Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Year 2, Trimester 1. Three more study trimesters to go before the integrated work and school programme. 9 more modules to go, probably all with team projects.

There are people who are really smart and they know they are smart, and apparently they will tend to look down on those with weaker abilities. Those who are rich in knowledge. Who is so eager to show off what they know, rather than share and teach those that needed the teaching. "Elistist" is the word. They do not care whether the weaker ones tried their best because to them, weak is weak and they will forever be high above.

Facing people like that is really tiring. I might be one of the weaker ones, I might be stronger than a few, but the respecting people principle is one that I apply to, whatever I do, wherever I am. Unless of course, with a second chance given you prefer to disrespect me again and again.

People issues. Sigh. Something that I have been facing, something I will be facing in school for a year or more and... In the society. Unavoidable, that is, and this is a fact that I am aware of. But here I am, blogging out loud, and discreetly hoping that there will be kinder people, more compassionate people, people who are not full of themselves.

On a brighter note... HHN5 NEXT FRIDAY. HELL YEAHHH YEARLY TRADITION. Totally can't wait to be scared to death. Those who love horror genre should watch The Visit, the show where I can't help but keep asking Shermy, "How?! OMG HOW. HOWWW" during the climax of the show.

To Shermy and the few classmates that make my time in school so much better, thank you. X

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