Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Finally my CNY post completed . LOL . I do homework also not so hardworking lor ...

Tadaaaaaaaaa !

First day was like nothing , Saturday ! 1 hour trip to Pontian and sleeeeeep !

Second day's midnight , everyone wore new clothes and pray ... The smoke very heavy ! That night also got rain ma , then got this kind of small insect got wings one , then when they die they dont know vanish to where then only left their wings ._. VERY irritating . I got sensitive nose leh ! So , I slept early that night after praying and getting angpaos from my elders :)

The next day's morning , the first day of CNY ! We went on a 12 hours trip to Alor Star . Super long k -.-
First day was the day I took the most number of photos ! :D

OH YA ! I saw this thing in the sky that looks gorgeous can !!!!!!!!!!!! It's like a circle with rainbow surrounding it . A pity that my phone cannot capture the rainbow colors ... Anyone know what is it ? S:

The strawberry donut with fillings from Dunkin Donuts is very nice . Teeheehee !

Reached Alor Star in the evening ! Omg that place is super duper kampong . Especially the mosquitoes ! Lucky we went to sleep at a motel . Lol -.-
As a result , I didnt get to play with my cousins because they stay at the kampong house . I prefer no mosquitoes for me than having fun -.- I cant have fun at a place full of mosquitoes . Right !?

Wah the person who own the motel damn rich ok . She's just staying beside the motel , in a HUGEEEEEEEEE bungalow with a HUGE white dog . Crazy one ~ She owned a motel -.-

Omg . This is my niece . I look funny la , but love her can ! She damn cute ... But always dont want me hug ): Unless I say "Go find mummy ok ?" or "Mum mum !" which means food . HAHA . Damn cute k .

Told you cute le right !!! :D
And .. How often do you see a huge field like this in Singapore ?

Very little right !! My grandma house is beside this beautiful place (:
Then after that ... We went to my oldddd grandma house which everyone gather !

Introducing ...

The bathroom!

Outside the house!

Inside the house!

Front of the house (:

We went to 3 houses that day ! My 3 great-great aunties house ..

First house ! There are alot alot alot alot of people there and most of them were youngsters ! They eat steamboat every year ^^

My mother and her cousin (:

Second house ! Which is beside a river . There are asam trees , mango trees , etc etc beside the house . The house is big but the stairs is kinda freaky . Looks like one in Grudge . Lala see the photo then say one !

The guy tallest in the picture above is my mother's cousin's husband ! He is an angmoh !!! Cool right ? I got an angmoh relative . Teehee !

Above is the ice kachang I ate -.- Due to staying in the freezer for too long , it become as hard as a rock . My auntie ask me what I eating , I say rock !
We ate dinner at outdoors ... And there were fireworks right in the sky above . 1st Jan 2009 also never see so nice de ... BEAUTIFUL !

Slept at 1 plus , wahlao , got the zodiac the thing , I stay awake to see my chicken one then in the end they say today only say the first half of the zodiac , next day say the other half -.-
Then I go sleep lo ...

Fourth day !

Went to visit another 2 great great aunties and I eat the mi feng wo biscuits , eat until a star shape ! :D
Teehee .

After that we went to pray in a san dong ? There are natural formed buddhas and gods on the walls of the san dong . Very amazing . And there's very cooling natural air in the sandong . There's really no aircon at all ! Cannot take photo there they say the buddhas dont like ...

After everything we ate dinner at a seafood restaurant by the sea . It's full of mosquitoes there , yucks ):

That night I fell asleep at 12 + . Damn tired ! What makes my blood vessels burst is that I missed the goddamn zodiac tv show ! T.T

Fifth day !
Went to my old grandma house first ...

Wo de ni si !!!

Damn cute hor ^^
Beside the house got orchid and coconuts !!! Everyone drink coconut juice and eat coconut flesh because the weather very hot !
My mummy put the orchid on my ni si 's hair , very funny ~

So in the early afternoon , we set off to my ahyi house and I was very happy to leave the place I guess ! Hate hate hate hate hate mosquitoes man _|_

My ah yi had two hamsters , seven years old already , very cute de ! The sad thing is ... One of them died ): Very ke lian ... The only one left even more ke lian can ):

And they have an interesting dog ! Named Tim ~
But he's very dirty !

That night I slept with my mother ! Damn cozy ^^
Next day my uncle bring us to eat bak kut teh . At their place their , it's very famous lor ... They say got 800+ bak kut teh stalls in Klang 0.0

After we went back ,
I helped my daddy wash car ! Because got one night we were travelling on the road ... There were many of those flying insects . So due to the fast speed of the car ... All the insects are too late to hide and piak piak piak they all died , caused by the effect of the car -.- Very disgusting leh , all the corpses on the front glass there . Many ar ... Guess got hundreds of them .

Wahlao and one thing , I wash car until my flats going spoiled already ):
Stupid right ! Wear flats wash car . Tsk tsk . Lala like me to wear that shoes alot !

After we packed our things , farewell and we went back to pontian , my grandmother house ...

We saw a cow on the roadside !

Reached my grandmother's house in 12 hours time -.- Damn shag one ok that journey .
I played mahjong poker with my cousins for the consequent three days ! Ahhah . Damn fun . Played with my small cousins also ^^

I guess my trip for this week involves alot of animals ... Because ...

Is this called a komodo dragon ? Omg I feel so noob -.-
My mother saw it in my grandmother's backyard !

So on Sunday afternoon , we went back to Singapore ! I love CNY ^^
But I missed lala alot alot alot during this one week T.T
I took alot of pictures ! Shall end my post with a scenery collage :D

*this post might be long winded , but when i look back at my post i can reminise ma ...

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