Sunday, September 18, 2016


Current blog post count for 2016: 1. ONE. Only one. How did it became like this hahaha

And having penned down this post. Today is my aiai's birthday. And the last time I posted was my laopo's. LOL. I think this cute nicknames will stay till we're old and with kids and it has narrowed down to just a few that have the honor to be called by a nickname from me hahaha

Anyways, it has also came down to one last trimester to be in the undergrad course that I am in, not exactly the last of the last, but the last one that have 13-weeks duration study modules. Then I am moving on to a 1 year internship. Quite thankful for the school's scheme actually, I have came to appreciate how much it will help me in my career as time goes and the way they taught us has came to become effective as well. Most of the professors that have taught me (before this trimester, which has just started 2 weeks ago) were awesomely patient as well. SIT, what are you waiting for, time to sponsor me for a blog post LOLOL but speaking of this, surprisingly I still have occasional visits to this blog. Shall call this the Dead Sea of Mermaid Ong now hahaha

Have not been feeling well for a week also since Piak's soccer tournament finals last Sunday (Woooooo!!!! So proud of the bro even though they got runner-up -- their persistence was so commendable, whereas as the other team was just a bunch who play smelly) till now and I have different symptoms everyday, I don't even know what I feel now LOL

So today is my dearest aiai birthday, and yesterday was a blast even though we 抱病上场 and went to Katapult trampoline park and jumped until our souls left our body. The back dive was some scary shit - I have came to a realization of how LONG it has been since I've such adventurous ventures (and this is not really adventurous) and I was more of a scaredy cat than I thought I would be hahaha. Good 1 hour though. Then we had a short lepak session at ma home while she read some love-letter from me keke then she went for another birthday plan hahaha. Never does this peach know we'll surprise her again this year huh hahaha having only met the other surprise plan participants/old friends like about once a year only (except for XT). It was always a good night to see aiai being surprised, and I always had a good laugh with this bunch around.

So happy and feel so blessed for Shermy too, having started a new phase of his life. I am glad and so proud of this guy who always works so hard and never fail to put his heart into everything he is doing. Gonna start trying out one of his hobbies for a period of time soon hehehe wonder how it'll turn out!

Speaking of all these. I really feel like a very fortunate human being for everyday of my life, even though I NEVER fail to complain every single day and rant to anyone and everyone hahaha. Everything is going on the right track for me if I just step back one step to take an overview of things happening in my life and where I am now, the 13 years old me would not believe that I would have come this far to be where I am now. Nope I am not in NTU or NUS or SMU but I am really glad to end up in SIT with the opportunities it has to offer us as students. Nope I am nothing near rich now, event though I save as much as I can. But I have a family who cherishes each other every single day, my friends who surround me these days are the only ones I need in my life, and I have a boyfriend who cares for me more than himself or other people, events or objects (lol *coughdenimcough*) in his life, and lastly, I have a tentative 5 year plan that I want to head to, and I know how not to be too affected by how successful or not others are in their lives and to go with my own pace.
I will still get anxious now and then and tell Shermy every time it happens which is quite often, but he and I know we will get through this.

Can't wait for this trimester to be over and start my own new phase at a new environment next year. Really cannot wait.

Till then, till next time

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