Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's one of those days that I hate the most.

In my world these few days, it just keep drizzling non-stop.
No storms, no heavy rain, just drizzling. And I'm already drenched from head to toe...
To me, everything that is a single bit unpleasant that happens to me, I deemed them as the worst thing ever.
Why? Why can't I ever be satisfied with my alright-life?
I just keep losing people in my life. Losing, getting, losing, getting. This process keep repeating and I'm really tired...

I don't have the will to look forward to my selfclaimed-bright future, when I just seem to stay stuck here.
Will a wise, mature & understanding soul, please tell me what I should do.
Because I just feel that everything I'm doing is just so wrong, but don't they have one saying, which is, "Do what you think is right for you." ?

Wait, I think I'm doing things that is comfortable for me.
I ask my sister whether I'm more paranoid or self-centered, and she told me I'm self-centered.
Am I really selfish? Is it that I gave too much in the past, and now I'm afraid to give anymore?

I really love everyone around me that I always say, are important to me. Mostly, these five people...
But I really feel so distant, and it's what I get for what I decide...
It's my decision afterall. And though I feel so FML-ish almost all the time, it's really just peaceful around me.

I think too much, far too much. How to control?
I envy everyone's life around me...

Hate this emotional shit. Really. It eats the hell out of me!!!
Screw this life.


Went out to Bugis with sister this late afternoon to buy shorts we've been yearning for.
Overslept for gym date with Joyce again, swear I felt the most apologetic ever! How I hope I'm not such a heavy sleeper.

Roam around Illuma, love it there though it's quite empty.
Ate Long John Silver... I wanna thank sister many because I'm really broke with a few dollars left, felt really grateful that she pay everything for me.
Serious diet & saving from tmr onwards.

Sucha long time didnt went to Bugis Street, and was so surprised to see many pieces of apparels that I LOVE. Wth
But, finally sister and I agreed on something which was the blazer she bought. Happy!

Bought our short and went back home, home bitter home :)

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