Friday, October 31, 2008

Joelle : Hao hao ! Must go out soon tgt hor !
Jianing : I WHERE GOT ZHONG SE QING YOU ! WHERE WHERE ?!?!?!? And and and I angel lor ! You angel I god *-*I miss euuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu too . HAHA

TSY : Ok ! Changed the link liao (:
Zubaidah : YEAH ME TOO MAN ):
Jiaen : Yeah I did ! :D:D:D I went to my auntie's house in the evening le .______. I LOVE YOUR BLOG POST HAHAHA !
Sheryl : YEAH we'll meet up soon ok (: Much much misses and do take care !
Jiayee : JIAYEEEEEEEE ! I saw you today . Your hair extensions lol lor ! xD Haha ! Loveeeeeeeee .

Going Malaysia later ! Send my cousins and aunties to my Grandma house and shun bian me and my mother go see dentist .

Tell you ar I fucking fat . Last last week I just cut fat only , then now gain back . Sad like siao !!! Monday regain diet :)

Today went to meet Meixia to take my tank top . I changed time and was late -.- I asked her not to blacklist me lol ! But seriously she's super kind lor ._. Hee ! We walk up then down CWP again and ate ice-cream at Macdonalds . Saw Yuting (:

Then I surprised Jiayee when she turned up ! Went John Little for awhile and I went home . Those crazy siao zha bors (:

My relatives came my house today ! Mummy cooked goh hiang ! And guo dong ! Nice nice . Blahed and I went to Admiralty ......................................... :) Teehee . $1000 + fly away liao .

Went to Vista Kitchen to eat ! Lots and lots of things to eat I eat until super full ! And now here Im .

Really love and dote on him .

He will be the baby I love and dote on the most !
He's leaving soon . I cant take it at all ):
My mum is working soon
. Im quite sad lor ):

To my dearest Jonas ,
You'll always be my baby(:

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