Monday, July 8, 2013


I think that blogging is actually healthy, it helps me to think properly and more calmly? Anyway, I seriously think this infamous thing called PMS really can mess up one's life. I really find myself becoming two different person when having and without PMS. When I thought that it already cannot be worse with me being a Gemini?! But I really like being a Gemini, although it gives me two characters and make me appear as some two-faced someone lol.

I really believe in horoscope, because most of the facts are really just true, not just for Gemini. One thing about Gemini that is not true for me, is being the most sociable and humorous horoscope, which is the least true for me. Yes that may be a 'shortcoming' for me in some way but I don't treat it as too important a factor in my life. Of course I will wish to be like super sociable if possible lah.

Boss is not in today! Hahaha. Finally completed all my tasks last week... But boss has handed me another one, and seriously I haven't even find the codes responsible for the parts that I'm supposed to change/improve on. I'm so dead. There are 4 more weeks left including this week... WHICH IS SUPER GOOD THING. I don't exactly dislike my internship, but I suppose I will rather do without it. I am a person who likes sleep quite a lot so no internship actually means more hours of sleep. Hah!

Just booked my first practical lesson yesterday. Like FINALLY. Didn't know that just ONE lesson can be so super expensive. God. And at least 20 lessons is required before the test. For school o.o'
Didn't take private because I don't think I'm ready enough for private lessons, if you know what I mean, because private is supposedly, normally, for people who can try the driving at home and people who know driving more? I don't know man...

I've been purchasing items from Taobao recently and is quite a happymermaid93... But yesterday, an Instagrammer from... LA? Commented that one of the design for the phone case that I have bought for my Xperia Z is actually copied from her designs and, damn, her designs are really amazing. There is this cheshire cat, fleur-de-lis, Johnny Depp and most importantly, mermaid -- all of my favorite characters, logos, etc. I hope that somehow she will be able to claim her copyrights(?) but I think it might be hard because, well, it's in China... Hard to say huh? But one more time, I REALLY LOVE HER DESIGNS.

Talking about Xperia Z, bought it because I lost my phone (duh). My dearest iPhone 5. It will always be my favorite phone and I think that I will buy it again one day, but not any sooner because there is no big reason to just disown this new Sony phone. Xperia Z is sleek and all, but I get really irritated by the interface and the Google-voice input thing which after I disable for like a day or two, it comes back again. Yes, went to settings but no use lah ok... But a phone is a phone, I'm glad to have one anyway, just grateful. #firstworldproblems hahaha

Nothing productive this morning, except engaging bgr (lol) tweets convo with Joyce and Agnes, then this Pokemon convo with Lorraine and Davina. Super nonsense, but definitely make my day much better and time passed really fast... And also, WA with my favouritest faci ever, Ben! Hehe I just miss the Marketing lesson, the classmates, and this facilitator lah...

It's gonna be a busy, tiring, but fun-filled week meeting my babies! Hehe, on another good note, meeting le bro Lee Leong Leong later. Life is good, life is good. No Monday blues, thank god x

Ok just some pictures cuz I realise it has been all words for quite long. Sampat pics for you

Dear addition to our family --Rainbow x

Love how she sleeps 

Mummy's daughter

Popo and her granddaughters hahaha

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