Monday, March 16, 2009

Aiya my phone sucks la ,

Went for the concert last Saturday , OMG FANTASTIC LA !!!! $18 , it's totally worth it ! There's so many kinds of dances , salsa , modern jazz , chinese dance , contemporary , kinetics , breaking , popping and locking . DAMN COOL OK !!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG .

I love one of the dances that has a storyline ! LOVE ITTTTT .

I keep want to take pictures and the ushers there keep asking me not to take pictures -.- They only say no flash photography ! Not fair ):

But I did manage to take a video of my sister's performance afterall ;D
She really did show a great improvement compared to when she just started ! Im so proud of my sista heh .

The chinese dance really amazed me and made me think of me , last time ):
How I wish Im still in chinese dance ):
I miss chinese dance ):
Their chinese dance hor , expressions , movements and everything very correct ... When their movements should be hard , it's hard , when it's gentle , it's very gentle !]

After that performance , my sister chit-chatted with her friends and we went home and ate korean noodles . Yummy ^^

Anyway , I put a pink casing onto my phone ! My sister love it , so do I :)

Am very tired today . Lesson is ok ! Ytd Lorencia and I quarrelled over a stupid map (LOL) and we stop our lessons at 3 . Went to find lala after that . I was so tired I fell asleep ! Then wake up he has to go see doctor already .

Wahlao I miss him now already la ):
Die ...
Tgt for a long time le then now one day never contact then miss him already ?

Feel like bathing and sleeping S:
But I still got like truckloads of things to do leh .
Like doing THIS and THAT ... *hints*
Heehee .

Mum just gave me apple vinegar juice (?) to drink .

I dont know whether to like or hate my hair . SIGH . I need someone to talk to .

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