Monday, May 31, 2010

We celebrated pi gu very big's birthday one week after the actual day. Lol! Happy sia him when take photos.
Stay cheeky dude!

Life with YY is fabulous.

Nephew yangyang is trying to struggle off YY's grasp! CUTE MAX
"Jiejie I want 123... Where is Jiejie?" HEHE HAPPY ME

Ate at Cineleisure and caught Prince of Persia just now. GREAT GREAT GREAT MOVIE! I like this kind of puzzling movies then they'll make you go OIC and have that flushed feeling. I LIKE IT!

Work's getting more fun and funnier.
Eugenia sis, take good care of yourself! Need anything, food, a listening ear, or craps all can!
Love everyone leh. I like Xufeng more and more. DEAREST SHIFT PHONE!
Figure it out LOL

I think I getting lamer nowadays.

Met YILIN the ultra sweetheart and XT the super strong but petite woman yesterday too!
Saw cheesheng after like maybe 1-2years also.

Had so much talk with both of them! Fruitful day I say. Gladys fly kite become fly aeroplane!

Went Starbucks after reading at library and Lot 1 with Yilin.
Bought my bras and panty and boxer!

We took pictures outside Macdonald there and she was damn cute checking around to see whether got people look anot after taking one picture cuz got flash.

I know my mouth like same like that lol!

I think if one day I really cannot bear to see the situation like that anymore I will really do something.
Dude, just wake up and cherish the one in front of you lah, like please?

Anyway thanks so much for the talks, girls. Made my day and night.

Now for YY! I think he fell asleep already. Those kind like plop! on pillow then off to lalaland that kind.
Never once had sucha guy that will care, concern, joke, play, love me in such an amazing way, making me feel so fortunate.
I will cherish the present, because it's a gift, and it's from heaven to me :D
That's just one thing and that's my wandering mind which is BAD BAD BAD!
Trying to kick off those negative thoughts. Sweet will be there to remind me right? *wink*

Gotta catch some sleep and off to work in less than 12 hours time! Ciao people love ya

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wow. So long since I last updated huh?

Has been like watching every single movie Now Showing with YY for quite often! Next up should be Nightmare on Elm Street and The Blood Pledge! Toy Story 2 and Shrek 2! (or is it 3?)

Think by now the amount of movies I watch this year already exceed the amount I watched last year liao lor. BUT I LOVE IT!

Has been quite elated nowadays. Love my working colleagues they are like damn hilarious and so filled with love (Y) but so many people are getting sick. Me also! Then becuz of that last week skip lessons for like after so long!

Has been eating so much good food also. Good meaning FATS and SINFUL and DELICIOUS! So ironic. HK cafe, Pastamania, Billy Bombers, japanese food etc etc. I swear double chin is coming back to visit me. I really want to shake hoops and crunches everyday!

Dad and Mum went to Malaysia last weekend and I didnt went because there's lesson which I failed to turn up for because I freaking overslept! :(
And becuz of that I didnt get to see Dad. When I was sleeping he was at work, when he's home I'm at work. I miss you daddy :(

FINALLY. I hope my girls and guy are getting on well.
Gladys Sim!
Lock Xinting!
Tan Yilin!
Tan Tonglee!

I seriously miss them but me and their freetime different! I'm prepared to hear so much stories from them and say my stories to them! I LOVE MY BABES AND HUNK! (errr maybe hunk is too good a word to use for TLL LOL)

For now I'm quite happy with my life. Like after so long? Just that I need to spend more time with people I love. My friends and family.

I know after rain there's rainbow, but it will rain someday again. I know that. Happiness dont last long... But it will come again! Arent I right? :)
I must start to look on the bright side of life.
And stop thinking too much that it affects people around me.

Happy Birdday to Koh Hanjie and Zubaidah! (19th & 20th)

Above photo tells you how thick my eyeliner is and that I look okok only thanks to eyeliner this great invention! So actually I look fugly without eyeliner~

That's why when Gladys Sim say she very ugly I will say her.

Sayonara people.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Not much good photos.......... With hair like mine now! :( SAD! I keep trimming it myself when I get back ytd. Trim bu wan one! I want to cut it like bangs but not that kind of very straight one. Hair not that cui as I expected! I love my hair colour now but not my fringe.

Life not so happening, it's school work and school and work and a few random activities~

Just ate pizza! It took one long hour for it to reach my house. LOVE IT! CHEESY!

The painted nails with pink glitter is actually a kind of sticker I bought to paste. It suck! It's either totally attached to my nails or part of cant be attached no matter how I press it down. Hate it and have to remove everything in 1 hour. Took up so much of my time!

Please dont mind my dark circles/eyeliner smudge/ugly hair/smile in some of the pictures! The picture of me in the flowery dress that's my new hair! I'm still trimming it everytime I got home! Sooooo ugly man. Hope it grow faster!

Just caught Ip Man 2 with my family at CWP and still it was fantastic! Love Hongjinbao's bend-over-&-2-parallel-punch-for-you! LOL *wink X&G and jiejie*

Sneak a packet of $1 popcorn and pringles and 3 can drinks in. HAHA BUDGET (Y)

I think I cant make friends at this rate : reply message slow or totally forget about it OR talk in msn halfway get distracted and mia. Bad bad habit! CHANGE

Thanks MOONTSW, your tweet about Ariel with red hair(although it's not Ariel the Human she talking about :() and your latest tweet make me so happy! I gian song only LOL

"Although I think I'm quite over you. Sometimes, I can't help but think that there will never be anyone as perfect for me as you. You were too big of a fool to have known that."

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"You don't want to let people in. It's hard for you. And once you let those people in, you don't want to let them go. And when they screw up, it's like, why would you do that to me? I gave you my feelings, I did everything for you, and you still screwed me over. It's like you wished they were a better person." - Audrina Patridge

Just how I felt. How small and hard and harsh this world could be. A person with a good face doesnt mean it's true. I've been pushing everyone away.......... It'll be awhile that I will let anyone in.

I'm seriously flawful if there is such word. I can find flaws anywhere if you ask me to list out at least one. I'm nothing great and I have attitude problem and my mind is really indecisive and I'm more of a follower than a leader. I'm more of true self when I am not sober or I feel really peaceful or my mind is really troubleless or when I'm very tired or when I'm totally comfortable with someone. It happens so RARE nowadays that I can be really comfortable and be my own self. I dont have a shell 2-3 years ago. What happen to this useless armour that only keep me cooped up? How was it form man? I have no idea.

It's just pointless. The whole thing. Think back and come back to the present. What do you think, how do you feel? Why didnt you feel like this back then? Even if you did, what did you do?

I'm just a chubby girl with plump body and totally normal. No point getting stuck here. You have the great advantage. You can have a better life.