Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hi Im back.
I know I sibeh cute. Shall reduce words and spam pictures!
Posting up pictures now, again make me reminisce and miss those times at BKK with YY so much. about one month plus ago.

Im amazed by the stone fish. Stylo much?

Love these 3 photos

Outside Siam.

Injured from the Ocean World -- from bumping into rock wall!

Getting ready for Calypso!

They are guys! Look at their tummy! The left one very feminine.

Most of our loots are from Naraya for my friends and colleagues

Waiting for romantic dinner cruise <3

Taken by IP4 front cam hahaha lousy much

I thought will have thai written all over. But-- JAP!

The Pizza Hut mchm fine restaurant

Love it!

Bar for football and chilling


Last day, leaving

Last stop for foot and back massage! Wrap my leg until berry cute!

On the plane........ :)
----------------------------------End of BKK post----------------------------------

Random photos for last month~

Damn zhuai at there live in his own world thinking he very shuai, lol!

Work @ Zoo

Love this photo many many many! Vitabong with my YY <3

Girls night out~~ With my besties, Gladys and Xt :) Love them forever!

NS Retail chalet~ Lil YY and Liang Mama went along too!

Xiaohong and me! Everyone very teng her.

Door girfts -- balloons with keychain

Me and Kailin~ Get well soon girl.


Zi pai!

Zoo with Liang Mama, Lil YY and YY~

IM THIS CLOSE TO IT. I want to bring it home :(

Took this becuz it's by my IP4!!! AND YET SO CLEAR.
 Christmas small countdown with NS colleagues~

Day out with JIANING!!! Which is like damn long never see her liao?! And Gladys, tl, Shawn and Jialin. Watched Tron. The motor damn zai.

THAT'S ALL! I still have alot of photos with YY, for the new year photos :)
Using Lumix FZ100! Hehehe wait for it wait for it~~~~~~~~~~

Life's been good to me. 2011 is nothing new, just some digits that's all.

"I don't believe in New Years Resolutions. They're an excuse to take the bad parts of your life and flaunt them with the promise that you'll change them; they're an excuse to realize you messed up and are going to change without being ashamed. But there is no shame in wanting to change, no matter what day it is. We are constantly changing, whether we know it or not. Take a year and live it one day at a time; you'd be surprised how much can change on its own when you're not making dreamy long-term goals." -heyitscello

I think it's true lor. So I shant have resolutions. But these are my last year's...

1. Life will be better. (same old thing) [YES It's so much better.]
2. Achieve something else if my O's fail. (gotta know what happen on 11th-13th) [At least Im working now and waiting for O's again :) ]
If O's passable, move on to RP. [failed]
3. Get an ideal weight of **kg. [GAINED 7 kg somemore.]
Be a better friend, girlfriend and daughter. [Think so? :/ But Im sure Im a better girlfriend for someone that deserves it.]
Make 50 new friends. (LOL at myself but I wanna do it! :) ) [I DID IT!!!]
6. Know how to admit mistakes boldly and apologise. [half done? Hahaha]
7. Raise self-esteem, stop wallowing in misery. [still do]
Get a laptop with my own money. [got one. Sis gave her old but that that old lappy to me!]
9. Not be selfish and at the same time take care of my own self. [dont know how to do it. appear two headed]
10. Stop disappointing so many people that are suppose to be my guardian angels and result in them leaving.
[I didnt lose much people in 2010 :) No one very important to me anyway!]

I dig it up from old post lol! Yah I got 11 resolutions one. I got typo -.-
See that I've been doing pretty good huh! I shall improve on those not strike off.

Toodles! Watching Gullivers Travel with my sis at cwp now.

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