Monday, June 29, 2009

"Don't waste your time in surroundings you don't enjoy, or even in the company of those you don't consider kindred spirits. You need to be in an atmosphere that's conducive to comfort and security. Find it, and get there posthaste. "

Everyone is into Korean craze now! ME too!!!!! And three and four and five.
Especially Wondergirls and Kimbum!
Sohee &Sunye are my favourites now ^^
Im beginning to like YeEun already! Influenced by YKH!

Sohee and KimBum look so cute together.

Going to school later, seriously, Chinese is crap! Dont like the classroom. But the teacher is funny!!!

I want to earn lots and lots of pretty money.
Anyone has some to spare?
I must find more ways to earn money... BUT I SHOULD START STUDYING!


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