Monday, December 8, 2008

YOYOYOOOOOOOO Im back from Malaysia !

Went to Malaysia ytd to fetch my Mum . She went there to 'relax' and 'holiday' .
Because all the cars at the customs were jammed , from 4pm to 9pm ! So Dad and I wait wait wait ... Check internet finally no more jam :)

Then Dad called Mum to say we going over le and wait for us to eat dinner ... We reached there at about 10pm still havent eat dinner leh ! And Dad and I shared a packet of instant noodles at home only for the whole day ...
When we reached my auntie's place , my Mum said that she had eaten with my auntie and family ! Lol ! My father was abit fed up ... My auntie and mummy da bao for us .

That night I had fun talking to my ganjiejie ! Teehee ~
I love gathering with my this auntie and her family ^^

We sleeped at dawn and woke up at 10am . Freaking 4 hours ! Damn beat ~ But we ate yummy prawn noodles , char kuay tiao and curry mee at Huang Hou . Damn delicious ar ! They got this juice where you can mix two different kind of juice . I mixed apple with pineapple . Super triple yum !

Went to shop and there was a crazy sale . 70% discount for a pair of RM49.90 shoes ?! RM39 for Pierre Cardin bra . HAHAHA .
Super worth it also ~

Alot of things to shop , after shopping , they went to eat asam laksa and I eat mee rebus .
Was damn effing tired so slept for 3 hours straight once I reach my auntie's house . Was woken up by chantings of some malays [?] .
Ate dinner and went home !

I ate and ate and ate and ate today and I feel so fat ._.

Grr ! Showed YKH his photos .

*note , ' YehShu Jiamin = he talk to me , Jiamin ' YehShu = I talk to him

12/7/2008 11:11:29 PM ---Send 2 Pictures---
12/7/2008 11:11:41 PM ' YehShu Jiamin why you sent me this !
12/7/2008 11:11:44 PM ' YehShu Jiamin so ugly can !

12/7/2008 11:11:50 PM Jiamin ' YehShu no you see carefully
12/7/2008 11:11:52 PM ---Transfer of pictures complete---
12/7/2008 11:11:55 PM Jiamin ' YehShu you click

12/7/2008 11:12:04 PM ' YehShu Jiamin HOW YOU MAKE ONE ?
12/7/2008 11:12:09 PM Jiamin ' YehShu i make for you on that night ~
12/7/2008 11:12:14 PM Jiamin ' YehShu i clever !
12/7/2008 11:12:18 PM ' YehShu Jiamin WTF
12/7/2008 11:12:19 PM Jiamin ' YehShu mooheeheemoohaha
12/7/2008 11:12:23 PM ' YehShu Jiamin LOL
12/7/2008 11:12:25 PM ' YehShu Jiamin chee bye
12/7/2008 11:12:26 PM ' YehShu Jiamin (vulgar!)
12/7/2008 11:12:28 PM ' YehShu Jiamin *vulgar*

12/7/2008 11:12:33 PM Jiamin ' YehShu hor ?
12/7/2008 11:12:33 PM ' YehShu Jiamin *vulgar*vulgar*vulgar*
12/7/2008 11:12:37 PM Jiamin ' YehShu oooo
12/7/2008 11:12:40 PM ' YehShu Jiamin *vulgar*vulgar*vulgar*
12/7/2008 11:12:45 PM Jiamin ' YehShu ok
12/7/2008 11:12:46 PM ' YehShu Jiamin vulgar*vulgar*vulgar*vulgar*vulgar*
12/7/2008 11:12:51 PM ' YehShu Jiamin LOL
12/7/2008 11:12:53 PM ' YehShu Jiamin Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake !

12/7/2008 11:13:06 PM Jiamin ' YehShu -.-
12/7/2008 11:13:07 PM ' YehShu Jiamin the second photo you better not post
12/7/2008 11:13:08 PM Jiamin ' YehShu CHEY
12/7/2008 11:13:09 PM Jiamin ' YehShu lol

12/7/2008 11:13:11 PM ' YehShu Jiamin if not you'll get chop !
12/7/2008 11:13:18 PM ' YehShu Jiamin DONT PUT I TELL YOU !

12/7/2008 11:13:25 PM Jiamin ' YehShu LOL
12/7/2008 11:13:30 PM ' YehShu Jiamin ANS THE PHONE

---Proceeds to tell me how ugly those photos are and not to post on my bloggie ! But I like ): And I know he like it in his heart! :)---

While still talking on the phone ~

12/7/2008 11:13:37 PM Jiamin ' YehShu ji chio yi xia
12/7/2008 11:14:26 PM ---Sends a photo of me---

12/7/2008 11:14:30 PM Jiamin ' YehShu chiobu

---He says , (machiam continueing our conversation) "And hor , can you not so buay paiseh already har ?"---

I hate this asshole , but I love him even more :)

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