Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year Resolutions 2010

1. Life will be better. (same old thing)
2. Achieve something else if my O's fail. (gotta know what happen on 11th-13th)
3. If O's passable, move on to RP.
3. Get an ideal weight of **kg.
4. Be a better friend, girlfriend and daughter.
5. Make 50 new friends. (LOL at myself but I wanna do it! :) )
6. Know how to admit mistakes boldly and apologise.
7. Raise self-esteem, stop wallowing in misery.
8. Get a laptop with my own money.
9. Not be selfish and at the same time take care of my own self.
10. Stop disappointing so many people that are suppose to be my guardian angels and result in them leaving.

Basically all most of them have to do with changing myself and the way I treat people. Material needs seemed important but not so afterall.

I've quitted my job... I feel really guilty but free. You wont know how it feels when at days you feel like sitting on the floor kicking your legs and crying the whole day, YET you have to turn up for work with a smile to face the customers, to not let your colleagues worry about you. I don't know when things will settle down for me becuz it seems like another wave is coming my way. Sensing it and Im gonna do something about it.

I've made a superbly wrong choice. It's all up to me now.


Anyway! Though 2010 doesnt looks like a great year ahead, I had fun for new year countdown :D

Thought that KH and guys are heading down to Esplanade but they are staying in hometown(lawls). So texted Aiai and Laopo to see what they were planning. Went to Marina Square with Aiai in the end and the crowd totally ftw. Pleasant perfume smell, not-so-pleasant frangrance and smell of sweat fill the air. Suffocating but I felt so united with my dearest Singaporeans lol!

Walked at least 2.4km (as stated by Sim) to our destination to meet her friends. Friendly people I say! Dined at Mac 15 minutes before the spectacular scene of fireworks came. The bright light works never once failed to amaze me and made me feel refreshed :)

Thank you Aiai, yet another year counting down with you! Started texting friends and folks but we all know the messages will never be sent at 12am sharp, duh!
I hope that LXT is fine, we love you so okay! xoxo

We headed different directions and I met Kh and guys at boat quay, saw Liting from a distance and said hi to Huilay! Ages man.
Love the night and company of the happy people ^^

515 for breakfast and home.
I slept at freaking 11am! T.T

Random note, I realy hope I can donate fats to those children in Africa :/
I so dont need them okayyy! If I can do that there will be one big problem off my mind :D Sometimes I will still be very angry at who-creates-us-humans for the misery brought into our lifes.

Went to Bugis with Sim, TL and Yap when we woke up!
Funny day it was.

She loves it lol!

Am gonna take a bath and watch Momo Love!!!

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