Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sometimes I feel like telling people that they dont deserve this kind of man, they really deserve much better people when they themselves are so awesome people, awesome friends of mine, beauty inside and out. That looking at the way the guy's treating her, she should hate him and leave.

But what rights do I have to say that when I cant even do the same thing? Not that I'm ill-treated (not anymore), but it''s like upteen times when I failed to leave completely and always return to what I always had love and wanted and needed. Something I claimed I don't, but feel glad to have it, becuz I can't find this kind of love anywhere else.

So what's my say?

Follow your heart, never die without trying :)
You wont know what will happen if you dont try. It might turn out good, it's not that people who will change for the better are extinct.
Even if you fall again after trying, it's like at least you tried, you will see what happen after imagining the future and wondering for so long. You will be hurt once again, but you'll learn something new everytime.

My views change every so often, but I firmly thinks that this view of mine is quite reasonable... Nothing we do can totally be perfect, we can only be perfect in our own ways.

Some very outdated pictures taken in Jan I think? :D

See how skinny I was in the 2nd picture? I grew fat in 3 months :(
Love the 2nd picture in the 1st column!

Photos below only becuz I need to feed some pretty pictures to my wifi-less phone ^^

“There’s a quickness in the way that things end. Sometimes when you’re so completely happy, you can’t help but wonder when things will change."

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