Wednesday, November 2, 2016


I am having one of those depressing moments, whereby I find it slightly hard to breathe -- which I believe is partly due to PMS, which is a good thing lolol.
Keep having the feeling that I have not done enough, what I have achieved is not satisfiable, and I have no idea whether I have done enough because although I feel like I haven't, I have always done what I was supposed to -- what's more with the fucked up issues that have occurred last week. I hope and pray that I will be able to stand strong and get through this week, next week, and next few weeks. I know that there will be times where I have feelings similar to how I feel today again, and what I might have to do is to shun all these emotions aside which I do quite well nowadays.

I too hope that this "blow" (with the "" because I think it is not that much of a blow, but it affects me, dykwim?) will be good for me and will push me to work harder. For now or a few moments of today, I shall avoid speaking to people that exert negative vibes that don't work well on me -- not necessary that these people mean any harm to me but it makes me feel worse than I already am. 

I think it has not changed all this years that I am a kid that feels so troubled every so often hahaha but again, I am sure I am not the only one, but because I voice them out here and now only a small number of people post inner personal opinions on blogs. 

Time to prep for 6 hours lecture at school oh god. Bye bye

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