Friday, April 23, 2010

So relaxing and always tend to chill me down. Thanks sweet!

Went to find Yehyobo yesterday after my lesson! Always look forward and is energetic on the mrt train whenever I'm going to look for him :)

The night was boring... His cousin said my voice sound like Guanyi. Yehwen also say I very sick becuz I keep wash my leg LOL. I was like mad dancing when he was playing the songs he played while playing the games. It was just MS and Dota all along and in his eyes are also MS and Dota only. These games are fun but not when you are the onlookers! That's why girls find it irritating you get it? Why not try to teach them duhhhhh

BTW I know dota and ms but there's only one computer okay! Dont small look me!!!

So the boringness explains the photos below :)

Playing scissors paper stone by myself


Hmm I've been emo-ing much nowadays. Missing my gfs but needing time alone.
Sorry :(

I'm eating chocolate chip mint ice cream now! :D It's cheering me up!

Looking forward to work tmr :)

Hope that he'll be alright.

"You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. People change. The world changes. And sooner or later you lose people you care about. If you don’t mind some advice from someone who doesn’t know much about families, I can tell you this: Don’t take yours for granted. It might feel like all of them will always be there. But they won’t." - Harry Dresden

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sometimes horoscope just make sense bizarrely.
But should I follow the horoscope or my heart?

"Sometimes, we expect more from people because we would be willing to do that much for them."

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Went for job training for duck and hippo tour! Love the experience with 6 ladies 1 half lady. HAHA! Guys I work with are sometimes just so gay~

Overdose of eyeliner :( Bad start! Even almost fell on the train and I miss both the bus and train boooooo. Sue lost her ez-link and inside got alot money gosh man.

So like I slept for 1 half hour before waking up at 7am. Was in the same train as Xufeng but I didnt realised she called hahahahahah guilty max!

Briefing and so after everyone arrived got to know Adelynn & Guangmao and got to know Angeline better.
Duck tour~

Shasha and Farid! >>

Bad shot of myself

Sue and I :) >>

Splashing into the water! >>

See my ducky sticker? :D >>

Sue brought Video cam and camera! Awesome!

Happy Farid pointing to something amusing >>

Xufeng! >>

My sexy mama! :) >>

Failed shot of me and Sue LOL

What in the world is so interesting about the Merlion? O.O

Soon-to-be art and science museum >>

DNA lookalike, Helix Bridge I think >>

Tadaa end of duck tour! :D
Went on hippo topless bus next fantastic man the feeling! But damn hot lah. Farid and I keep moving to the shaded area... Somemore I so fair right! Cannot turn dark. HAHAHA

Adelynn :) >>

Went for a debrief in their office... And off we go :D Angeline took the duck whistle lol! When you blow into it got quack quack sound one she very happy..... Then like XF suddenly went missing so me SS, Sue and F just went off and all the way back was chatting to Shasha. Strong woman, role model!

Darn tired, went to find K, fooled around and slept straight 3 hours! Didnt get to meet Yilin that day also. Sorry my dear and anyway...................


Okay it's 4am now... Hope to see some of my gfs tomorrow.

"What would the world be like if we all had the ability to feel that someone is missing us? Like when someone is 10,000 miles away from you and they miss you so much, to the point where you actually feel it inside you. Imagine: you could be sitting there, drinking a cup of hot chocolate, and then suddenly have the ability to realize, "Hey, someone out there really misses me right now."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I believe that once you find "the one", you'll give them a hundred and one chances to get it right. And I also believe that if you can't be with that person, you never truly move on.
Sometimes I feel like telling people that they dont deserve this kind of man, they really deserve much better people when they themselves are so awesome people, awesome friends of mine, beauty inside and out. That looking at the way the guy's treating her, she should hate him and leave.

But what rights do I have to say that when I cant even do the same thing? Not that I'm ill-treated (not anymore), but it''s like upteen times when I failed to leave completely and always return to what I always had love and wanted and needed. Something I claimed I don't, but feel glad to have it, becuz I can't find this kind of love anywhere else.

So what's my say?

Follow your heart, never die without trying :)
You wont know what will happen if you dont try. It might turn out good, it's not that people who will change for the better are extinct.
Even if you fall again after trying, it's like at least you tried, you will see what happen after imagining the future and wondering for so long. You will be hurt once again, but you'll learn something new everytime.

My views change every so often, but I firmly thinks that this view of mine is quite reasonable... Nothing we do can totally be perfect, we can only be perfect in our own ways.

Some very outdated pictures taken in Jan I think? :D

See how skinny I was in the 2nd picture? I grew fat in 3 months :(
Love the 2nd picture in the 1st column!

Photos below only becuz I need to feed some pretty pictures to my wifi-less phone ^^

“There’s a quickness in the way that things end. Sometimes when you’re so completely happy, you can’t help but wonder when things will change."

Monday, April 12, 2010

Yoohoo! ^^

I'm blogging here on the 11th night, so yesterday shall be the 10th :D
It was a great night overall! Sang so much for 5 hours~ Sang all we want!
We just keep singing out hearts out until the last 1/4 of the time when Single Ladies came on then everything got so high and Gladys was dancing in her own world!!!
Then there's the Enpire State of Mind when we just keep rapping in our own ways. HAHAHA

There's really many of the songs that remind me of the past, the present and what I've gone thru, my loved ones has gone thru.
Sometimes I feel so undecisive... When I get upset but it isnt the worst thing ever, does it mean that I have to be happy because I'm not as bad as others? It just feels so bad when I compare becuz I get so fucked up with myself and feel so stupid. Things may seem that they are fine at some point but do you see the joker's feelings when there's that smile on his face? No right?

Went for practical lessons in the late afternoon on the 10th! I LOVE BIO LESSONS! But journey for Bukit Merah to Woodlands is damn tiring though.

Went to sing song after that! Xinting didnt turn up though she's at town :( Nevermind she follows me in my heart! And Aolin and friend came by for awhile later on :D
Damn love Yilin's camera!!! First few taken by my own phone(lolll) then following by her cam :D




I've got something to say for this dear of mine!

You've been thru with me thru it all :)

"Shorty that's your best friend
Always got your back forever shes ready to ride
Shorty that's your best friend
Through any situation anywhere that she by your side
She tell you everything
She's your number one fan
She always keep it real
Always got your back
Them other phony chickens they talk behind your back
She never lie to your man
She don't ever snitch
If a chick talk slick
She'll SLAP a chick
She close like a sister
Follow your name on Twitter
She always telling you
You don't need that n*gga
When she ain't there
Nobody's there
Have no fear
Cause she's always there
Trust her with your Life
Let her rock your Ice
She your best friend, but you calling her your wife
Give advice when you need it
Never tell a secret
Give her a hundred dollar bill
If there's change she could keep it
Cause that's your BFF
That's your BFF

That's your BFF
All my independent ladies right now if you with your BFF
Give her a Hug right now
Tell her how much you love her
and say
Cause that's your shorty
That's your friend
That's your shorty
Or your friend
That's your BFF
That's your BFF

Those are lyrics in B.F.F that are true about you! Come hug hug :)
I admit that I dont really tell you everything, I'm fake sometimes, I fail to support you, be there for you, not that zai enough to fight a bitch for you, and sometimes I dont really know how to express my feelings out, especially these few weeks. But you are the best friend that I will choose again if god lets me restart my p6 - present life :D

I hope that in future, you can depend on me too because I'm there for you, once again :)
Love ya SimAiai!