Friday, October 17, 2008

Guess what ? I feel like having a private blog . LOL . Ya I know you want to slap me .

There are many unsaids .
I dont feel like sharing what's happening with anyone else .
It's because I can cope and I dont need any pity or sympathy or unnecessary comments :)

Lalala , daddy is back . Fetched him with mummy and Jonas , we took bus 858 . He keep emo-ing in the bus ! :)

We reached Terminal 3 , but realised daddy's flight arrival is at Terminal 2 so we took skytrain ! I love airports . The photos are blurrish but who cares man :)

Daddy and mummy are so lovey dovey that they hug and kiss each other once they met :)
So sweet !
We went to eat YaKun Roti next , I love the toast dips ! You dipped slices of plain toast into delicious chocolate syrup :) Nice nice I like . It comes with ice-blended coffee which I think taste fabulous ! After that we took taxi home ! I sat in front so they can continue lovey dovey , heh heh . Then Im so bored so I started to zilian since so long long ago :D

(most of my beautiful self-portrait not uploaded wahaha !)
And anywaywe went home and unpacked everything from my daddy's bag ... Clothes , dirty clothes , unworn(?) clothes , and ..................
And ...................

CHOCOLATES !!! Daddy siao . See ? I cant take a clear picture of it because my phone camera dont know where to concentrate ! HAHA . After this period of time I will quit chocolates . (imagine it as the same tone as quit smoking ! :D:D)

And cute keychains ^^ I took the cow one ! The other one not cute .

After that , welcome dinner for my papa at Vista Kitchen !

Like that lor ^^ Heh heh . Really very happy my papa back . Mummy will not so easy sad and angry . And I can go out at night without my mummy crying ! :D:D:D

Im disappearing tonight ... Wahaha . Dont tell you where I go :)
Maybe I will be gone for very long . Maybe just a few weeks . Miss me please !
Hahahaha ...

Dont tell you I go how long ! I'll blog when Im back ! Wahaha . Please contact me at my old phone number if you need to contact me :D

Is there Pokemon on PSP ? I hope they have leh ): Im bored , I want new games ...

Anyway there's a good news for me but Im not really sure about it yet ... It's sort of about my future and compared to a similar topic post about that certain topic can say I super contradicting one . Aiya who cares la ! :D

Im not telling today . Lalala . I like being mysterious .

I know Im acting cute but I cant help getting high ! No , I am alone . No , I dont have depression . No , no one was entertaining me . Can happy by myself for no reasons ma har !


I need to earn money . Really like earn ALOT for me to stabilise my life for abit . I hate life without money and happiness and friends and boyfriend ):
I need them all ! :D

Good night .

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