Thursday, November 27, 2008

So I went to Darling's house . And it really feels like my home . I think I can adapt to anywhere comfortable lol ! My bag was fucking heavy lor ~ Heng reach his house le :D

I had a 3d2n at his chalet too ! LOL . Except it's much nearer to my house (:

I miss him and his house and his bed so so much ! Come baby ! Take a picture !
Guess all of you have already seen the first photo , lol !

I slept at his bed aka my bed !!!!! until afternoon like that YKH woke me up ! But I was darn tired lor !
Then he say he da bao Botak Jones for me . WOOOHOOOOOOO ! :D:D:D
Super darn happy . Then I keep say 5 minutes 5 minutes . Then he'll shake me and say , 5 minutes liao ! Food cold le !
So cute right . Im so happy that he'll buy food for me ^^

After I eat and everything we went to Fragrant RC ! It's a longggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg time since I've went there you know . I miss that place fucking much ! Bad baby lor . Keep dont want bring me there !

After that I went home to bathe and everything .. At 9+ I texted Darling till I sleep suddenly ! Then after that at 3+ am like that Darling called me ! He say he meeting me under my block . I was surprised la of course ! I wear my pyjamas t-shirt and shorts then I went down le ^^

Darling psycho me go his house . HEEHEE . I forgot how he did it but he managed to anyway !

Baby you so teng me , come we kiss kiss ok !


YKH : I love you too bitch :D

Aw ar aw la eh ! (Not said by me !)

I rmb it was quite fun that night but I cant rmb what happened at all ! Guess something's wrong with my brain . But the next day we woke up , went Fragrant and I went home :)

At night YKH and I met up again :) :) :) Bought Slurpeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and went up to Teletubby Hill ! Effing long time since I went there ! There were the usual stars and scary cloud shape ~ YKH and I talked about millions and millions of things under the stars and moon ... YKH told me unbelievable thing and I gasped ! Made promises and we very 罗曼蒂克 :D I love that night ok ! It was very very fun and memorable . And I mean fun . Picture below is my Samsung Soul ! Darling and I exchanged phone . So all the photos you see is taken by W910i !

Intended to walk home so we were walking to buy things to eat . I said that I feel like taking taxi . Then YKH straight away bring me to the road there wait for taxi lol ! We took taxi and did not buy food because we didnt brought enough money out ! Nevermind , because you have to know that his house is like a picnic hut ~

This cute guy took my hoodie and ta daa ! Yo yo yo check it out ~

AHAHHHHHHHH ! Below is some explicit content that might result in you rolling on the ground , laughing your head off , overflow of jealousy etc etc so BEWAREEEEEEE .
Any injuries caused is NONE OF MY RESPONSIBILITY !!!

Ok la it's not that scary nor funny nor SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO loving , but definitely real and heart-felt :)


Introducing ..... Breathe Right !
Having a block nose ? Cant sleep well everynight and resulting to bad bad dreams about your nose dropping off ? Nahhhhhhhh ! Breathe Right . Solve your breathing problems !

Teehee ~ I so damn love MYYYYYYYYYYYYYY guyyyy .

Ok I was not exactly zilian-ing , but I was having an idiot mood at that point and I took a perfect idiot photo . YKH says , Idiot ? Nah , I think fuck-face suits you more . , and points his middle finger . Tadaaaaaa ! Fuckface picture .

I proceed to cry and he says , Sayang sayang , wo men kiss kiss ~

Me : Okkk ... Let me think I want forgive you anot ... Hmph !
YKH : ):

YKH : Aiyar , ni hui yuan liang wo de !!!! (You'll forgive me one !!! *gives a cute smile intending to melt my heart*)
Me : (Be serious !!!!!!! Dont heart soft !!!!)

Me : Hao la hao la , we peace out ok !!!!
YKH : *Victory*

Me : Darling I want die liao , very tired leh !
YKH : I ALSO !!! But I got an idea ...

Me : Hor ! How can treat me like this ! Nah , take this !

Together (looks at audience): We very FIERCE one . Maisiaosiao !

Laugh ? Dont believe ?!?!?!

WO MEN SHI HIA DI KIA LEH !!! (me speaking in gangster language)

YKH : Eh ! You not my girlfriend meh !?
ME : (eye talks) Cannot see I act one fierce meh ?!

YKH : K la k la ... Kiss you darling !!!
ME : Grinnnnns :) :) :)

YKH : Haiyaaaaaa .... So tiring lor ...... Entertaining da xiao jie ....

ME : What da xiao jie ? *innocent stare*

YKH : (escape from topic) Arhhhh ... Nose very itchy la this breathe right thing ... Go sleep then not itchy liao right ? YESSSSS ! SLEEP .

YKH : (Lie down on bed , pretending to sleep)
Me : What you up to huh ....... ?!

Me : Still dont want talk ar !!!!

Me : HAHAHA FUCK YOU FUCK YOU (points middle finger)
YKH : (trying not to laugh)

ME : *sad* Ok darling , Im sorry . Please dont ignore meeeeee !

YKH : Ok la , Min Min guai ! Baby kiss your head ok . *Muackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk*
Me : 幸福!!!

Me : I also want kiss ni ! *MUACKKKKKKKKKKKKKK*
YKH : Heart jumping in gleeeeeeee !

Tadaaaaaaaaa ! The end ~ Breathe right ok ! Breathe right !

Breathe right !


ROFLLLLLLLLLLL . I had so much fun . Yay ! Hip hip hurray !!! LOL .
We were very crazy that night , playing Channel U tv games , camwhoring , singing songs like mad !
We very ah bang ah deh like that ^^ VERY VERY VERY HAPPY ! You cant imagine how lucky I am .

Anyway , so the next day they went for CSO , YKH and Edwin , he wants his photo taken !

And anyway , on that night I went Baby's house again ! He never go CSO the next day ): Bad boy !!!
I bathed at his house and wear his hoodie shirt . I LOVE DARLING'S CLOTHES MAN !!!! MANY MUAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH TO YOU DARLING ^^

I have lots and lots of words still unsaid to you .
Im so glad that you've changed for me , defiance against your own priorities and principles .
I hope that this change will be stable and for long-lasting .
If everyday is like how it is now , I believe we'll be living happily ever after .

I love you asshole ! You're the only one , the special one in my life .

Wo de darling (:

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