Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ok what happened for the past few days huh, let me see.
But wait! I only know that O's is coming, I havent completed understanding everything, I'm busy with work and self-reflecting, those things that don't bear any good results. Sigh!
2012 come soon leh all the ice faster melt. Let's die together everyone for the same reason :)

There was watching Phobia2 with L, fellow Hjks & Kh. First time movie with the guys and Lorencia. The movie was great though we missed the first few minutes but J wasn't there. She came with us after the movie though! :)
Kh bought MegaMcSpicy for me while having dinner!!! It was so damn oily and I feel a few pounds heavy after consuming it. Nevertheless, I was very happy becuz......... :)
Hung out at Macdonald till late!

School was total fun with L around! She never fails to and make me chatter nonsense non-stop. I really hope that I can see her often after the last day of school....... Well left one week of lesson and end of studying at BMC. It's kinda saddening you know that? I really appreciate the noise and jokes from my fellow classmates and most importantly, MrDev. I made a few good friends as well. I wanna cry! :'(

I'm gonna put on braces! :D Working and saving for that expensive metal.

Home with sister tuition-ing me was a blast. As in laughters and stupid entertainment. Love it ^^

Met up with Aiai two days ago. It's really great seeing her again after this period of time! Had jokes with her and heard her strum the guitar. Lol! I hope she'll be living on fine. Missed the good old days hanging out with her and guys, we were unbreakable. Look forward to outing with Xt and Aiai, and seeing Pepper soon ^^
Pepper's blog real cool. I didn't know dogs has such ability! Maybe I mean dog. heh.

J's house is like home. I love seeing meimei! Babies just make me smile real wide. It's like I don't know how to interact with them yet I really want to play with them. Seeing them squeak with delight makes my night brighter! And lying down on J's comfy bed talking about love, life and what's not :)

Seeing Kh really little nowadays. Busy with our own things. Distance don't make the heart grow fonder! :(

And.............. Finally for today! :D

It was great fun! Running in the rain, shuddering becuz of the coldness, being clueless about the ATM machine, shooting the arcade game with all my might but still lose out. Eating and eating and eating! Never have a chance to think about diet with J this food expert around.
888 for J's haircut, and looking at the mirror in the 2nd floor toilet.
768 for drinks and exploring. SAW LXT!!!! OMG I was fucking surprised and happy! L4D siol (; I still got apple pie treat leh mai siao siao.

It's refreshing to tour around Woodlands, to the place we've gone before, with friends in the present or in the past, the memories just start to flash in your mind. Talking and reminising with old friend. Sigh, I love my bitches and guy so much!

Went to admiralty park and gosh I didn't know how relaxing and quiet place it was. Totally filled with smell, scent and sound of nature. I really like the place. If you feel hungry, can just take a 2 minute walk to the Sakura restaurant lol! The place that caused me to be ill and lose 2 kg ^^

Cabbed home hehe. Awesome day, really.

AngJ, anytime for you! Whatever trips you down, just be strong and don't give in to it. We'll be guiding you my dear. What are BFFs for? :)

I miss L! Where is she?!?!

I'm starting to work even though I havent even complete my exams. Now I think I'm making a big mistake and hope's gonna be gone for O level. No promise to mug hard anymore. I will try though. It's all about trying.

All these troubles going thru and round my mind, I can't concentrate on anything proper.
Life is great becuz I have my friends, family and boyfriend, who really love and support me. Why am I still not satisfied? Only I know huh. Sometimes... Life just turn out to be so amazing, in an absolutely worst and unexpected way. And I don't really like it.

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