is it that I gave too much in the past, and now I'm afraid to give anymore?

I really love everyone around me that I always say, are important to me. Mostly, these five people...
But I really feel so distant, and it's what I get for what I decide...
It's my decision afterall. And though I feel so FML-ish almost all the time, it's really just peaceful around me.

I think too much, far too much. How to control?
I envy everyone's life around me...

Hate this emotional shit. Really. It eats the hell out of me!!!
Screw this life.


Went out to Bugis with sister this late afternoon to buy shorts we've been yearning for.
Overslept for gym date with Joyce again, swear I felt the most apologetic ever! How I hope I'm not such a heavy sleeper.

Roam around Illuma, love it there though it's quite empty.
Ate Long John Silver... I wanna thank sister many because I'm really broke with a few dollars left, felt really grateful that she pay everything for me.
Serious diet & saving from tmr onwards.

Sucha long time didnt went to Bugis Street, and was so surprised to see many pieces of apparels that I LOVE. Wth
But, finally sister and I agreed on something which was the blazer she bought. Happy!

Bought our short and went back home, home bitter home :)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

What mental disorder do you have?

You have extreme cycles of highs and lows. Sometimes you feel like you don't know who you are. One week you could be very hyper and happy and the next week you are slow and depressed.

Above is like 100% true!!! Really.
You can say I'm two-faced in SUCH ways.
That's how two-faced I think I'm, which I'm suspecting myself.
I can be with my friends very happily for the first few hours, and have a sad look on my face for the rest of the day.
That's the extreme I can be. I can really promise it's really true!

Aiai knows that, " you feel like you don't know who you are".

SimAiai, I miss you!
I am so worried and scared now. How I wish time will pass faster and tomorrow will come in a blink. Sigh.
Retribution, do I deserve something like this? I need someone to tell me the answer.
But somewhere in my heart, I know what I'm doing now is right. So if you mistaken my right for wrong, then I shall be speechless.


Yesterday was day out with LXT!!!
Sucha exclusive day, it was all fun, laughter, gossips & hearttalks.

Met X up to dentist at Orchard. The sofa was very very very comforting and I almost fell asleep while waiting!

We started window-shopping around ION! My first time there & it was obviously a place for rich people to shop at... Maybe I can only just shop there once in two months

Laopo bought a watch! :)

Ate wanton noodles at FEP, sucha long time since I've eaten it! Tried out the pink guava juice & love it.
It was Liting who introduced this stall to us when it's still at Heeren. I miss Liting! But she's so busy with all her stuffs...

Bought tickets for UP and went to explore Orchard Centre (Central?) for the first time too!
I dedicate both my first times to AhTingTing.

And I think this place is the most high-tech building I have ever went into!
It's like some sort of hotel where you can go shopping in the day. There are even lounges at every floor! Still got private ones somemore.
What I love most are the toilets!!!
The mirrors are like built for me please, LOL

There's even this clean-your-butt thing in the cubicle! WOOHOO Japan style has come to SG!

Eyelashes keep dropping, frustration!
X keep exclaiming how ugly she is without make-up, but NO!
Because people like her, Gladys etc etc are like naturally pretty without any make-up lor.
I must admit that I'm not pretty or anything! So need some make-up to help me up (;

Hung out at that place to kill time.
There was this highhhhhhhhh escalator that is 3 floors high! We saw it at level 7 and took the lift down to level 4 just to go on the escalator.
The view is breathtaking but sort of scary.

There's the lift, and this wall built up of DVD players. Real one! We even tried pressing the buttons!
Everything is so interesting and we were intrigued.

Went to watch UP, the story is just so touching, and the first half of the movie was funny.
The love story between Carl & Ellie is so once in a million kind of thing! T.T

Movie over and we went window-shopping again at Wisma, Takashimaya etc.etc. Reason for just window-shopping? SHORT OF CASH! I brought $30 along and spent all on food & movie. GRR

Heeren was one of the place that we had the most fun yesterday! (;
We even helped SimAiai to find work you know!
We mentioned her from time to time, she will love us double when we tell her when she's back from Bintan!

Tried on this dress at F21 and fell in love with it. Sigh.

I did try on another long dress, but the chest area for too loose for me! :S :S :S
Small boobs.

Trained back to Woodlands afterwards and talked alot with X on the train!
Heart you babe, see ya soon!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

That's my long-lost but found-back friend! :D
It was a really nice and fun day out with her. Found some feeling back *eyebrows up and down*
And my face is like fat ok!
I'm trying my best to learn to put eyeliner on my pathetic single eyelids T.T
Finally there's someone who wants to EXERCISE!!! With a strong determination somemore!
Hurray Joyce, gym's coming to us.

I ate lots of fats today, guilty, sinful meal(s).

I realised that I have many different kind of faces, from different phones, different angles and different time.
Why ah?
So weird. But I like the today me best! :)

I'm going to sleep now, 5 hours of sleep left. SCREAMS.

Blogger sot is it? Lol

I LOVE FRIDAY THE 7TH! Got such thing lah you dont know meh... Today lo :)

Overslept & didnt went for Geog/SS lesson. *seriously upset, really*
Woke up, plan timing with Sis to watch HP6. Startled her when I opened her door loudly. SORRY!

Mail items, Sis met up with one sweety for me.
All my coins fall out of my purse while I was at the post office! Damn, confirm very paiseh one. But I act one not big deal at there. LOL

Went to buy bands for Sis & I. Yayyyy! Got the idea from Aiai & mine *. Hee!
Shared shaker fries a-g-a-i-n at Mac, and went to DG.

On MRT, was awed by how clear my phone cam could be!!! (mostly just showing off my nails lah lmao)

Ate at a restaurant, Astons! Sis's friend introduced to her, she bring me go eat.
Very nice tell you. The price like at Macdonald like that somemore so delicious, should go eat.

2 main dishes + 2 side dishes for each main + Soup + 2 drink = $19.50

No timings at town for HP6! Was almost devastated you know.
Got lost on the way to Cineleisure. LMAO
Was mao dun deciding to go back Woodlands, or Yishun/AMK.

When the MRT came, Sis realised my too-large-for-me-but-very-important-to-me cardigan was missing.
Panicked, went back to Cine & my leg was hurting like f.

Walked back to MRT station, saddened. It really was a very very very important cardigan to me... Well. No one else I could blame 'cept me ):

Bought tickets at CWP, and the queue was super fucking long you should know if you were there. What day is today? Why so many people?!

Went back home to have a bath to prepare for the movie G.I Joe at 11.20pm.
Smuggled 7-11's nachos. YA LAH cheapskate I know, cannot meh.

FANTASTIC MOVIE!!! I love the black people in the movie, they were like wow, suave man!!!
I keep exclaiming throughout the show, I guess my sister find me really irritating.
I'm glad to have watch it though claiming that I was not in the mood to watch action movies in the first place...

Thanks sis for tolerating me even though my attitude was one of the worst, today.
Love you and we'll nevertheless be sisters forever.

Home bitter home now, & I should get to sleep now and meet the sweetest one, LXT!

Miss me babies!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

First, I didnt even hear the alarm and I WANTED to go for that irritating Science lesson. Am not glad that I can't wake up for it.

Second, godsister busted me and there goes my swimming date! Booooooooooooo x 138742938659, seriously upset.

Third, got scolded by Mum for being inconsiderate when I tell her I very upset that godsis not coming over. Lol?

Fourth, dressed-up and make-up, did not turn up for practical lessons at JE as well, got sick of the idea having to take the MRT back, alone.

Fifth, stare at the computer and clicking aimlessly.

Sixth, my own blood-sister wanted to watch Harry Potter 5 with her friend instead of me. Wtf? We said to watch with each other initially weeks ago. So because I wanted watch with her and just ditch off all movie requests from friends to watch Harry Potter.
Hope she watch with me, if not I'm not going home today.

Everyone is being so mean to me, giving me attitude, and I tolerate them, at most banging my doors.
Suddenly I just felt that, either it's I have no one right now, or it's just my friends.


I wanna watch all the movies available at CWP.
G.I Joe, Up, Orphan, Harry Potter 5, Where Got Ghost, Overheard, The Hangover.
Changed my URL again. Style hor?
It takes two steps to reach my blog, therefore my precious blog is much more special than yours.

Don't feel like revealing anything about yesterday till I get the photos from G.AI.
(; (; (;

Today was a fairly nice day.
Went to eat shaker fries again, with L. I think I should stop it because whenever I go out during this few week, I will eat.

Hope L likes the card, and the present I'm passing to her tmr!

I'm like finally going Science lessons tmr...

She accompanied me to the library and left awhile later.
Studied for an hour or so, saw JIAREN at the escalator, and I called her up. Surprised to see her there!
Ok she thank my eyes for spotting her, LOL
Really did miss her so!

Woohoo pray that you get your braces out soon pretty!
And we'll celebrate & show 'them' (singular) what you've got! (;
See ya soon man (L)

Before I left at about 7pm, went to take worksheets from HR & Yilin at 4th floor.
Hr sure have lots of things to say without stopping! Laughed a great deal.
Went to meet my sister and she was like mumbling at me!
We had fun in the foodcourt and at the bus... I really like the feeling when my sister and I poured feelings out to each other.
I will wake you up when September ends, too! (;

Home, tv, computer.

SLEEPING! Gotta turn in early for the long day tmr. God bless me that godsister KhawTingTing don't throw my aeroplane! *palms together*

Monday, August 3, 2009

Bought this bag just to see whether it's pretty anot. Stupid or what?!?!?
Ok lah, I think I will use it.

Still deciding whether to go school tomorrow or not.
I didnt touch the Mathematics paper at all, because just thinking of AhDev face and his continuous rantings, I wanna die man.
So, I shall go post office to deliver my things in the morning, and then to the library.
It's still early now, so I have the time to study abit! :)

O's are really near. Jiamin, buck up can?

Want to splurge, but mum's angry whenever I buy something, no idea why. Sigh.

I've cut short my fringe! No, there isn't a picture of it in this post. It's not as bad as the last time, I cut it abit slanted.
Hope it does look better? But everyone tell me my hair looks like usual, duh -.-


Day at Malaysia on Friday & Saturday was fantastic, how I wish there's more relatives-gatherings like this.

Trimmed by eyebrows for one, now my eyebrows look more pleasant and not that thick anymore.
I DID MANICURE! My godmother did it for me, as she is learning and practicing it. How much for one manicure huh? FREE! I'm so happy at the results of my beautiful nails :) My left hand finger nails are longer, thus it looks much prettier.

Lotsa stupid pictures was taken with my mother on the bus to Malaysia, love her to the max.

Went to 'slack' at the salon for 4 hours while waiting for Mum to dye her hair and my turn to cut my hair.
Played and fooled around with the baby. He's like ever so talkative and adorable. Cant bear to scold him!

It was auntie & cousins talk all day long!
At night, Godsister and I had Malay mama-stall tomyam noodles for supper while watching 换换爱 and sweet dreams!

Next day, ate my curry mee for lunch and off I go to have my teeth check-up.
When the dentist was about to inject my gums, I was like, huh, my tooth has to be pluck out?!
She was like ya, and there goes the needle into my gums. Wth can!!! I thought I was only going for a check-up.
So now I'm like officially bo-geh again, sigh.
Plan was to play badminton, but didnt get to play because it will deterioriate my gum's condition.
Went to nearby cafe for a papaya milk with the adults, then to this particular place, my Mum wanted to buy orchid flowers.
She's such a flowery person! Flowers in the balcony, flowers as earrings, flower prints on clothes.
Did manicure & pedicure at my Aunt's house, but a few diamonds fell off already ):
Was extra careful with them every single moment!
Ate rendang chicken w/ rice, chit-chat and laughters, home sweet home!

Sister performed a hip-hop dance at Zouk, and she showed us her dance when we got home.
I was so shocked by her ability to dance well that I was speechless, and I was like exclaiming, is she my sister?!?!?! the next moment. Lol! OMG that's the way my dearest sister, family behind you all the way!!!

Today was another satisfied day for me :)
Met up with JoyceAng to Civics's Mac for lunch and Titanic to 'slack'.
Stayed at Mac' for quite long, but it's great to talk so much once again after so long.
I still love you like before man! Shall look forward to working out my abs at the gym with you soon. LOL

Daddy drived Sis & I to Suntec City after that to look for our mother & sister who's working there.
Walked a few rounds at Suntec City & Sister meet-up her friend before family, godsister and aunties went to eat beancurd, eggtarts, etc.

Pictures hate me at the moment because they dont wanna

Today is one of those very bad days when I dont know how to rephrase my words and have a short blog entry! This entry is damn long.

I'm satisfied with whatever I have now.