Thursday, May 7, 2009

How do I speak and perform myself so that I dont offend anyone and people will be comfortable to speak to me?
I feel quite sad because it seems like I cant get along with people nowadays.
I never experience such things for a long time so it's kinda awkward for me. I hope I do improve myself for the best :)
I do want people, friends to like me though. But I just dont know how to do it.

Sigh, miss lots of people. Forget to mention I met Jiaren!!!!!!!! on Monday after lesson at Jurong East when I going in CWP to dabao MOS Burger. Happy you know! I screamed JIARENNNNN!!!! and she was like omg omg finally I saw you. Ya that was like what I was thinking too~

We chatted abit and update each other on our lifes. Ya and I saw his brother! Really happy to see his brother because I've never seen him before.

Life is going on fine I guess, hopefully? I really want to become a better myself. I know I have been repeating all over again on how awful I am but I tend to not change at all or change for awhile and poof! no more good Jiamin. Wl, I really wanna change myself for real, permanently and shut my mouth for most of the time. I think my mouth's too big and I hate it also. Though sometimes it's good to get those things off my chest.

Im really satisfied with my life. Or not? Im afraid to lose things that Im having.

Had been really crazy about Restaurant City. But I only like leveled one dish to level 10. Kinda sad! I want onions! I only need onions to complete two dishes. Add me if you have onions!!!

YKH keep asking me buy table and chairs for him x) Instead I help him play the whole day and earn money for himself LOL.
Aiya, darling, Dota is better for you la! You 妻子 at restaurant help you earn money ok, you go to war.

Went to find Nigel and Jonas just now. REALLY REALLY HAPPY!!!! One is my godbrother and the other is like my cutest cutie pie in the whole world and one smile from him will brighten up my day. I think that's why I feel that my life is normal and fine now.

Saturday is going to Nigel's 6th years old birthday party!!!! Omg. I feel like buying something from him. But what? Im not earning a steady income how to buy things for him ):

And Mothers' Day!!!!!! Sometimes I will think forward to the future what will happen. I cant imagine life without my parents? Well and if life isnt going well at that time I dont wanna live either ): ): ):
My mum's my best friend my best friend is my mum!
I love my mother! Though she nagged at me like 10 times a day and always blame me for her headaches and unhappiness LOL I dont blame her because whenever I skip lessons (valid/invalid reasons la) she will scared I not going to school anymore.
Understand! But seriously, Thursday's lesson is totally useless for me I dont feel like going Thursdays' lessons anymore I dont get anything from it, she explains = waste her energy (for me la because I dont really know the basics of chemistry) I rather stay home and have my sister teach me because my sister has strengths in maths and science, which is FABULOUS because those are my weak subjects.

Oh, I hope tmr's Geography lesson is cancelled. It's fucking tiring to wake up at 7+ and go all the way till J.E to study. K la my father is driving me. Teehee.

I think I not meeting baby for 4 days including today cozzzz I gonna be BZ. Miss you.

Tatas I tell my baby I going bathe at 11.28pm now is 11.48pm hope he doesnt kill me.


P.S, to F & L, cheer up ok! Sunshine after rain, rmb. Not immediately, but there wont be rain forever :)

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