Monday, October 13, 2008

"Better find an outlet for all that energy. Otherwise, you just might find yourself in the midst of an argument with an innocent bystander who's had an equally nutty day."

I just vented my energy on my mum who is fretting over many things . I need somewhere to spend my energy on . But no one is available ? Please my girls , see this , ASK ME OUT .


Btw , ytd ! Met my primary school friends and went to East Coast Park . Had fun and was lucky that my auntie came to visit (: Poor Joelle and Pohshen !
Ride bikes , ate Macd , walked to a dont know where bus-stop and bused to TSY's condo . I love condos ! I still rmbed Jianing one . I LOVE CONDOS ! :D:D:D

Talked and crapped and laughed like mad . Went home at 11+ (:

Sucha long time to have an outing ! Im looking forward to go out with my KZB soon , or any of them . Woohoo !

15 is an inappropriate age for working , and that sucks big time . It's just half more year that I turn 16 . Not fair .

Working at Northpoint again from 21st-30th October for Fragrance (Xiang Wei) again ! Yay ! Another hundreds of money into my pocket again and that makes me jumping with joy .

Blogging is not a way of saying everything out , offensive or not , desperate or not .
I think it's not fair .
That's why people chose to only allow certain people into their blog , although sometimes I do -.- over those blogs because I cant enter !

Hahaha . But blogging is meaningless if no one reads and unfortunate for us if someone detests what I write and decides to slap me with %^&$@^& .

What's the point , anyway ? I need Kbox . And the House Bunny . And shopping . I need laughters and far far places . I want to go to Genting .

I miss Jianing , Alvin & Edwin .
I dont feel close to anyone anymore .
Im a human , I need to get a life .


YKH , I miss you so fucking ridiculously absolutely undescribingly much .
There's an understanding me and an unreasonable me behind this ugly face .
It's time to get to understand and get use to the situation . Time to change , again . (As if I've changed since the last thing I've said to change) But nevertheless , I try .

You must promise me .
I love you !

Mapling time . 2nd job le soon ! Wooooooooooooooooooooo !

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