Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Do you feel better? Just not long ago, I was the one feeling better, who felt all motivated to move to the next step of my life. You won in the end, like how you always did. But do you feel the way you wanted now? If it does, it's a closure for you. If it does, it's a closure for me too. Can you tell me you are well? Can you just tell me in one way or another? A dream, an appearance, I don't care. Just tell me, would you?

Listening to 爱到底 and 心跳,two songs (out of the many many) you used to sing, and songs you sing that really make me fall in love. Remember the days we sing at Cineleisure's Kbox till 6am in the morning? Remember those times we went for late night suppers after our movies and k-sessions? You don't know how you're making my heart break right now. I hope I will be sane enough, at least to complete my last semester of studies. After that, I have a few months to go crazy. Why are you doing this now? Why are you so selfish?

Do you know the amount of goodness you have? I might have make it sound like I can find someone better, but no. You're the one with the talents, with the wide amount of general knowledge to teach this little girl that knows less than a quarter of what's in the world, knows how to cook and will deliver it to bed for me, iron clothes to prepare for my work, sing songs dedicated to me, and best of all, make me laugh and make me smile the truest when my day was screwed. Who will do all this to and for me now? Do you know that you're able to find a girl with better personality, better looks and figures, and someone who can communicate and understand you completely?

I really want you to just appear in front of me. I want someone to tell me that this is not real. This is slowly sinking in, I know I have been strong for today, and I hope I can be tomorrow, but I am never sure. I want to be strong for me and loved ones.

Do you know how big this impact is on me now? Do you know? Can you see me now? Please, I just wanna lose all these memories, it's breaking me slowly...

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