Monday, August 25, 2008

1. If you had to pick any one of the guys you know to kiss who would it be? My boyfriend !

2. Did you ever go through the "tom boy" phase? Nehhh I think Im quite girly !

3. Do you have more girl friends, or guy friends? Dont really know who are friends and who are not S:

4. Describe boys in two words. Complicated , Unpredictable .

5. Do you listen to any kind of music when you are sad? Yeah !

6. Quotes: gay or sweet? Sweet (:

7. What is something you would really like to hear right now? Listening to I Wanted You , but I want to hear Kianhui's voice :D

8. What is something that is usually on your mind? Family , boyfriend , random people + my own life ?

9. Have you ever been publiclly humilated? Guess so !

10. Are you a good dancer? Heh , when I was in Chinese Dance , teacher praised me before (:

11. If so, what is your ultimate dancing song. Dont have S:

12. Can you complete these lyrics? Where do you go where you're lonely... Nooo .

13. Do you consider yourself as a slut? Nope , Im definitely 5624194872405km far from it , duh !

14. What makes you happy? Smiles and jokes and laughters :DDD

15. Do you forgive people easily? I think so ?

16. What is a major pet peeve of yours? Quarrels / fights / conflicts and anything under that category .

17. Do you like your hair? Quite :D

18. Would you ever get piercings? I already have piercings !

19. Thongs or no? LOL I think I know what's that and noooo !

20. Can you, or could you ever, do a cartwheel? Can (:

21. Do you usually fall for people fast? Depends ..

22. What is one of the craziest things you have done for someone? Wait outside his house for many hours .

23. Name a person's phone number that you have memorized. A ? I got alot :D

24. Do you like chick flicks? Yeap :D

25. Have you ever said after seeing a baby. "Awww I want one!"? I see a baby everyday and yeah (:

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