Saturday, July 26, 2008

Everyday I've the urge to post but the lack of time to do so because I was mapling :D

And I've been using my desktop for so long too , to play MS , and I could only update my photos in my laptop because I only want my desktop to contain only Ms if not the whole lousy desktop will lag like shit .

So when I think no photos to post here I dont feel like posting liaoz . Whole week doing nothing lor ~
Never see Joycie ):

See her but not much . Wahlao .

Crapping with Ivy the penguin everyday .

Romantic-ing with Boyfriend everyday , enjoying my hugs and kisses (:

Tonned at his house ytd night , super nice to be hugged to sleep you know ? Very shuang leih :D
And this asshole boyfriend will wake me up so early that I dont have enough sleep .
After doing everything he can do to make me wake up , I'll end up laughing :D
Love asshole .

Marcus , Leon & Shanran reached his house , asshole's mother made hotdog+egg+bread in one for us , I ate two and a half O:
Im a big glutton !

For dinner , Mummy and sister treated ourselves to Pizzahut , Im so fat .

I know , complain complain , dont eat la ...
But how ):
I CANT !!!

Anyway very pissed off with that sister of mine that I end up being violent . Sorry lor ..
But is you who diao-ed me and give me fucking attitude first one can . If we not in public and mummy not there I sure will be even more violent I tell you .
Some more say what , I not that forgiving , my heart not that opened ? Fuck you la .
I changed already ok . So long already I got not give in to you meh ? I got snatch things selfishly for myself meh ? I got treat you badly meh ? NO .

I changed and you said my heart not open . My heart open already still say not open then I dont open lor . By then better stfu .
Hate you la .

Just now outside queueing for Pizzahut , nothing happen also give one super fucking smelly face . Wahlao , daddy mummy treat you so good but mummy treat me how ? She just talked to me after her assumption of cold war for one month plus only sia . I have so many ups and downs in my life .

You ? You are going to a good university , NTU sia . You have friends , many friends , all kinds of friends . You always never fail to find a good job with good money . You have high education . What thing still unhappy ? You went to Taiwan , Japan which I yearn to go but will never have the chance to go .

You have so much money to spend , and you spent it , and you still have the chance to complain that you've no money .

What about me ? You think I dont work dont study very happy ar ? Everyday nothing to do very happy ar ? My counsellor contact me I already very happy because I got something to do already .

Fine if you want to look down on me . One day I will make you fall and look up at me and I will snigger and walk off , head high .
Screw you la .
Hatred sia , to my own family .

Mummy dote you more what . Just now you da xiao jie walk away mummy also keep worry about you . Got worry about my feelings meh ? No hor .

I hate hate you . I dont want to talk to you anymore .

How I wish I have a brother instead .

I miss my father who's in KL/Batam[?] . Business .
I hope my father become rich :D

Nvm . I dont need my family . I just need Kianhui .
Dont try to tell me things that I dont believe in , such as family are the only ones I need in the end , I will regret blah blah .
Cannot walk one step take one step meh ?
I like what what you can do .

Im totally serious in Kianhui . I really will be with him until 世界末日 which is coming in years .
Dont say aiyar wont come de . It WILL come . And Im looking forward to it .
Im going MS to find my boyfriend already .

Im not to be influenced , nor will I listen to anyone's opinion . I have my own beliefs , I understand myself best afterall . What are you ?

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