Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I cant believe Im sharing .

All I wanna do is ~
Bang bang bang bang !
And a
Trigger , Chink !
And take your maneh~


K.O (:

Tadaa ! Welcoming you with the cute baby at my house . Hah ! And my mother is the proud babysitter (:

Today is a cool and rainy day and Im having a flu soon ......
Cook an egg + cheese to kiap in a piece of bread with ketchup . Yummy ! My lunch (:
Went to Kelvin's house and they played funny videos , after that Hubby and me cabbed to his house :D

Here I am , I came home early . Anyway here's a very cute picture that I love with my laogong on it ! :D

It's his normal act cute way . I love him to the utmost core (:

Anyway .. Yesterday I slept over at laogong's house . It was a very fun night ! I could not fall asleep so I watch him sleep , then I was like in the midst of falling in love with his sleeping posture and he suddenly open his eyes so big to scare me ! Heh , then I cannot stop laughing .

Thinking once , twice , thrice , four times .........
I dont think I can find anyone like Kianhui already .
I have been finding quotes that suit my feelings , my love for someone that I totally cannot live without ....... Then I think again and I think I will not find a perfect one ! Because Im sure everyone has different feelings , even with a slight difference , they are still not the same .

But all I wanted to say was , no one had made me do everything to the extreme just to stay in his heart . Never had I smile , laugh , cried , think , shout , crazy and every single thing over and about someone before , and he was the first .

Dont you think stupid things just spoil the whole thing ? Many people broke up because of some trivial things when they know in their heart that they still love each other . It's such a pity , and I wont let that happen to me !

Unless one day he dont love me anymore , I will set him free .

Someone told me before , you can live without anyone in your life , you need no one to live .
But I think that's so so not true for me ...

I think everyone who fall in love just , fall . Really deep and hard . And they dont know what exactly is happening . Love is pure , love is simple . The differences make it hard for us .

Promises , swears , 'forever' .
Yeah , sound really sweet and nice . But never put all your hope on it . If he really plan to be with you till the stage where marriage comes in , he will show you as time goes by .

I think I sound too ...... Corny ! If that's the word . I just feel so lovey-dovey at this point of time and wanted to tell the whole world how much I love my boyfriend

I might not have said much in my past entries about him , but do know that my heart has always been with him , not moving an inch . Heh !

Ok , I feel like watching Spirited Away . Some show I've watched for 7-8 times already and still not sick of it :}

Goodbye people and ooooooo Im soso super glad Joycie's blog is back !

Hubby is 3G-ing me later , HAHAHA . I love you !

Monday, August 25, 2008

1. If you had to pick any one of the guys you know to kiss who would it be? My boyfriend !

2. Did you ever go through the "tom boy" phase? Nehhh I think Im quite girly !

3. Do you have more girl friends, or guy friends? Dont really know who are friends and who are not S:

4. Describe boys in two words. Complicated , Unpredictable .

5. Do you listen to any kind of music when you are sad? Yeah !

6. Quotes: gay or sweet? Sweet (:

7. What is something you would really like to hear right now? Listening to I Wanted You , but I want to hear Kianhui's voice :D

8. What is something that is usually on your mind? Family , boyfriend , random people + my own life ?

9. Have you ever been publiclly humilated? Guess so !

10. Are you a good dancer? Heh , when I was in Chinese Dance , teacher praised me before (:

11. If so, what is your ultimate dancing song. Dont have S:

12. Can you complete these lyrics? Where do you go where you're lonely... Nooo .

13. Do you consider yourself as a slut? Nope , Im definitely 5624194872405km far from it , duh !

14. What makes you happy? Smiles and jokes and laughters :DDD

15. Do you forgive people easily? I think so ?

16. What is a major pet peeve of yours? Quarrels / fights / conflicts and anything under that category .

17. Do you like your hair? Quite :D

18. Would you ever get piercings? I already have piercings !

19. Thongs or no? LOL I think I know what's that and noooo !

20. Can you, or could you ever, do a cartwheel? Can (:

21. Do you usually fall for people fast? Depends ..

22. What is one of the craziest things you have done for someone? Wait outside his house for many hours .

23. Name a person's phone number that you have memorized. A ? I got alot :D

24. Do you like chick flicks? Yeap :D

25. Have you ever said after seeing a baby. "Awww I want one!"? I see a baby everyday and yeah (:

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Im abit fucked up here and there . I just feel stress coming down on me suddenly . Recalls of me failing in everything dawned on me . I cant help feeling useless . Everything I am , Im not up to it .

I feel like watching a scary horror movie to punish myself S:

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy 5th Month my dearest Kianhui .
You know you mean everything to me , yes , everything .

Though your forfeit was entertaining everyone present , I felt as if you danced for me LOL I know that's a very stupid thing to say but you were the greatest man ! As usual I will say , you rock my ballssss when I know I have none (:

Your bad points were all transformed into good points without me knowing inside me . I can feel myself getting fonder and fonder of you as days pass .
Little things you do made me smile and laugh , they could make me super mad too .
No matter what , I stay in love with you my dear (:


My sister give me chocolate ! So cute .

I ate the right one which looks like the flag . I still havent ate the others yet :O

Back to Maplestory & PSP-ing ! Weet .

Bomberman Boss Stage 4 ! I've tried this stage more than 30 times I guess S:

Sims 2 ! On the right is me and in the 2nd picture they are lesbian-ing . NONE OF MY BUSINESS ONE !

Anyway today , I met Joycie for lunch today (:
It feels good to talk to her again , we talk things out and whenever there were silence between us , it wasnt awkward because we know both of us are thinking of something .
Love girlfriend .

And these were the things she gave me on 13th August !

Love those tidbits (:
And anyway , outdated pictures :D

This is Joycie's niece and she exclaimed that she was cute ! Ya she is (:

At Joycie's house , ton-ed , we were making our own poker cards (:

The beauty therapy centre ! That I quitted ._.

Ah Kian's wall ! It says , Look at the Bright side => , pointing to the window . So cool !

Anyway ... Back to today !

And after that we went to RC . So long since I went there . I still love the craps they made . Haha .
Bygones by bygones . I've learnt to shut up . Sorry people (:

Darling was being super sweet and nice to me . Maybe he will say , got meh ? Heh ! Told you , little things he do will make me super ultra duper happy ! :D

Played with candles at a shelter near RC , they bought manyyyyyyy packets of candles . It wasnt even Mid Autumn ! They played cards and did painful forfeit -.-

After that , went back to RC and Joycie went home .

They played card and did forfeits again , this time it's dancinggggggg ! And taking off shirt and pants :X
There's boxer left la , and there were parts where Im not supposed to see !
Kianhui was the first one , and he was super cool . Super , I tell you . I love him so much (:

Blahhhhh . A block [?] ice-cream seller came and they bought ice cream . My love bought one for me and gosh , it was harder than a rock la -.-

But it was delicious !
They played with the dry ice in their mouth and it was very cool (:

Went home and here I am !

Toodles to everyone and good night .
Im off to Mapling already (:

Tag me if you want to play this server ok ? :D

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The world is getting complicated , or is it just the people around us ?
It's just a few people you need in your life .


Watched Dont Mess With Zohan and I love Zohan to the core la ! Because he's being innocent and peaceful not because he's horny and bushy -.-

I've watched 1/4 of Wall-E and I find it quite boring . But Wall-E is cool . Lol (:
I think I will continue watching it while Hubby help me with the new MapleStory server created by Haoren :D

I feel so , boreddddddd .
Tried out Firefox since ytd and abit dont like because it corrects my spelling mistakes [!] and my blog and other people's blogs look very wrong . But I need it to watch certain movies T.T

27 Dresses
I bought this movie tickets for two times at CWP to sneak into 2 NC16 movies , and never watch a single time . My sister said that it's really nice and I caught it ytd at the fabulous movie website .
So sweet , so cool , I thought girls who had been a bridesmaid more than 4 times cannot marry already . This girl very power , 27 times still can marry ! Yes I love being a bridesmaid too , once for my cousin . You will be the 2nd attention other than the bride wahaha .

The Hottie & the Nottie
It's not naughty lol , it's NOT-tie -.- This show is quite boring at first but love it at the end and I have to strain my ears to listen to what they said because no subtitles and English they speak are so fast and fluent -.- I speak lousy English .
I dont think Paris Hilton is very pretty , I think she's just sexy . No offence because they have a scene where guys are sitting down at benches waiting for her to jog past , and from far when she jogged over I dont see how people will get mesmerised S: I like Christine Lakin who act as June , who is far more pretty in my opinion than Paris Hilton !

They are the same person !

Im feeling damn bored that's why I will go review on these movies -.-
At the same time Im damn excited to watch all the other movies man . New movies not up in cinemas like Step Brothers are already up in the website woooooooo ! Im so damn fucking excited la !

I WANT TO WATCH MADAGASCAR 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Physically fit , physically fit , physically physically physically fit ~

Aiyar , you dont know one , LOLLLLLLLL .

I miss my laogong ! He go play interhouse basketball at his school already :D
He was so sure he will get a trophy laugh out loud . HAHA .
Yeah , good luck to this ben dan (:

I go watch my movies liaozzzz byeeeeeeeee !

Monday, August 18, 2008

OOOOOOO I thought most of the 'online movies for free' website were banned or whatsoever . I didnt know there were still many websites for watching movie ! So when I say I want to watch a movie , I can watch it ! Woohoo . Except for Money Not Enough 2 -.- But nvm , my mummy is going to buy it soonnnnnn ! :D

Tmr I will stay home for online movies marathon . I want to watch Meet Dave and I found it ! Im so damn happy k ! And I can spend my time watching them because Darling is having interhouse competition thing , Joycie too .

I want to watch The Hottie and the Nottie now liaoz :D
Darling is watching his war movie .

Why am I addicted to preserved orange peel this horrible thing ?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Disturbing laogongzxs on MSN . Not fun one ! :O

Anyway I think Beijing Olympics mascots are super cute . I saw a t-shit with my favourite Huanhuan in red with forget what words which cost freaking $5 only ! But I never buy la . But on first sight it was very cute and I dont know it's one of Beijing Olympic mascots .

Bei , Jing , Huan , Ying & i ! (Beijing Welcomes You)

Fish , Panda , The Olympic Flame , Antelope and Swallow .
Beijing Olympic mascots

Woooooooo Li Jia Wei very cool leh ! ChangYN from China also !!!


Went Kianhui's house early in the morning , woke up at 6am !
Slept till 12pm , and I was so surprised that his relatives came ! Alot somemore , very nervous like dont know call who what blah blah ? I call Kianhui's Ahma auntie , then his Aunt say , if call his Ahma auntie then must call her Jiejie liao . Lololol (:

They very friendly !

Kianhui's father keep ask him not to neglect me , keep kiap food for me (:
Got crab somemore ! Got a wide delicious spread of food and all taste super great , all cooked by Kianhui's mother alone (:

I love the atmosphere at Hubby's house manzzzzzzzz !

After that Kianhui met MarcusAw and we went CWP . I went to find my parents who stopped their car near a traffic light to go Novena Plaza + Chinatown . I was bored because Joycie told me that she'll be staying at home but later said she sent wrongly ! Nvm , I think I will meet her tmr or what (: Kianhui & Marcus went into CWP ...

Novena Plaza super sianzsx , the main purpose of going there is to buy sneakers for my sister . She needs alot of things for her dance lesson ! Im proud to say my sister is in university . WOOOOOOOOOO !

After that then go Chinatown . First stop This Fashion lor . They bought alot of things for my jiejie also ! I bought nothing , no shopping mood S:

Then we bought ice-cream from those roadside ice-cream stall . I told the uncle mint chocolate chip , he gave me chocolate chip one -.-
Jiejie say she eat that one . Then I say I want raspberry ripple in a cup , he gave me raspberry ripple kiap by biscuits -.-

Bought tutu kueh and muah chee !
Then we go home already ~ Very tired so Jiejie , Mummy and me slept in the car until Woodlands lol !


Oh well , Singapore lost but at least a Silver ! :D
Rock on Singapore lang !!!!!!!!!


Ehneewheyyyyyy .
Ytd went big big shopping spree with Mummy ! Went AMK Hub & ToaPayoh
Going to cousin's wedding in October so bought a formal dress to go along with .
One t-shirt , one shirt , flats & cardigan ~

Oh ya , bought something from Liting's blogshop (:
Very organised with detailed instructions dont need to worry about anything one (:

Going to talk to my Kianhui liaozxs , the love of my life ! *LOVESTRUCK

Friday, August 15, 2008

Ala , you can guess ................ I QUIT ! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

I dont know why Im so happy , lol -.-
But Im trying hard to look for a job ! Dont care la ... One day sure can find job suits me one ...

I explained to Rachel & Mr Raja & Mummy & Boyfriend liaozzxzxx . They all say ok . Lol !

Going to get my $10 from Felicia soon & ask her help me pass the manicure items back to the center ...

Just now I sleep in my mummy's room got this fan blow out alotttttttt of wind very cooling but the fan very small ! HAHA . Ji cute yi xia ~

Wahlao I want this bag from this taiwan spree la .
But I very lazy S:

YKH , call me soon hor , wait for your call until want die liao .
Are we meeting today ?

Tmr going shopping with mummy ! :D

And oh ya Jianing I never play MS already , I super lazy to play ok , Im like so hardworking . Hahahaha .

I must eat lesser . I MUST NOT EAT .

P.S. Oh ya , 13th August was Joycie and my half year . Woohoo ! She bought me pink tidbits I bought her worm candy . Then I want to buy her a bag leh ! Just wait , wait for me go work first lol !
Anyway , sorry girlfriend , my words hurt and I wont do it again .

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I havent eat my dinner , and Im craving for Myojo mee curry flavour because Im trying different flavours :D

One news caught my ear ! Im listening to the news from the tv behind me .


I heard it was on the head news of new york so I search for NYTimes . I think quite guofen lor . Like 200 Pounds Beauty like that . The news is about a "cute and appealing but “not suitable” as a singer" girl 'using' a girl's voice who is "judged the best singer but not as cute" to sing in Olympic open ceremonies .

I dont think the 'not as cute' girl is not cute and she doesnt look awful and everyone will love her when hearing her voice . The other girl who dont sing could act in movies or what , people will love her too ! And she said that she is very satisfied with her singing when someone interview her .

Just feeling unfair , too (:

Anyway ytd I went to a center Spatec to learn about being a beauty therapist .
I half-enjoyed and half-hate this course !!!
I enjoyed it because the trainer teach us for a few minutes and she went out to do her things and came back after a hour or more , which allow time for slacking . But it's not good also , this proves that the trainer treat us like small cases and is quite unprofessional ...
Hate it because she dont even know basic manners such as looking at students and teach them .
Ok , she did look at the students , but tell you what there's only two students in the class , me and Felicia and she just looked at Felicia for the whole period unless I asked a question . Very fucked up one .
So big , basic manners also dont know how to show !
It's from 9.15am to 6pm with half (?) hour tea break and 1 hour lunch break .

Hope for the rest of the lessons , the trainer will look at me at least for onceeee only , not that Im jealous or what but if you're spending time trying to learn something and the trainer dont even give a damn about you it'll feel horrible . Somemore there's two students only leh . I know I no experience before , but that's the reason why I go learn ma ! Cannot because I no experience then look down on me then no interest in teaching me . Cannot !

Anyway ytd till today I've been thinking whether to go anot because I really very fucked up and dont know how to continue with a trainer who dont looks at me while teaching me -.-

But I've decided to go ! Hahaha . I will try my best to complete this course without disappointing Rachel , the girl who introduced this coourse to me , Mr Raja , my dearest dearest super boyfriend (: , and the most important people in my life , my family .

My mother is ................. ! :DDDDDDDDDDD So I've to be very filial and helped in housework already , not make her angry and worried all the time . She's been worrying about my future all the time .
My father's body is getting weaker by each day . This morning he vomitted , very scary :/
And my sister , I want her to study in NTU successfully and happily and peacefully ! :D

Ok , I will be a filial daughter .
And of course , a good girlfriend that dont need my boyfriend to worry about me and my/our future the whole time . HAHA ;D

I love you bitch !

Bye people , have to eat and early sleep also :D

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Maplestory ! Chionging my bowman ! Later going baby's house ask him help me to 200 :D

My mummy cooked for me roti prata + egg + hotdogs with tomato sauce ! Yummy .

Favourite band/singer at the moment ? Second Serenade . Woots . So so nice .

Im going to eat dinner and wait for baby's call ! :D See ya people , will be back tmr !

If you leave me tonight I will wake up alone .


alvin here i'm the one who delete the previous post.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Happy D-day Derrick Hoh Wei Jian !
I love you always (:

HAHAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA . Dont be shocked . He's a singer from Superstar 1 ! My idol always always always . He said thankyou to me for rmbring him on tv leh ! HAHAHA .

Click (:


Getting his album really soon .
My playlist is going to be filled with his songs too ! When they come out ! :D

Why did Chen Wei Lian become the superstar ?
His singing only aunties support and he is long forgotten . Sorry to offend his supporters :D

Derrick Hoh album will sell hot .

Heh . Im craving for laksa the whole day . I'll have it once a week from this week onwards .
Im seriously having a diet ! :D

Support me .

Call 1900-5256-5256 .
Call 1900-Wo Ai JM- Wo Ai JM . HAHAHA .

Anyway ..............

Dark Knight is the best movie ever ! Long but very action and touching and scary .

Why so serious ?
Let's put a smile on that face wahahhahahahah .

Heath Ledger , rest in peace . He had done a super great job in being a lunatically crazy joker :D

I suddenly feel like watching Harry Potter S:
All time favourites .
Heh .

And The Mummy is great too . I watched it with my family on the first day of Seventh month . Midnight show . Teehee !

I want watch Journey to The Center of The Earth and Wall-E !


I have something to say .

I know for all this while , to people Im hanging out with , I have attitude problem , Im very selfish , and Im really screwed up .

Part of me always wants to change for the better while the other part me want true friends to accept me for who I am .

After one incident that happens recently , or rather happens all this while , I've been thinking , why care a shit for people who dont care ?

And since then , who treat me good I treat who good lor ...
Then whoever did a little thing that make me abit not happy then I wont treat him/her good already lol .

But actually Im quite a nice person :D
And above is just a random opinion .
I might be really nice afterall .


Laksa with Joycie tmr !
Movie on Saturday :D

Hubby said he cried while watching Money Not Enough 2 :O
Got that touching meh ?!?!??!?!?!
Wait till months later I then buy pirated vcd watch . HAHA .

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Omg , I think i got 100 photos to post -.- Nvm , enjoy !
More picture than words = More than words (:

Anw I no time edit photos . I know you guys miss my blog posting alotttttt !

I've photos from ........... starting from 10th July ? Omg . Anyway , no stealing of photos to put anyway . Im lazy to take off the link or anything . Well if you want to keep them for youself it's ok , dont let me see them anywhere else .

Below is the photo I love mosttttttttt of him !

10th July 2008 (:
My main point is the children across at Vista Point ! So cute . Crapped with Ivy and Joycie on that day .

Lurbbex Joycie !

17th July 2008 (:
Pei-ed Darling go cut hair . Hanjie and Edwin are bored so they ..


22nd July 2008 (:
I tried out alot of Darling's skinny jeans ! LOL . Super funny . It's not that I can fit inside easy k ! Im not that fat ._. Im wearing my shorts inside mind you . And Edwin camwhored in the cab and me the best photographer ever . Hoho .

23rd July 2008 (:
PSP SIAOX . Yilin , Juntong & Darling very pro and Alvin very lousy . HAHA . I CAN WIN ALVIN !!! Now everyday I training on DJ Max , Bomberman , Diner Dash and Tekken . I not bad one k !

24th July 2008 (:
The photogenic Edwin again . LOL . We're at Darling's house . Darling was so engrossed in Maplestory ! So I helped Edwin take photos :D First Edwin was acting cute , then he was acting Michael Jackson , and lastly he was acting YehKianHui S:

25th July 2008 (:
I went to take IC on this day . After that I pei-ed Darling to MCYS with his parents , on that day when Joycie and guys went to OCH . I was glad I didnt go on that day because they saw a ghost . OMG la . I cant imagine if I saw a ghost S:

29th July 2008 (:
This day me and Joycie went to eat Pastamania , I guess :D

31th July 2008 (:
We were on the way to Kelvin's house . We were slacking at Kelvin's house for a few days .. Step cool (:

1st August 2008 (: I went his house :D Then we went Kelvin's house to celebrate Kiammay's birthday ! That's a fucker all the way through that dont sing song never pay for cake and eat 2 pieces . Screw him upside down !

2nd and 3rd August 2008 (:
Ahah ! Ok this fun day , Brandon's home leave , we went to Plaza Singapore to eat Pastamania only because all the movies were packed -.- Took a few pictures and they were fun ! Alright , this loser keep giving a fuckface all along also . Duh ! Friendless . After that we went Alfrey's house , Fragrant and we went home ! Supposingly we going Brandon's house to find him and Joycie , but I fell asleep at Darling's house , because I was too tired ! Darling continue let me sleep because he understands that Im tired . Heehee . Love him lor (:

Then morning he from 10am wake me up until 12 then I wake up . Sorry Darling and thanks for not being angry even though I so late then wake up ! Ate at 515 , Joycie and Brandon joined us ! Ate and home sweet home ^^

Above is Chipsmore bought by Darling , he gave me because he knew I love it . But I love ChipsMORE more ! Hahahahha . I love Darling all the same heehee .

I hate and love Maplestory because Darling is always busy playing it , and I always want to play it too lol , to rebirth -.-

Ok I know it doesnt make sense .

Am I really changing ? Am I ? Went to see Mr Raja ytd and he said that I look sadder each time I saw him . Lol -.-

But I seriously think Im happy enough for my life ! Like I said before , Family , Boyfriend , Joycie , HJKs .


I cut my hair ytd ! Darling said it's nicer than my thick thick hair :D

Ok long post Im going off . See you people , tmr ! Hopefully .. Sorry for late post anyway ! I know , like Im talking to whoever -.-

Good night !

I love Kianhui (:

My most most favourite picture :D 2nd favourite are the two joined photos at Joycie's blog .

I love you forever darling .