Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I should stop plurking so oftenly and start blogging normally!
How I wish all my thoughts come at the same time.
So I could type out everything in one go! ^^

Firstly, before my oral exam at Tiong Bahru (and getting lost at there), I find one lobang for swimsuit at super RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICE and I'm like the happiest girl on earth lololol then after that anna-sui-alike mirror at Daiso for a simple TWO DOLLARS OMFG CAN I was like shrieking when I saw the mirror because I saw it at CWP and blogshops and they sell it for like $5++.


I think I have been very happy about that for nearly a week already, lol!
Many shocking things shock me I think if I continue to be shocked at this rate my life span will be cut short by another 10 years lor!

Ok la abit high. I want ask my "sleeping god" stay if not later I cant sleep he run away!!!

Nights people!

" I wonder who I will become in life.
Will I be wise? Truthful? Trustworthy? Arrogant?
I refuse to be a nobody. I plan on succeeding in life and I hope you do too.

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