Monday, October 17, 2011

Sudden thoughts. From a Gemini.

I know I am a gemini, who has two ways thoughts, emotions, and views about almost every single thing. Even when I do something wrong, I will always think that it is in a good way and vice versa.

Gemini tends to be fickle and never stay at a liking for too long. For me, it's true regarding to things like school, stuffs I do, places I go. But if say for people, I am very very very attached once I trust and love. For an instance, YY and Kimi.

Kimi is my new toy poodle pup, I never thought I will get a dog ever, at least not when Im still young and staying with my family, because my family has always been against having a dog as 1) Dogs bark (duh) 2) Pee and poo 3) There might be times when no one is there to take care of the dog ( I dont like this kind of situation too :( ) and finally 4) Dogs die earlier thn humans, but live together with us for many years before they pass on. The thought kills and will make me tear :'(

I barely had Kimi fo two months, and I am super super super attached to her, and I love her so so much!!!! As for the matter that dad, mum and sis do not really think it is convenient, I only bring Kimi home on weekends. You know how I miss her on weekdays and I have to suffer 5 days of school before seeing her!

Anyway, Kimi went grooming today, and YY's sister sent him a picture of Kimi. She looked like a bear, and now a lion. It's super adorable plus a tad epic! Hahaha. The more I speak of Kimi the more I miss her :(

As for YY, busy guy who will still spend QUANTITY and QUALITY time with me, despite his busy schedule. Watched DVD at home, play with hamsters, munch on tidbits, challenge each other to games. Life's great with my guy.

 Went to Kit Chan's concert ytd with Ah Liang and Kit's singing was reall fabulous, her vocals are super powerful and also, she is so feminine and humourous! Especiallywith her ang mo accent. Heh.

YY and I are pigs. Always and forever ordering dishes for 3-4 when it's only both of us. That explained my gain of 7kg after being tgt with YY, aye?

Recently we are being siao lang by slapping each other when we fool around. It hurts lor!!!! But I admit it is fun...... :')

New class this sem, seemed not bad, like Lor said, I do not wanna be outcasted, that will be the worst thing that could happen when you're in a class full of purely acquaintances.

Mood spoiler, tomorrow is Data Comms and Networking, the module with the most strict faci who on appearance, do not give a damn to what you say and only know how to bomb questions and expect us to only answer the answer he want to hear. But this might be his way, it might work somehow, we'll see... But in either way, my feeling...............STRESSED!

I have gained new friends, new trusted friends, good friends that I cherish, people who do not mind me being all forgetful (regarding smses :/), attitude sometimes, and me making a fool out of myself. Even if they laugh at me, I know that it only means bringing happiness to everyone, not teasing and laughing at me that kind.
People from E36R, I think they are the most memorable and best classmates I have in my life, considering my secondary school life is very short.
Love you people!
Joey and Eezrani - my fatties! }inserts 1 hour speech
Singling, Fel, Rasyiqah, Atiqah, Yingying - who always make me laugh so much and go crazy, girls talk, gossip
Enkuan, Razvee - the bros with endless crap + jokes but there to hear me out at the same time
Haiekal, Mankit, Amparo, Elden - those who played a part in making my first sem complete
All of you play a part <3

Like primary make dedication like that but I DONT CARE! I LIKE!
I need to show my appreciation and love. Heh.

Just hoping life will be as peaceful, As and Bs wont be as hard to get and Cs and Ds, I will prefer for them not to appear. I have been working hard since day 1 of sem 2, I hope I can see the fruit of my labour.
And also, NO CONFLICTS AND ARGUMENTS. Me and YY, friends and family. No one okok?
Life's great like that. 

Lastly, everyone ping ping an an be healthy, my dear Kimi too ^^

After grooming!!! Cute anot?!

P.S Endless thing to blog about... Lets see when will be the next time I'll be back. xoxo

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Having my holidays now, it is short but I have thoroughly enjoyed all four days so far, with my classmates, my bbgs_4eva (lol) and idiot bf.

Time flies... Half a year?! Are you sure?????
But at this time it always means my birthday is coming :)
Celebrating it either at Bali or Phuket. I can't wait!
This year's birthday is exceptionally meaningful for me, since it's the 18th birthday.
I can watch M18! Get driving license! Buy toto/4d! Buy cigg! WOO! All the standard things.

Life in RP has been awesome, RJs, daily grades and presentations fuck up sometimes, but Im glad my classmates are like the best :)
Thursday and Friday we're like crazy asses! Had h2h talks also that I really really appreciate it, with Joey, Rasyiqah and Elden.
I have to say. There's a few people that I dislike in my class. I mean like, you do have eyes and ears right? And when you see or hear something, surely you can see the obvious things to say sometimes? And, use your brains. They are not there for nothing yknow? NOH8 is my freaking motto. But of course I can get fed up sometimes right :/
And of course most of the time before/after/during school I'll meet my bb Soh Vivian kettle ahlian dajie whatever lah she damn alot of nicknames LOL never fail to make me laugh

Went shopping with the most important two girlfriends in my life, Gladys Sim and Lock Xinting :) We went for buffet! CLOTHES BUFFET! At Haji Lane. One of the best shopping experience. Queued for like 1.5 hours before we snatch the clothes like mad? But Im glad that I got like 7-8 clothing just for freaking $55! Jealous much? ;P
After that went City Plaza for all the cheap stocks... So physically tired cuz we have to go to like 1km far to get to an ATM?! Because City Plaza's atm was spoiled. One auntie said because it's weekends all the maids come shopping and withdraw money. LOL
Next stop was... My house!!!! Where we bring out our loots and see what we've got, try on my wardrobe clothes and webcam :)
AWESOMEST DAY!!!! Laugh like crazy also.
Enjoy da pictures people ;)

Babies Pudding and Saphor

See what kind of bf I have

Twinny Joey and meeeeee



"Apologizing: Does not always mean you are always wrong and the other person is right. It just means you value your relationship more than your ego."

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Happy anniversary to my super duper charming ironman boyfriend Terence Liang I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

So in da mood to blog cuz it's a special day :) Im waiting for him to knock off, and god knows where we are going.

BUT! I already had a very very very shiok celebration yesterday night. Together with night safari babes and guys, I feel so happy and fortunate and filled with love when everyone like cheers to us and congrats us for our one year. The feeling is AMAZING. Though at first I was like asking them, "Never wish me and Terence ah!" Then they will wish us and I'll be like, "THANKS THANKS!!!" HAHA

Lindy made me laugh like a bitch.
Qinyi make me feel short like for the first time since dont know when.
Veron, Jiahui and Guiqing are just simply adorable.
Anthony, Bernard and Patrick for the entertainment.
And finally, my bbff, TerenceYY for making me feel so loved, taken care of, and elated like never before.

My bbff is like everyone to me; my best friend, my lover, my sparring partner, my bickering bitch, my teacher (which teach me more than half of the knowledge I have now)...... and family :)
He's been with me and trying his best to understand me no matter what situation what mood I land myself in, he's the best I could ever ever ever have in my life.

I've learnt so much in this past one year, the one year that I've grown, live, laugh and love so much. I was shown that there is hope for love, for two people lived totally in different world to be able to communicate so well, to be patient, and to expect less and love more.

"Assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often, laugh a lot and realize how blessed I am for what I have."
This is a quote I saw from Twitter ages ago and it has become my life motto.

I am grateful :)
Terence LYY, love you ttvvvvvvm! <3

Pictures for ytd, and past few weeks:


Eyes and expression when half-drunk


That's the creation of my new mole just between the brows

Best sis ever

Cool or what my bunny shadow

Too much pictures lah sial! Cannot post all!!!
But shall end with this AWWWW~~~ picture. Love my Jelly, Pudding & YY.