Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Paranoid Disorder:Low
Schizoid Disorder:Low
Schizotypal Disorder:Moderate
Antisocial Disorder:Low
Borderline Disorder:Moderate
Histrionic Disorder:Low
Narcissistic Disorder:Moderate
Avoidant Disorder:Low
Dependent Disorder:High
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:Moderate

Omg how can ! Im dependent on others . And Im kinda narcissistic and compulsive huh ?!?!

Difficulty making decisions
Feelings of helplessness when alone
Suicidal thoughts upon rejection
Deeply hurt by mild criticism or disapproval
Unable to meet ordinary demands of life

Requires excessive praise and admiration
Takes advantage of others
Grandiose sense of self-importance
Lack of empathy
Lying, to self and others
Obsessed with fantasies of fame, power, or beauty
Need for perfection and excessive discipline

Preoccupation with orderliness
Lack of generosity
Hyper-focus on details and rules
Excessive devotion to work

Actually I dare admit , all this are kinda true . Are you surprised ?
Im quite surprised that Im not surprised to see that LOL .

Oh no Im overly dependent. And I know the reason why.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Fuck ! Why I cannot visit any blogs ending with blogspot.com ? Super irritating . Found out that I have to live on bloghopping everyday I on computer ! Lolllllllllll .
I cant even see my own blog .
Well I hope anyone who know how to solve this shit can msn me .

I going Malaysia later and coming back tmr , popiah I coming ! Wahaha .

Rmb me piercing my ear ? It still hurts now . Damn .

Playing dota !!!! BBBBBBBBye

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Oh my god !
I bo liao ma ~ Then I found out alot of pictures of Justin Chatwin , Emmy Rossum & Jamie Chung who acts in DBE ! OMG .

Justin Chatwin

Cartoon version of Justin Chatwin as Goku ! ->

Cute ^^
I tot Justin Chatwin is like very young ...

But why he did he from .....

Become ....

These ?!?!?!?!
Omg .
I prefer him as Goku :)
Or this ! ->

OMG !!!!
SO HOT RIGHT !!!!!!!!! Omg say yesssssssssss !!!!

Emmy Rossum

Such a big difference right ? I like her as Bulma although she looks very pretty and elegant in real life !

Jamie Chung

Why do all Jamie(s) look the same to me ? LOL
I think they all have a certain special thing in them .
Cant figure out why and what :S

Pretty and decent Chichi ...

Is actually sexy Jamie ! Gosh I sound like a sex maniac . Girl say girl sexy in a salivating manner sounds wrong LOL .

But isnt she sexy ?!?!
Oh my gosh .
American Born Chinese are very cool leh . Like damn cool ok .

Goku shall be my new idol ! I mean Justin Chatwin . But I wont kick Wilbur Pan aside ... Dont worry Wei Bo !


p.s , pictures credits to various websites !

Monday, March 23, 2009

HI !!!!!!!!

The day before yesterday was 21st .
Questions over your head ? SO BE IT ! I know what day is it can le . Heh heh .

I dont think that I need to say much about my feelings for you and etc . All I know is we gonna treat each other right and everything will be okay .

Right ?

So 21st March 2009 , YKH , Me , Rongying , Leon watched Dragonball Evolution at CWP . Was actually going to DG , but weeeell !

Then , YKH , Ulysses & Me ate at Pastamania . And watched the movie .
Okay overall but the story is short and "too fantasy" .
The only wish that they make is too revive someone that they barely know ?
And a girl who just know a guy can fall in love deeply at such a fast pace -.-
It's just like a cartoon that came to live and afterall it's just a cartoon !
But the guy is hot , the girls are hot .

Went 888 after that because they wanted to buy fishing rod ! I feel like learning how to fish leh ! But also wasted de , buy rod and everything also dont know how long go fishing one time ~

Went to Al-ameen to eat fried rice ! Woohoo damn nice :)
Then to YKH house to bathe and changed ~

Met everyone at The Woodgrove !
YKH , Ulysses , Marcus , Alvin , Edwin , Tonglee and ........ SIM AIAI ! Went fishing ^^

I first time see people fish until something ! LOL
Was so excited when I saw those fishes ^^
Dont know who fish until tortoise !
Love the night , because it's raining , because it was very exciting when they fished something , because it's a long time since I saw Aiai , Alvin , Edwin & Tonglee tgt , and lastly , because I can romantic romantic and spend alot of time with YKH .

Very fun and I laughed alot that day ! :)

And ... IT WAS EDWIN'S BIRTHDAY ! Heh heh .
Happy Belated Birthday wish to EdwinLek ! :D:D:D
We love you !

School tmr ~ Sighs ):

Friday, March 20, 2009

It's surprising how there could be so many coincidences in a day and how someone thoughts could be totally the same as yours !

Im going to bang wall and jump off the building le Sim G. !!!

Nights !
Bandung and banana cake ftw -.-

Monday, March 16, 2009

Aiya my phone sucks la ,

Went for the concert last Saturday , OMG FANTASTIC LA !!!! $18 , it's totally worth it ! There's so many kinds of dances , salsa , modern jazz , chinese dance , contemporary , kinetics , breaking , popping and locking . DAMN COOL OK !!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG .

I love one of the dances that has a storyline ! LOVE ITTTTT .

I keep want to take pictures and the ushers there keep asking me not to take pictures -.- They only say no flash photography ! Not fair ):

But I did manage to take a video of my sister's performance afterall ;D
She really did show a great improvement compared to when she just started ! Im so proud of my sista heh .

The chinese dance really amazed me and made me think of me , last time ):
How I wish Im still in chinese dance ):
I miss chinese dance ):
Their chinese dance hor , expressions , movements and everything very correct ... When their movements should be hard , it's hard , when it's gentle , it's very gentle !]

After that performance , my sister chit-chatted with her friends and we went home and ate korean noodles . Yummy ^^

Anyway , I put a pink casing onto my phone ! My sister love it , so do I :)

Am very tired today . Lesson is ok ! Ytd Lorencia and I quarrelled over a stupid map (LOL) and we stop our lessons at 3 . Went to find lala after that . I was so tired I fell asleep ! Then wake up he has to go see doctor already .

Wahlao I miss him now already la ):
Die ...
Tgt for a long time le then now one day never contact then miss him already ?

Feel like bathing and sleeping S:
But I still got like truckloads of things to do leh .
Like doing THIS and THAT ... *hints*
Heehee .

Mum just gave me apple vinegar juice (?) to drink .

I dont know whether to like or hate my hair . SIGH . I need someone to talk to .

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ever had a not-so-nice dream and waking up still living in that dream ? And you feel all weird and unusual after you woke up .
I did :/
And it's like one out of many times already ! A dream got me thinking and pondering . Hate the feeling .

Mum made a cheese&chocolate bread for me ! Happy happy .
Ate it and is full now ^^

Gotta bathe !

Am so tired now !
Watched horror movie with daddy and mummy just now heexsz happy happy . Watched Dating Game ! Love the movie , quite scary and niceeee storyline !!!

Went AMK Hub today and find ykh afterwards .
Love today !
I mean 14th March .

Anyway , there's already two Friday the 13th already if Im not wrong ?
How come ?!?! I tot in a year there's only one ?

Tmr's supporting my sister at her first dance performance ! Omg Im so excited . I know she had try hard and she'll be a star at the performance . Millions of cheers for my bloodddd sister ! :D

I think i no longer push up my hair with hairband le ... My hair grow abit le ! :D
As long as I dont dress like ahlians , Im okay ? :)

Addicted to Harvest Moon again for these few days ! That's great , something to occupy my time .

Feel like sleeping now ! Or doing something else ... heh heh heh (:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hated how you could be so self-centered , thinking about yourself all the times .
Miss those times we spent together . I really do .

Monday, March 9, 2009

OMG the weather is so damn fucking cooling ! I swear the temperature now is lesser than 20 degree celsius !!!

On the weekends I went my auntie's housewarming at Malaysia . ALOTTTTTTT of people ok ! Very crowded but very fun ! Love gatherings with my fellow cousins of gossipers . Teehee ! I have like 7 great girls to crazy with me , including my sister !
We played mahjong cards and dranks beer . Aiya , one year one time nia ! *shy*

My teeth is alright :D In fact ..... ):
I am BO GEH !!!!
Laugh lor ):

Didnt take any pictures , just one picture of me by my cousin , heh heh .

Gonna watch videos online ! Feel so energetic .
Goodnight !

Thursday, March 5, 2009

"Today I can take it, fake it, quit kidding myself, or put an end to tempting resistance and just grin and bear it. Or, call the bluff -- give them a rope and they'll hang themselves soon enough. "

"They're not how you'd imagined, but here they are -- ready, willing and able to love you back. Forget the artist's sketch in your head. Enjoy what's in front of you."

I should listen :)
Skipped maths today and chit-chatted at Macdonalds with Yilin and Haoren .
Lorencia & Darren Leow didnt come today ):

My hair very ugly meh ?!?!?!


NO HOR . Will become prettier me again ...
Somemore I feel that my hair now very the styleeeeee .. Huhu !

Cant wait for money to roll roll roll into my empty pocket !

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I find the above pictures very cute ! Heh ...

I feel so sad after watching Miss No Good ):
Dont know why ! I think it's because the show end already ba ... Then it's like , Im so engrossed in the movie that I felt like Im living in it . Now the story ended I felt so empty ):
How I wish there's a never ending drama for me to watch ... Any intro ma ... ?

I love Wilbur Pan so muchhhhhhh ! Seriously ... So cute when he's in real life ! I know the way I exclaim is kinda argh eeeyer like that HAHAHA . But I rarely do so hor ... Give me one time to be hua chi la ! xD


I like Rainie's character in the show ^^

Hopefully tmr my "stupid idiot no brain" can wake up tmr ... He will want me treat him lunch de ^^

Teehee ! Opening a blogshop soon . Support support ! I know opening a blogshop is kinda late in the trend now ... But shopping will never be outdated ! :)

Tadaa ! Gtg to busy my things and look for new drama ^^
Shit I forgot my homework . SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHH .