Saturday, July 26, 2008

Every horoscope that I see everywhere is saying everyday that everything will be alright soon but I wonder when will that be happening ?

Not trying to act emo but Im really feeling very down ):
Everyday I've the urge to post but the lack of time to do so because I was mapling :D

And I've been using my desktop for so long too , to play MS , and I could only update my photos in my laptop because I only want my desktop to contain only Ms if not the whole lousy desktop will lag like shit .

So when I think no photos to post here I dont feel like posting liaoz . Whole week doing nothing lor ~
Never see Joycie ):

See her but not much . Wahlao .

Crapping with Ivy the penguin everyday .

Romantic-ing with Boyfriend everyday , enjoying my hugs and kisses (:

Tonned at his house ytd night , super nice to be hugged to sleep you know ? Very shuang leih :D
And this asshole boyfriend will wake me up so early that I dont have enough sleep .
After doing everything he can do to make me wake up , I'll end up laughing :D
Love asshole .

Marcus , Leon & Shanran reached his house , asshole's mother made hotdog+egg+bread in one for us , I ate two and a half O:
Im a big glutton !

For dinner , Mummy and sister treated ourselves to Pizzahut , Im so fat .

I know , complain complain , dont eat la ...
But how ):
I CANT !!!

Anyway very pissed off with that sister of mine that I end up being violent . Sorry lor ..
But is you who diao-ed me and give me fucking attitude first one can . If we not in public and mummy not there I sure will be even more violent I tell you .
Some more say what , I not that forgiving , my heart not that opened ? Fuck you la .
I changed already ok . So long already I got not give in to you meh ? I got snatch things selfishly for myself meh ? I got treat you badly meh ? NO .

I changed and you said my heart not open . My heart open already still say not open then I dont open lor . By then better stfu .
Hate you la .

Just now outside queueing for Pizzahut , nothing happen also give one super fucking smelly face . Wahlao , daddy mummy treat you so good but mummy treat me how ? She just talked to me after her assumption of cold war for one month plus only sia . I have so many ups and downs in my life .

You ? You are going to a good university , NTU sia . You have friends , many friends , all kinds of friends . You always never fail to find a good job with good money . You have high education . What thing still unhappy ? You went to Taiwan , Japan which I yearn to go but will never have the chance to go .

You have so much money to spend , and you spent it , and you still have the chance to complain that you've no money .

What about me ? You think I dont work dont study very happy ar ? Everyday nothing to do very happy ar ? My counsellor contact me I already very happy because I got something to do already .

Fine if you want to look down on me . One day I will make you fall and look up at me and I will snigger and walk off , head high .
Screw you la .
Hatred sia , to my own family .

Mummy dote you more what . Just now you da xiao jie walk away mummy also keep worry about you . Got worry about my feelings meh ? No hor .

I hate hate you . I dont want to talk to you anymore .

How I wish I have a brother instead .

I miss my father who's in KL/Batam[?] . Business .
I hope my father become rich :D

Nvm . I dont need my family . I just need Kianhui .
Dont try to tell me things that I dont believe in , such as family are the only ones I need in the end , I will regret blah blah .
Cannot walk one step take one step meh ?
I like what what you can do .

Im totally serious in Kianhui . I really will be with him until 世界末日 which is coming in years .
Dont say aiyar wont come de . It WILL come . And Im looking forward to it .
Im going MS to find my boyfriend already .

Im not to be influenced , nor will I listen to anyone's opinion . I have my own beliefs , I understand myself best afterall . What are you ?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Watch this man !

The Perfect Couple

Super cute , comedy romance , my favourites la ! Heehee . Guarantee make you smile wide wide in the end de (:


Happy Belated Four Months to us ! :D

Happy Belated Birthday to Alvinleecb but I wished him on sms on the actual date liaoz :D

Fuck , cannot find full and clear song of the song playing now .
Nah , I dont share songs .

Its time for some self reflect ! :D


Seriously , Im fucking tired of my own self . I've been changing at the speed of lightning . Character , and all about myself . I've realised it tooooooooo late .

Yes , I wont be contacting anyone except my present 'clique' now .
I mean it . Of course , let's chat at tagboard and MSN !
For my sisters only of course .
Others , dont even bother contacting me .
Because I dont want to .
But tagging is always welcome . Lol .

Without realising , I've been backstabbing non-stop . Eww right .
Sometimes I think Im contradicting too much .
As in , sometimes , I am talking to Good Friend A , then we talking about my Good Friend B .

I'll be like thinking , I abit bu shuang with GFB leih . Should I say out what I feel to GFA [HAHA glove for attack] ? Aiyar , also no harm , just leting out the burden in my heart ma .
And I'll fucking tell GFA bad things about GFB and what the fuck did I did !

I backstabbed people .

Wahlao , I cant believe it man . I only realised it now sia .
So good friends around me , please dont fucking trust me .

Another thing about me . I've become more straightforward .
Omgosh , like when I really dont like this person do this things until want bao zha , then I will confront him/her .

Ah yeah , I confronted Haoren on something stupid and now I really felt that Im so so stupid to because of this thing then bao zha .
Well if Haoren happens to see this , Im sorry !
It's quite awkward to talk to him since then :/

I only know that Im sorry after I did one thing .
Another example .
Today Ivy called me and ask me what time I go over Kelvin's house find them .
At first I very happy because Ivy called and like want me go over like that ! I very happy ma ...
Then I ask , Why leih ? Who ask you call me de ?
Then she say , No la , we want you to help us dabao food up for us .

I know it's totally nothing wrong to dabao for them .
Then at first I keep convincing myself that Im not wrong because I keep thinking , when they dont need anything then dont think about me , then when need help then call me then think of me .
Lol .

Then I said to Ivy , Why must help you all dabao ? I not you all the dog leih .

Sorry Ivy ! It's my fucking attitude problem k .
Then after that I played MS and go down veryyyy late because I felt bad S:

So weird and rubbish of me .

Yes and my fucking attitude problem .
This one I cannot tolerate !!!!
I reckon I sounds irritating when I say , LEH , LA , LOR .
Like ,
Dont like that leh !
Ok lor ...
Ok la[fourth sound in hanyupinyin] ! Dont do dont do la !

And those :
Then ?
So ?
Like that very li hai meh ?

I very kaopeh -.-

Then ! I very stingy sia . People want borrow play PSP I so gehgao !

Actually Im not selfish on purpose de , because got one period of time I so generous till people take advantage of my selflessness .
Then I want adjust abit to be not so selfless , later kana bullied .
Then of course , adjust overdose then become selfish .

I will try to be generous again !

It's very xinku to be in love with a girl who has bad character and attitude right ?
Bad traits .
Kianhui survived it till today lol .
I know being tgt with me really very hard . But I believe just plainly the word love can support us throughout ... Anyway it's what our relationship is all about right ?

Wahlao , my love for Kianhui , bigger than sky deeper than sea maisiaosiao .
But seriously , I really love him alot . Alottttttttttttt !

There's a quote saying , "You'll never really forget your ex-boyfriends ."
"Your feelings for your ex-boyfriends will never really fade ."
I dont know why both of these dont apply to me at all .

Im so fucking in love with my boyfriend man .

I should treat him better .
I know I , myself dont like people to lie to me , why did I lie to him ?
Im such a bad girlfriend .
I will not quarrel with you anymore baby ):
I will not lie to you ever again !
I will not threaten you again .
No promises but I'll try . Really try , as in try my very very best (:


I will never forget the kisses , hugs , love , funny faces you made .
I never got sick of them anyway (:

There will never really be a goodbye kiss for us .
I will never ever kiss you goodbye .
My heart had never shattered this way before , everytime we quarrelled and almost broke up .
Yes , you are the first one who made me feel this way in my entire life . I've never ever treated a relationship so seriously before .

My heart is etched with your name .
This sentence is correct , dont correct me !

Oh I really miss Joyce fucking much la .
Talk and played with her within a tiny short period ytd at Woodlands Centre ! Lunching with Princess Belle tmr (:

I think Im getting used to my princessy name Ariel S:

Oh ya , I will try to change , but no promises .
I wont make any more promises in my life , I seem to break every one of them .

Except the one that I wont leave my dearest baby , of course .
And the one that I will be BFF with Joycie (:

Errrrrrrrrrr . Many pictures will be up on one of the days in this week ! :D
It's in my laptop . Im using a desktop .

Im poor and I wanna go shopping with money !
Fuckz .
Oh I miss Joycie again S:
She taught me how to Fuckz .
I mean she taught me to use the word fuck with the Z .
She liked using that word during one period of time !
Wahlao . I really miss her .

Hubby sleep well , sorry for delaying your sleep tonight .
Dont worry , I dont mean it when I say I wont sleep tonight (:
I will sleep when I tired ! Im tired now lol .

I wont be too selfish I wont be backstabbing I wont be fuck-up-attituded I wont be an ass I wont be a bad friend I wont be a bad girlfriend .
No promises , but I'll try .

Friday, July 18, 2008

Since the day I mentioned about Joycie , I've never seen her still ._________.
Going to see her on Sunday but she 'will not be free' ! Hahaha .

Stupid Ms having server check , Im bored to death man ):

Laogong is reporting at MCYS .
Joycie cannot come out !
Yawns ~
Just delivered the letter to TNT .
Hope he received it and will reply soon (:

I wanna watch Prom Night and Dark Knight .
Rhymes hor .
Planned to watch The Stranger(s?) with Joycie but cancelledddd .

Tonight Im going to laogong house . But my mummy got cook so I eating at home .
Laogong and Joycie just smsed me Im very happy .

Anw , I love Felicia Chin . Everyone loves her k ! But this website is so damn dumbass .

Picture taken from Felicia Chin's website

So pretty la ! And her acting skills are great . I love the Perfect Cut on 10pm on Channel U .

Arrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .

Joycie just sent me an sms that make me wanna laugh till I die man .

Kk I go reply her and play psp le .
Byeeeeee .

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Im so darn lazy to post pictures . And tadaaaaaaaaa ! Im back to Maplestory but another server which is much more fun .

Monday was normal , I was very happy with hubby and we love each other ! Hahaha .
Played alot of poker games with Juntong , and I told their fortune :D

Quite true .

Me and Kianhui are gonna last forever .
Went home , maple-d and everything , slept at 6am .

Tuesday , went hubby house at 11+am and then to Kelvin house .
Joycie and I then went to ate our lunch ! We ate Ruffles , Chipster and IceKachang :D

Fats .

Then then then , we went to clinic to meet hubby , Hanjie , Edwin and Ivy .
Talked about thingggggggggggs . So interesting la .
Was kinda pissed off because they keep saying Im fat .
Im not angry because they say Im fat but because they KEEP saying Im fat .
HAHAH but of course I forgive them .

Went to RC , Joycie , Ivy & I chat about lots of things . Was shocked and sad and happy .
They're both so devoted to their boyfriends !
But this doesnt mean Im not .

I love Kianhui super duper much .

It was very nice talking to them after all (:
Im the fattest one among everyone and Im so pissed off with myself too !
Damnit .

Accompanied Ivy to buy some things at Vista Point and we went home in separate ways .
How I wish I can stay at a condo too ): ): ):

Went home , maple-d and everything , till 5+am and I cabbed to hubby house .
Cab fare killed me ! Im really in need of money .......................

Slept at his house straighttttt after I lie on his bed ! Woke up at 2+pm and Edwin was at his house already . They maple-d and we went out .
They went to Vista Point to see doctor , well it was Edwin .
Me , I went to see my dearest Aiai ! It was ages . Ate at Admiralty Macdonald , my house , then Causeway Point .

We met Tonglee at control station and walked to Woodlands Mart . Awhile later I said goodbye to my frienddddddddds and Daddy drove me Vista Kitchen and we ate dinner .

Here Im blogging again lo :D

How much do I love you ?
Nah , it's not as deep as the see or as big as the sky .
It's something even more .
I doesnt show it doesnt mean I dont .
I love you my dear , never ever will I change .

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Through these few days of up & downs , Im still standing here .
Or rather , sitting down and writing something here .

Joycie Im happy for you ! :D
She and Brandon are really damn fucking sweet , you should have seen it and die of jealousy .
So touching that I almost cried and it's none of my business lol !
I get how important they are to each other after I saw their loving sides (:

Me , I had quarrels with hubby . He doesnt treat me badly , instead , totally opposite way .
I've climbed over his head and all over him .
Babababababbaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .
But things are better , and it's going to get even better .
Im sorry darling , I love you (:

Everytime I say I'll change and I wont ! That's well-known from me to myself .
So I've really set my mind , I mean REALLYYYYYYYYY set my mind , to changeeeee .
Can de la :D

I can do anything to keep you by my side .

Ytd I tonned at Joycie's house till morning , and I only manage to sleep for an hour !
We watched TV , watched Mean Girls again , cook maggie[myojo?] mee and eggs for ourselves (:

And it's the first time in my whole life I've cook something without instructions from anyone !! And the food turned out great .
I've reached a wonderful goal in life ......................

As if la !

Watched Cartoon Network at dawn -.-
Then while Joycie pei me go home my mind is full of cartoonish thoughts .

Yawns , it's a long and faithful day .
Every weekend is worth looking forward to (:

Uploading photos later !
Downloading another stupid Maplestory private server . Error error !
Fucks .

Anw ,

Buaiiiiisssssxx I love hubbee .

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Im exaggeratingly a scary girlfriend ! I threw a big big tantrum . I am scary .
But boyfriend is the greatest thing on the world . Nah , person .
Nah he's the only good guy in the world . Yeah man !

Im getting married at 1_ years old ! Woots . I wanna get married ! Yehkianhui , deng wo .

My mother , noticeably is treating me slightly better . Did she sense my heart ?! Omigosh .
I wanna watch Lord of The Rings II S:

I miss Joycie !
But I hate it that her blog gets replaced by a handbag blog which has totally nothing !
Rubbish .

Ok you know xanga blogs always have many quotes websites ? Then , they quote from movies .
E.g , Many that live deserve death. Some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. Even the very wise cannot see all ends.
- Lord of the Rings

So I should even stop thinking of dying like how I did today . So silly . So many people will cry for me . Family and baby will cry like shit .
I am no emo shit !
I got a life to live .

So anyway , but I thought the scriptwriters are supposed to be credited ! I love those people who invent wonderful quotes like :
I think I am afraid to be happy because whenever I get too happy something bad always happens.
- Charlie Brown

Love the man and hate his woman ?
The quickest way to ruin a relationship with someone is to actually try to have a relationship with them.
- Clueless

Hiackhiackhiack .

The quotes site .

Even though I keep complaining that dearest doesnt care enough but :
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.
- Helen Keller

I told something like this to him before . Why cant I do the same and feel with my heart instead of demanding every single thing I want from him ?
I shouldnt assume that I should be pampered .
I should pamper my own boyfriend sometimes ..

I love you Kianhui (:

[damnit , Jianing level one of hell ):]
Which also equals to Im so so so happy .
I dont care if hubbee dont like it that Im still awake when people are getting up to go to school [soon] !
Because he wont be angry .

And Im still so fucking happy .
I mean fucking .
Damn fucking .
Can you imagine my darn it happiness ?!?! No you cant .

Im writing many posts on a single date . Then when one day if I want to clear out my archives I have to delete these many liaoz .

Anyway I forever wont delete de la .
I delete away many of the posts because super uper bad and useless memories that not worth a shit thinking . Ahah whatever !

In future when I marry Kianhui I will look back and , OIC OIC .
And when I get rich in future , I will look back and , WAH , last time I so stupid one ar , HAHAHAHA .
That's probably the most likely answer la ! I dont want my future spoiled like that right .
I dont want to look back and cry and sob that it's the present me that leads to the future me -.-

NONSENSE . I CAN SURVIVE WITHOUT HIGH EDUCATION . Or rather I can survive with short education .

Aiya , wo ke yi de la , believe me la .

Byebye I waiting for laogong to call me . HAH . SUPER HAPPY STILL BY THE WAY .

Bet you guys never see such a happy me for months (:

Dante Inferno Test

Im in Seventh Level of Hell . I cant believe it . Am I that evil ? Fuck that thing ! But I answered everything truthfully leih .. Dont do this to me .

Although this thing might be not serious , but I know I will go to hell la ...

I decided [everyone did] that I wanna be buried in money . So I shall do that .
Wait till I find my job , which will take a long time . Whatever whatever ! Im bored and I addicted to I Stay In Love by Mariah Carey

And Im so lazy to redownload MapleStory . Ok I know I 3-minutes-degree-celsius . Shit did I spell celsius wrongly ? Damnit . Im degrading . My highest eduation [by law] is a goddamn PSLE . Ya la laugh la ! But Im not sad a single bit teehee !

Go on and take a bow .

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Oh anw !!! This afternoon I went to bee house and we talked alot about something and I fucking happy teeheeeeeee .

I love love love him ! I really very happy la hahaha .
I just now damn angry at Vistapoint bubbletea shop's auntie . She effing obasan man . I said strawberry milk tea . She say ok in a good manner . Then she made red tea instead . I said politely that I ordered strawberry milk tea . Then she haiyooo then she go make for me . Without any more words bu jiu hen hao meh ?

Then she , her big foul mouth had to add in , and she told me this , "When I adding the red tea you should have tell me it's wrong."

Eh wth la !! Does it make sense ?! She's the one who's suppose to make bubbletea for me and hearing my order wrongly and now she blamed me for it . Then I told her , but I really said milk tea in the first place ma . Then she says ,"Aiyar , sometimes people themselves say wrongly they also wont admit one.." I was angry already , of course . It's her fucking ear problem . I say MILK TEA so clearly and she accused me -.-

So I told her , I really did order milk tea what . Then she say ,"Ya and this time it's my wrong but really got people order wrongly dont want admit ."
Rubbish ! So what's the point ?

I shouldnt elaborate anymore .
Somemore she's damn stingy and gave so little strawberry for me .


My sister came back from Taiwan at about 12 ytd ! :D
I was conferencing with bee and Edwin .
She bought alot of yummy food , many clothes for herself ! , two clothes for mum , a tank top , one hp pouch , cute wobbly slimy watery toys [got unclear pictures of it later] , one orhbit pouch ? and a koala bear keychain .

HAHAHA . Very happy still .

The pig in perfect shape :

See ! I smack it onto the floor and it becomes flat and watery-like . VERY CUTE AND ADDICTIVE ! I threw it on the floor when I was angry just now teehee ! Very super useful .

The pouch .
The compartments :
My sister say and put alot of Kotex pads , can put 3 -.- Tanktop and other pictures I lazy take !


I seem to be living in a broken family and I feel as if Im adopted or a illigimate[however you spell it] child .
My father seems to be the one having other woman outside and my mum the victim and she's treating me as if Im a needle that poke her eyes so much . My sister behaves as if she just got to know me . My father treat me well because he's guilty .
Aiyar . It's just a comparison . Nothing of the things said are real . I feel like that . That's how I feel . I go work la ! I go study la ! Then you'll talk to me is it ? Dont talk to me because Im useless , I've no future ? I'll throw your face ar ? Im very very angry . Today I had diarrheoa and no one gives a damn . No one care man .
Not that I wanna be saddistic .
No one is giving a damn about me .
Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk .

If something bad happens , will they hate me more or love me more ?

Rah Im going to watch tv liao . Sad .

Beach Ball Babes is a more decent tv show already finally wahaha !
The 7pm show has a darn common storyline and the actions happening next is expected and it's 100+ episodes ?!!?!?!?!? Im only interested in Felicia Chin though .

Anw some pictures ! :D

Ya you saw a ghost :O

Ya I admit I look like ghost and Im too bo liao .

Suddenly I like him to wear black :D

Daddy and Mummy , treat me like Im your daughter can ):

I go watch BBB liao byeeeeeee .

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Everyday has been sian like siao so who the hell can I blame other than myself .
Fucks ):

Today their poker card wasnt a complete set of 52 so they said , well it's better to quit gambling already and I was like completely happy man and my heart was jumping up and down . But who knows two idiots went to buy from 515 . Damn lor ):

But the new and smooth cards will be dirty once again when it's drowned in saliva , hah !

Anw ytd was alot different ! I thought it was just as sianz as usual other than the only interesting thing that hubbee is always entertaining me .

I met Jianing ytd (:
Thought there's no time because usually when hubbee went home I will go home too .
But I still met her !
Met her at 515 , bade goodbye to others , and we went to Fragrant RC , talked .
Alot la !
Yes she's my only good/close/retarded friend who's Gemini and in contact with me , so expectedly we're almost twins in character S:
I was shocked at something that's not my business but awwwwww .
I feel so lucky that people around me are so much nicer !
Complained lots of things to her also !
Sent her to bus stop like around 10pm and I walked home (:

It made a difference to my boring week , heh , love Jianing !

Recently I've been complaining to hubbee too much . But I cant help it , my life's too boring !

Ok I think it's so contradicting that when Im studies-free and work-free I find life too boring and meaningless .
When Im working/studying I find that there's no freedom in life and the studies are for nothing , or Im too busy working that I'll have no place to spend my money .
But I think the last part of the sentence sounds more like LIFE right ?

Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk Im so going to work (:


And and , a gorilla IS an ape .

Getting so restless la .
Oh and did I mention my sister went to Taiwan last Thursday ? She's so coming back tonight !!!
I cant wait to see the clothes and food she bought back .
Im so excited la ! And of course , I missed her . Im not so realistic la damn .

I pity DY , it seems like she dont intend to reply back at all .
Im sort of , disgusted .

BUT WHO AM I ?!?!?!?!??!?!?! K la wth , I dont wanna get sued by again , who am I not much visit my blog anw hahahahaha -.-

Anw sorry to my dearest boyfriend ):
I know for these few days my attitude had been intolerable . Grrrr .
I need you badly all the time ! I always seems to want your attention . I think Im asking for too much ..

And hubbee . Im scared . Very scared . Every second Im thinking about it ): How ?
I really need you by my side . Now when you're busy doing your things . I feel lonely again . Sighszx .

I will never know that I could fall so deep in love with you until I really did .

And Joycie , I miss you ! Can you like fucking reply my messages , Im worried .
Love and xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo !

Roarrrrrrrr I feel like being Aslan for awhile . I need to destress :/

Bye .

Gone .
Why are there no stars tonight ?

Monday, July 7, 2008

I love love love pineapple tarts and bad news I've just finish up the last one . I feel like crying :'(

I miss Jianing 's cookies of loveeeeeee ! I miss her cookie so damn fucking much la !

I miss my boyfriend even more . From ytd till today he never initiate a call to me and all is I call him de ! Hope he reached Fragrant faster so that I can see him sooner . Well who knows he thinks that Im so irritating :X

Im so damn bored ! Laogong jiu wo . Within 10 minutes if you never call me Im gonna irritate you with my high pitced bitchy voice again wahaha .

Gone .

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I ate Calbee potato chips ! Ya fat but , what's nice food without fat :O

Today isnt quite as happy as I thought how it'll be , but alright overall ! As said , spent the night at Joycie house .
Joycie reached my house bus stop at about 11+ and we shopped at Cheers & 7-11 since they are the only shops with a variety of food to choose from . Bought a couple of Pocky , Calbee potato chips & frozen potato curry puff .
Shared yoghurt drink at Fragrant playground . Her friends came to the playground to slack awhile . Im antisocial as expected . Walked to Joycie's house awhile later .

Her mother cooked curry . It was very nice and curry's one of my favourites (:
Her sister cooked the curry puff for us . Im like a pig man , eating non-stop ! But hey it's a sleepoverrrr :)

Watch Ahlong Pte Ltd , it was goddamn funny ! Mark Lee was a very successful ahgua actor . K la , like Im super outdated but I never watch that movie ma ..

Halfway thru Joycie slept .. I woke her up after the movie but then I was tired ._.
So we slept :D

Quite comfortable la ;D I love her dog , Baby , so small and huggable !
Woke at 2+ . Hubbee failed to call me because he said he want me to sleep longer !
Joycie went to Fragrant awhile before going to her sister house and I went home to bathe and change ...

Sweet Joycie steamed a pau for me ! But it wasnt soft enough :O So I steamed it again when I got home .
I am like super pro manzz . I never steam anything before , and I knew how to do it ! Im so so genius :)

Daddy mummy came back from their lunch and they bought a packet ofMyojo mee [?] . I cooked for myself again ! :D
Ages since I cooked for myself already ...

Went down to find Hubbee and the rest , Joycie go already .
As usual , poker . No life ! Unless Hubbee win money and treat me to alot alot of food or movie :O
Yaya Im so so a glutton .

He was in a kinda good mood today , fooling around more than usual . Im happy :D
At about 6+ pm when I going home already , he said Im too noisy so he has to bring me home . Rubbish !
I miss my boyfriend so much , more than usual , too . And I can only see him for a short time each day ! But I can see him everyday , and I feel lucky that I could . I love you ! Rock on like how you rock my life (:

Joycieeeeeeee . Exercising starts again next week ! :D
Brandon come out see super slim princess hor ?
Cheerrrrrrrrrrs and thanks for last once again !
Heeeee .

Im quite disappointed over how some people can forget their friends so easily .
Once , I had a good friend . Not exactly the best of friends but just , good .
I felt as if I've never been in her life before . Is that how a friend like me is supposed to be treated like ? Maybe it's my decision about not going to school that causes a big loss of all my friends , aka sisters . Maybe Im the one that chose to lose contact with them . I've not forgotten a single one of them , a single of our memories .
KZB , rock on ! Im still part of it , right right ? :D

Be happy for what I have , be happy of what I once have .

Dont worry laogong , Im not regretting anything or emo-ing or whatsoever . Im happy with my life and you now (:

I want to play games already . Boredddd . Happy Youth Day ^^

Saturday, July 5, 2008

No photos ! :D
Nononononono .
Wahaha .

Ytd Hubbee morning-called me up while he's walking to school for dkwhat activity .

Bishan-ed with Princess Belle to get my pathetic pay .
Saw the Auntie next door to my EX-STALL . She saw me but she wasnt exactly very happy . Sighs . I felt guilty .
Went browsing with Joycie for presents . That's the first place where we saw each other ! :D
Joycie was down with a flu at the moment ! My EX-BOSS smsed me , " still dont want come up take money ar ? "
So sarcastic . But I went to take lo . We were at Precious Tots which is near the foodcourt .
He was kinda friendly and kinda scary I dont know whether to smile or cry so I keep giving some weird face ?
After taking my cash cheque we went off ...
Bought candies at Mini Toons and MRT-ed back to Woodlands !
Okieeee . Two bitches from StNicholas Girls School were acting cute and screaming and being bitches whie we were in the MRT . Yaya Im so bad la !

Walked around CWP ...
She bought something for her dear dear (:
Bus-ed to Vistap. , she bought her heroine and I bought my ecstacy ! :D
Watched HJKs play soccer at Fragrant bball court . Told Hubbee I go home bathe first then I pei him go home !

Joycie went home too , I stayed in bathroom for quite long dont know why !
Walked back with Hubbee , Juntong and Guanyi .
Ate dinner at his house (:
Super delicious !
White rice , tofu , bittergourd with stingray , crab & chicken 'sharkfin' soup , egg , hotdogs and wuxiang[?] .
I love ! Still got popiah and rojak !
His parents treat me very good ^^

Watched last episode of Channel8 , 9pm .
Then , Ghost Whisperer at 10pm .
Then , a korean movie named Ghost at 11.30pm .
I love ! ♥.♥

Maplestory while Im tgt with him , I dont like .

Had a great tiff with him over some things ...... And we went to sleep :D

Woke up at 11 + morning today to go toilet , then I go back to sleep .......
Sleep in his arms ......... (:
Very comfortable and loved worxzs [ok jianing i need some sxz] .

Then he wake up awhile later ! He play play play maple then keep disturb me wake up . He's super irritating ! He keep shaking me and tickling me till I buaytahan give up le .
So cute right him .
No Im cuter (:

I love love love beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .

Brush teeth everything and we get out of his house .
I got my own toothbrush at his house . So cool la ! :D

Got some tiff again when we're out .... ):
But everything's ok again !
There's nothing we cant overcome .
It's not as easy as you think to break down a wall of love , mind you ! :D

Went home to bathe and he went CWP find HJKs .
Find them at there and Edwin was fucking acting cute with his shirt tucked in and his shorts high high . He was a super retarddddddddddddd ! But was hilarious .

Went to 515 eat laksa (: (: (: (: with Hubbee and Guanyi , then go back Fragrant see them play poker , then went to VistaKitchen for dont know what ??? And Hubbee went home ..........

I had a great weekend and tmr will great too !
Im waiting for Joycie to contact me so I can go her house to ton :D
And our diet feast ....................
YUMMM . I got a feeling I will buy alot of unhealthy food heehee ! Ok going to call Hubbee already .
Good night everyone .

I love my laogong .

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Forgot what I did on Tuesday ! I rmb-ed going Hubbee's house nehxsz (:
And and , I so so love my mummy's cooking , which she cooked with extra ingredients , loveeeeeee and care , ahah !

White rice which taste sweet ? , hotdogs , fish and veggies :D
Tasty but healthy (:
Serious !
My mother can open a delicacies shop liao wahahha .

Wednesday , which is ytd , Joycie & I went on a diet ! Not exactly for me , but we prepared ourselves to play badminton , sit-ups , jogging etc etc .

I went Hubbee's house first because he very early let off , so me and him cabbed to his house . Suppose to meet Joycie at 1pm and Hubbee's dad driving us on his bus to Vistap. , was kinda late so she went home to change ........ Reached Fragrant , Hubbee went for his oral and damnit la !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cb , my boyfriend damn handsome with tie muahahahhahaha . Really k (:

Then , at Fragrant there were Reagan and DarrenL. I joined them and played Blackjack for awhile without betting with money ! I win 3 times wahaha . Then Reagan needa go find his nupengyou , lucky for this guy , so long finally have a steady girlfriend . Reagan is quite a good boyf by now me and Joyce can see :X

Then left me and DarrenL , I got nothing to talk to him la !!!! So I played PSP . Waited for Joycie . Then Haoren came :D Princess came :D

Vista Kitchen for Lunch ! Sambal fried rice ! The fork and spoon FUCKING dirty like shiet . I washed them before eating . They never wash it clean !

Chatted alot with Girlfriend ... Hope you're in a brighter mood (:

Went to my house for me to change into PE shirt ! Such a long time since I wore it . Lol .

Took such a long time because couldnt find it ! My mum and sister helped me find .
Then changed , go down liaoz . Weather not good ! Rain abit , nvr rain , rain , no rain .

Hubbee oral finish le (: He and alot of people at Fragrant le ... Then it's like raining so we sat at the RC too .

Credits to Princess ! :D

Check out my dashing boyfriend yo !

Edwin's , moonwalk ?! :

Michael Jackson siaooooo :

Oh ya , Happy Birthday to fat lips ytd (:

Shy bellebelle !

We played badminton and I sweat like mad , very smelly ! End up I play badminton only ! I nvr run , my legs very tired ...
Ok , I will bring myself to run tmr .
Jiayouuuuu .

And at 7 , izit ? Hubbee sent me home . He was very smelly also ._.

For today , firstly , Happy One Year to Joyce and Brandon (:
Happily ever after k ?

Met Hubbee and Juntong below Kelvin's block and we cabbed homeeee !
His house is my house my house is his house .

Blahblahblah .
Begin to hate MS alot >:[

Love Hubbee's mother ! :D

Wahahha . Edwin came . Kianhui's doggy kiss me all over .

Went to Fragrant ! They play Blackjack againnnnn . Play so many days not sianz meh ?!
I went home at 5+ , forgot to pass Edwin his medicine , went back to pass him and Hubbee pei me go Vistap dabao :D He sent me home !

Laogongz , dont worry about it , everything will be fine fine fine .
Stay happy ok ?
I'm falling for you , fast and hard .
Love you bitch ;P

Ooooh what a wordy post .
Looking forward to tmr night and Saturday night and Sunday !
I hate nights because I'll always have nothing to do .
I wanna work real soon .

I asked my father about his salary and all the monthly expenses . Super heartpain . Im going to help to contribute to the household income ^^

I've been such and unfilial kiddooooo manz !

GG call Hubbee now . Buhbyezzzz !

Updated .
Im a bitch Im a bitch Im sososo a bitch .
Why do I have to be so ungrateful when my loved one already starts to be better to me ? ):
I must be good .
No PMS ! :D