Monday, August 30, 2010

Heyyo Im fast aint I?! Hiack. So here's roll of photos that I have no updated with... Those are quite ages ago.

Carebear is the new love in the house and there are like almost 20 of them I guess I have a problem finding place to sleep! YY love challenges and so you can guess where all the keychains I have now came from! (;
From the photos I like got alot of faces from different angle leh lol.

Anyway I'm dieting everyday now! Shaking hoops, doing the power-rider thing, and doing sit-ups at night. I PRAY that it works. And you know what's worse, YY brought me to the height and weight thing at Compasspoint twice and it was like between a week... The first reading already scare the hell outta me and then the most recent one has to give me a heart attack. Just one week and I gained freaking ONE KILOGRAM. I know like lying to myself but I want to tell myself the machine is like really not accurate one lor lol -.- But another thing to reassure myself is that now I'm having my reds so 1kg is probably expected. Yeah here's to the end of the Jm's Weight Report paragraph.

The happy side of my life! Days with YY is very very very happy it's like every day there will be always be someone there for you. Even if my mood swings power, I will go bonkers out of no reason and sometimes get very unglam. Everytime me and YY we tickle, bite and do all sorts of things to disturb each other and I swear it's my favourite past time because seeing him laugh when I caught his weak spot for tickling I will damn happy and shuang. Then I guess he also damn happy also, last few days after going Mustafa he was like knocking my head with his head, then I knock back. Then he freaking BANG my head with his iron steel diamond I dont know whatever head lah damn pain then I give that very wei qu face already then he okokokok peace! already...... Then the next thing we get off cab, walking to void deck ma. I walk in front then I sense something not right liao, want turn behind see what thing then BAM! He slam my damn heavy bag he carrying at my butt it was fucking pain also!!!!! Then I cry. Yah serious HAHA I think he also scared until.
Days with Liang YY is very very very very very fun although when he serious he damn serious but that's one of the things I like most about him too :)
I dont wanna count the days Im tgt with him, becuz how do you count till infinity? Hehe I love you you damn ass.

Ok now down to my low part of life... Recently I read a blog whose owner is one of my hi-bye friend's girlfriend... Woah like everything she wrote is like so totally what I feel in my these few months of life! All the negativeness, how hopeless I felt, the low self-esteem that's torturing me, how being myself is not actually being myself and then again, what is me that kind of thing.
Im sure it's just part of life. Like part of what teenagers have to go thru. The difference between that girl (which I shall proclaim my fav past time blog) and me is that she has a really active life like clubbing, going out oftenly with friends, having the money to dress up herself really exclusively while me, busy with work, going to restaurants and arcades and movies and kbox with my favourite guy, staying home to spend more time with my family, and I seldom meet my friends nowadays. It's not that I have a boring life, I like it simple, just like that. Maybe this emptiness I have is because I havent met my womans for soooooooooooooooo long.......
It's been so tiring everyday after work, and everytime after work I just rarely speak a word anymore and it's like if I meet up with friends and such I'll be deemed as emo-ing. After work all I feel like is getting a rest, relax myself and free my mind off things. I'm VERY easily stressed up by a single bad stuff, same goes to my rate of getting happy and sad and angry and all kinds of moods. Oh and speaking of this, being a Gemini is not something Im that happy about anymore........ I feel like for every single thing I have double thoughts.
For e.g, going to school ok, then this will be my chain of thoughts: Time to go school! ->; But I feel abit tired leh... -> Missing a lesson will leave me difficult to catch up! ->; My freaking school is at DG! -> Lesson is very slack, teacher wont care me or stress me for a single bit what, go lah! ->; But sucks man this feeling I really dont feel like going school -> *Procrastinate till the last minute* ->; Drag foot out and off to school resulting late for about half - 1 hour.

You get the idea lah.
But it's like most of my decisions I have to go thru this long chains of thoughts. I know life's about decisions... They say we should do just what we want and go for it dont care what people say blah blah but consequences leh, have to think about that also what. I'm a really poor decision maker.
I just feel like alot of personalities are cramped up in this mind of mine and when all the thoughts of these personalities run to my brain it's like so frustrating and I got really stressed up.

Sigh. Yeah ranting done.

I must start to put some plans into actions before there are actually regrets.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I'm getting all those emotions in my head. Again.
Seeing everyone fretting about different things, I really want to not be so self-consciously only anymore.
Imma selfish.
Long since I let my heart flows and feel what it should naturally without holding back.

Above was the outing I had with Xinting weeks ago at town :) It was a freaking long time I went out with her. Not alone her, Gladys Sim Tan TongLee & Tan Yilin. I know! I know my fault. But my energy always fails me much. Limbu just browse thru the photos I had with them on facebook you know how nostalgic I am.

Shall upload more pictures of me and YY later on after I bathe. No one looks even when I just updated anyway I just want to keep track of my life in blog but well, failure most probably but I m making the effort!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Life isnt perfect. It never will be. You wont be happy without getting upset first and vice versa. Everyone faces tough situations like what you did and am still facing it now See those people who are in their 50s and above now? They've faced what you did and still living their lifes, along with their love ones. This only mean that you can do it too. Ending life is never a wise decision no matter how much you wanted to at that moment, when you feel that nothing you do now can fade this torturing pain inside you. Once you end your life, you'll never be able to see what you hasn't but wanted to. Have hope in life.

Ok I've grown so much fatter that I cant believe it myself! But have to. Diet plans failed :/ And YY continues his assurance that Im not fat by saying "No lah! Where got" whenever I say "Wah YY I sure I damn fat liao. You see!" and followed by lifting my shirt up abit and showing him my ever-growing stomach fats. Argh. Anyway I hadnt had lunch nor dinner yet, but mum's cooking curry I guess. Im going to school in 15 minutes time. Not decided whether I'm going anot though. "A Hungry Man Is An Angry Man." applies to me. Allow me to think!

Have started working at SZG since 02/08. Tough work at first. So much gossips around + it wasnt my usual routine of work at the NS. Got to know Stephanie who's so ever talkative and have this lion soft toy named Omar (?) and Shirlyn who is very sweet and always smiling and laughing away though! Waking up at 7am wasnt a tough chore afterall. I miss NS staffs! I know I've been self-pressurizing far too much :/ I am trying to toned down my wild thoughts now...............

After like a few hectic days at zoo, YY and I managed to slip a few hours of our night for dinner and some fun.

Shall post the outing of XT and me soonnnnnnnnnnnnnn!