Sunday, November 30, 2008

Today I've to stay home because of some reasons . And my family is in a mess . Lol . Lucky Tingting jie jie is there to pei me ):

Yesterday my whole family went to Toa Payoh and Orchard Road . We went to eat our favourite Qiu Lian Ban Mian at TPY , wait for my sister to reach and went to Orchard !

A longgggggggggggggggggggggggg time since I saw beautiful Christmas decorations . Suaku right ??? I forgot how I spent my Christmas last year ? Oh ya , Genting !!! But it's not memorable because last year Christmas was very lonely ):

This year Christmas deco very pretty cute and yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy ! Got candy house and ice-cream !

Anddddddddddddddd ............ My parents and sister went home first after we walked around , my godsister and I went to watch movieeeeeeeeeeeee ! :D:D:D:D

Quarantine . Super duper effing cool show lol !
The whole thing feel so real , because it's a true story about humans in a building turning inhumans , biting each other and hitting each other until everyone dies . TRUE you know ? It happens on March 11 ' 08 . Scary and exciting , but not really an ideal movie if you like movies with full explanations and wonderful ending . I think it's really cool though . 3.5/5 stars (:

(By divxplanet on Flickr)

Quiz by JiaEn ! :D:D:D
Anyway Enen's version of chalet post is much more detailed go read go read ! I LOVE MY FIRST PICTURE THERE HAHAHA .

RULE #1 : People who have been tagged must write their answer on their blogs and replace any question tat they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves .

RULE #2 : Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by contiune this game by sending it to other people .

1. Do you have secrets ?
- Yes .
2. Would you fall in love with a guy older than you by 3 years ?
- Depends but currently and for a long time , no .
3. Do you enjoy going school?
- No .
4. Do you prefer guys with hot looks or good charater ?
- Good character .
5. Who do you love the most ?
- My family , YKH , my KZB sisters .
6. Which is more blessed ? Loving someone or begin loved by someone ?
- Loved by someone .
7. Who is most important ? Love or Bestfriend ?.
- Love , because you can love your boyfriend and friends tgt !
8. The person you like is already attached, what would you do ?.
- Ya , he's already attached , TO ME .
9. Is there anything that made you extremely happy ?
- The thought of going Genting soonnnnnnnnnnnnn ! :D
10. What makes you pissed off recently ?
- My sister , yesterday .
11. How would you see urself in 10 yrs time ?
- 25 years old ? Married with a child maybe ? :) And earning countless moneyyyy !
12. Who is currently the most important people to you ?
- Those people I love most :)
13. What is the most important thing in life ?
- Yeah , being happy :)
14. Are you single or attached ?
- Attached !
15. What is ur favorite colour ?
- Pink , white and green ! HAHAHA , sudden love for green leh .
16. Would you give all in a relationship ?
- I'm giving it all :)
17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously , wad would you do ?
- That wont happen .
18. Would you forgive & forget no matter what someone had done to you?
- If he/she is my loved one , I will .
19. Do you believe in love at first sight ?
- Yeah :) Someone see me love at first sight leh ...
20. 5 people you gonna tag : (if they ever read my blog ?!??!)
- YKH (like he will do like that , his blog RIP liao leh !)
- Jianing
- Jiaren
- Xinting
- Zubaidah

Today , for the effing whole day I keep asking for orange peel . Everytime my family talk to me I will ask them , buy orange peel le ar ? It's PRESERVED orange peel . Fucking addictive lor ! I thought Im a weirdo like only me like ... Who know when I went chalet everyone loves it too ! Woooooooooooooo !!!

Wahlao ... Really effing sian , everyday I have to be at home at 10pm . Sighs . I cant wait to see YKH tmr !!!!!!!!!!!! I want to fetch him from CSO ! :D:D:D

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