Friday, February 19, 2010

Here's a photo to brief on what happen.

I'M FINALLY LIFEMORE! Not lifeless anymore :D
Having so much fun almost everyday.

Mum gave me this blue wine that's suppose to make me healthy blah blah and I thought is Yomeishu this herbal wine that's yummy then end up it's really STRONG and I gulped it down just like that! Throat starts burning my whole face was hot and I'm really tired now :(
Might be physically becuz of playing for the whole day though but I'm suspecting strongly that it's the wine!!!!!

Overnight at Kh's and danggggggggggg he didnt play with me becuz he's a very dead pig when he sleep :(
Today wake up go gai gai with the usual crazy women.

Lazy to elaborate now becuz I'm really tired! Ciaoz people (\/)

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