Thursday, June 20, 2013

As usual not doing much stuff even till now at 11.21am. I wish every day is like yesterday where I can completely focus on the codes from 1pm-6pm straighttt.

Anyway, my reason for blogging suddenly is because I read back some of the blog posts from the old blog... And I find that I was so brutally honest in those blog posts and Im like such a complicated girl who always find fault in herself?! But somehow it was a good thing because the me during those times was selfless and always put others before herself... It's weird that we always refer our past self as a third-party right?

So... I am actually thinking that it is a good habit to blog and describe every day's life in details like how I always did, because I know the future me will be amazed like I am now with the past me. And since I refuse to do anything now being the procrastinator I am, I shall indulge in this private world of mine. Heh.
(Yes it is private in some ways because people only read blogs that belong to popular people nowadays, with amazing life and people blogs to become popular, yes?)

PSI is current 198 now, it's the number 1 topic this week? Reached super early at 8.20am at the office door when no one was in the office. Packed my usual breakfast chicken pao and coffee next door and until someone arrived, washed my apple to eat together with the pao and coffee~ Now I cannot wait to eat my strawberries, blackberries and don't know what more berries are there in the lunchbox prepared by YY! Hehe but I went to the toilet thrice due to my heavy breakfast.

So the colleague who sat next to me (or behind me) quitted yesterday, and Illah, my RP intern mate is on MC. Well, boring.

Just a sudden thought, I always thought I sorta like programming... But then again, I realise I don't since internship, because I cannot do it. I mean like, yes it is a challenge and I should like it, but I do not like the useless feeling of not being able to get things done around a bunch of IT professionals, and make me see clearly how long a journey I have to go before reaching the 'level' of knowledge where my colleagues are now. And I am obviously not talented in IT, maybe in school I just persevere slightly more than others thus being able to complete things at a slightly higher speed? Or maybe I'm just plainly lazy during internship. However I will still study more towards building websites with minimal object-oriented programming... Er that is some sort of IT language. I just lose all confidence to complete my codes thus the slacking...

Still unsure of what I want to do in future, but currently I'm thinking of taking part-time degree and working part-time at the pet shop of bf's sis? I really think that it's pointless working a full-time office job, getting stressed up and unhappy everyday and having little quality time to self until you're old... Then you die. Not to mention not being able to take care of my future kids well? 

Well shall see how. Because the last I remembered, I quitted school and wanted to work since then till the rest of my life :P See how it changed? 

Ok now gtg to have some quality retail therapy. These codes are making me so full of angst (?). Oh, adding on, what the Indonesian minister said about the haze, "This is not what the Indonesian nation wants, it is because of nature.", as if the trees set fire to themselves. I don't mind about the comment about Singapore being all childish because the comment itself tells us how he win us all in being 'like children', when he can actually be silent and take some actions instead

By the way, it's 4.19pm now hahaha 5-6 hours taken to procrastinate somemore and complete my blog post.


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