Thursday, July 30, 2009

Smudged eyeliner, uneven bangs.

Geography/SS lesson tomorrow *FAVOURITE*
Jurong East to meet dearest Mummy to take bus to Johor Bahru.
Gonna trim my bangs, deciding whether to trim or cut slant.

Every word is nonsense, but I understand.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I should stop plurking so oftenly and start blogging normally!
How I wish all my thoughts come at the same time.
So I could type out everything in one go! ^^

Firstly, before my oral exam at Tiong Bahru (and getting lost at there), I find one lobang for swimsuit at super RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICE and I'm like the happiest girl on earth lololol then after that anna-sui-alike mirror at Daiso for a simple TWO DOLLARS OMFG CAN I was like shrieking when I saw the mirror because I saw it at CWP and blogshops and they sell it for like $5++.


I think I have been very happy about that for nearly a week already, lol!
Many shocking things shock me I think if I continue to be shocked at this rate my life span will be cut short by another 10 years lor!

Ok la abit high. I want ask my "sleeping god" stay if not later I cant sleep he run away!!!

Nights people!

" I wonder who I will become in life.
Will I be wise? Truthful? Trustworthy? Arrogant?
I refuse to be a nobody. I plan on succeeding in life and I hope you do too.

Monday, July 27, 2009

I'm not pretty, my attitude sucks, I have a lousy character, I dont have much friends.

So what?
I will go one with my fuck up life, happily.
Might sound like self-consoling, and yeah, it is.
I will cherish whoever is around me, because I dont want to lose something and regret not appreciating it.

Lesson of the day: Life goes on.

Yeah, blogger's back to norm (;
Work is great today!
Im dead beat.
Gonna turn in early.

Calling T soon! Gotta catch up on life.
Finally seeing SimAiai tomorrow.

Blog's like a notebook huh (;

"We become to brave and quick. A little clever, a little numb. We could stare a lover in the eyes and lie, "Yes, I don't feel anything at all.""

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Talked with Xinting just now, and she said this sentence, which I think is a very nice one.

"There's really alot of cute guys out there but they just like to " window shop" instead of "buying"."

Cool right? I agree, it's like people everytime watch free free one lor. But then nvm, I go out also can watch shuai ge! (hehe)
Internet speed is real slow!
My URL is temporary, I guess, till I have better ideas (:
Have been picking many URLs and all are taken! Angry angry.

Working tmr at Suntec City, IM SO EXCITED!
Worked on Friday also, and I love working on that day because it passed soooo fast!

I love Geography/SS lessons a million times more than boring science lesson.

The truth is I gave my heart away a long time ago, all of it, and I never really got it back.
But it's okay, I will just blink my tears and say goodbye.
Love is just a misunderstanding between two fools.
Maybe I'm just crazy, but I want a boy who will buy me roses, just because it's Tuesday...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Blogger is sick.

I hate it when I dislike someone very likeable but I really think that this person is very very show-off-everything-she-does.

I wanna watch Haunting In Connecticut! Yet my dears can't make it, or rather, I can't make it. I wanna watch it badly leh. I also wanna go out walk walk badly.

Working at Suntec City on Sunday. $80 into my pocket for standing straight for a day!

I really dont feel good, now.
Not darling, not you.
My cramps, perhaps.
Pictures and files in my computer are in a mess! Disorganized! I want to delete them but I dont know which to delete and which to keep. Too many pictures that I love already ^^

It's 1.08am and past my strict bedtime.
Should be getting to sleep, so that I'll have enough energy for tmr's make up oral exam at Tiong Bahru!
Why so far one? Then all my exam held at Marsiling Secondary. I want to appeal at Woodgrove Sec or Christ Church Sec! Nearer to my house...

Anyway after so long, I saw KH today! So long never see him, I keep punching him again.
He ask me, can dont hit me le ma! I say, cannot, I will bu xi guan.

Sorry love! xD

This was taken before I was sick.

Oh I dont like listening today. The venue is hot and the questions are tricky!
Im just not used to the exam atmosphere I guess, 3 years never take exam already!

Goodnight people! Watching some episodes and off to lala-land!

P.S Hope tonight's isnt a bad dream ): I dreamt of myself being chased by ahbengs/

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The weather is quite cold outside, nice cooling weather for a change! :)

My mood here is like shit though. I'm feeling so stressed up for the listening exam later and the oral exam tomorrow. *BUTTERFLIES ARE FLYING AROUND IN MY STOMACH!* Or is that a cramp coming...
Oh I've recovered from whatever shitto that caused me to be sick and bed-ridden. Got so used to not using computer you know.

Gotta find KH later, it's weeks and I miss him!

I don't care what you think, as long as it's about me.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

"Once you've got what you want, there's when you've got something to lose."

I'm goddamn sick now. Hopefully it's not abit connected to H1N1, but I got 5 symptoms of it.

That means Im not going to Chinese lesson tomorrow and guess what? Chinese Oral O'level exam is on WEDNESDAY.
Shit lor.

Going off. See ya babes.

Went to SAKURA BUFFET RESTAURANT for dinner today! :D

I ate my first meal of the day at freaking 6+-7. Goddamn it!!!
But I am hell happy today, because there is great food!!! I very bloated until cannot bloated liao.
And I have *great* company, that group of guys & my boy. But he left me alone for sometime... Not angry la ^-^

We ate outside the restaurant where it's not air-contioned, and I love it there! It was soooooooo windy and cooling + the scenery is beautiful. The lily pond/lake or whatever it is is kinda creepy, but loveeeeee the place!!!!

I suddenly wants to study SOOOOOOO much. I need to buck up, really. So studying tomorrow, I will be working hard till the day jiejie will bring me to KTV! :D

Has been anti-socialing for this period of time. I will be continue doing so until I get over myself. Sorry to my sistas...

Friday, July 10, 2009

Dont assume that you can talk to people with a fuck-up attitude when you are in a bad mood.
Even if you stick out your tongue and tell me that if you wanna do it I also cannot do anything, then do lor.
But in anyways you'll always be the one in the wrong.
And for fucking goodness sake I didnt even know a fucking thing man, why will I be in the wrong?
IF I do something wrong then people accuse me, then bo bian lor my fault ma I can only apologise, feel guilty, and do what's right.
But the thing is I didnt.

Then you "Lol. Nevermind." what shit? You dont mind I mind la please. Tmd sia.

Im at library again, but this time I have totally no fucking mood to study. But I will try my best to.

Im hungry.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"Tomorrow may rain so I'll follow the sun."

Have a very crazy day with KH yesterday, I was some sort of unglam idiot. Keke.

Gonna go school daily from today onwards. Jiamin FTW!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Gotta catch some sleep! Guess YKH has doze off. Finish doing this layout, sick of the previous one... Not sick of my own face ok, how can I be? It's so adorable *snicker*

Looks like KFC. LOL.
Ok have to sleep! Post some photos up tmr (;

Nice day with Lorencia, and I apologise to Darling :/