Monday, October 5, 2009

Day was okay-spent at Aunt's house in JB yesterday. My mid-autumn gone! :(
No playing of candles, no lanterns, nothing that I like except for the sufficient amount of favourite snowskin mooncakes that I ate :D
Mind you, fat die me.

But it was lunar 15th day of the month so my family and relatives have to be vegeterian for the day and I joined in... I wasn't looking forwards to the food that doesnt contain any meat, honestly. But the food was fucking good and one of the vegeterian 'chicken' tasted exactly or even nicer than the meat dish itself that I keep gasping and doubting whether it really isnt made up of real meat lol -.- Got shark fins ah, curry 'fishhead' ah, sweet and sour 'pork' etc etc.

Went home, ate durian mooncake and then I went outside to play some candles to satisfy my mid-autumn fun crave. I think that I'm getting pro-er in my wax dripping skills lol.

I even made an angel! Look like hor? Lol -.-

Went to TPY with parents and I had tiffs with Mum two days in a row! Hate it but I stick to my reasons though admitting that my attitude was wrong.

Had nice coffee at a coffeeshop!

SSC afterwards for Daiso that my mum keep renaming it as Da Sao (lol-.-)
I'm damn vain. Here's the proof.

No idea what it means but I like the look of it. LOL
It's a mouse pad and mirror! Mum lost my mirror at the coffeeshop. Sulks.

I miss Kh like crazy! Ya, like crazy. It's so unusual becuz I havent see him for only two days and I already miss him like crazy! I repeated crazy like got 3 times hor lol.

I will be trying my best to mug, don't mention mug harddd becuz I can't even study properly. I can read a sentence 3-4 times and still don't get what it means. Jialat.

Ciao, gotta bathe and cuddle up with my bolster in my little bed ^^

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