Monday, July 5, 2010

Ong Minmin should start to treat this as a diary than a What-I-Do-Everyday updater :(
Am a tired pig now @ 4.46am now and YY's been off to his dreamland... He suddenly woke up just now and before he did he spoke something that sounded like french so I asked, you talking to me? Or dreamtalking? Then he smiled sheepishly at me with those cute sleepy eyes........... I really love it when love is all that simple.

Had service rally of WRS at zoo today... So long no cheering this kind of event in my life like since, erm, sec2??? Hahahahah and was kinda moodless becuz I was one hour late and I'm that kind if start of day spoil I will be very very down already!
So after all that fun was back to work and I love Aidil man! He did that DJ action combined with drumming action damn epic.
Work is really very enjoyable... I love all of my colleagues for who and what they are! Although it's like different people all mixed together. Dread going to zoo, saw some of my future-to-be colleagues and I dont really feel comfortable... Bless me with new easy-going friends ah god!

Going to visit the zoo again tmr...... BUT TO HAVE FUN!!!! WOOOOO might feel abit like work but who cares I WILL HAVE FUN WITH YY even though he might have this work-illness hahahaha

Am so full from the kangkong + stingray I ate just now at Newton Circus(?)... I eat like one plate of kangkong by myself lor favourite ever (Y) I can eat just kangkong and rice without meat!
Speaking of stingray, my work place there got the fish spa, then they got one time got 3 stingrays for display. Then people can even ask, so the stingrays are the fishes that bites off our dead skin? Stupid people why not you try and you'll know... Roll eyes irritatedly

Met Aiai yesterday and complained to her about my life. Love that she's always be there for me. And Im steady anytime for her if a call comes to ask me fly over when Im not at work! heh

Next up! Meeting Yilin, TL, and XT soon.

tatas eyes closing gotta get some sleep bb

It’s not the person you are with but the person you become when you are with that person. Certain people bring out your best self. That’s who you need to find. A man who brings out your best self. - Theresa Alan

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