Wanted to say I enjoyed that day alotttttttttt and I love my Mummy , Daddy and Jiejie and I hoped they will stay as happy as what they are now :D
Currently at YKH house so no photos ! He had gone out and Im waiting for him to be back ...
My work stopped on Friday , thank goodness . And for your information , I was only supposed to work for two weeks . Lol !
Work was and enjoying experience as I could have KFC for lunch -.- And I have my cousins and aunts to accompany me ! And the best of all , the wonderful pay that I will be getting tmr . YUMMY .
So , Saturday was the day to relax and enjoy and catching up with Boyfriend , Girlfriend and fellow friends . Lol ! Met Joycie below my house at 12+ she was so sweet la ! Waited below my block for me leh . (:
Then we went to Vista Kitchen to eat our usual . Talking to her is always so nice and relaxing ! Oooo I love her . We went to 7-Eleven and bought princess biscuits for each other (:
She also gave me a small heart-shaped card which I like alot !
Joycie , you're a very strong girl already ! If I were you , I will be and emo shit leh . I will pei-ing you throughout de okk ^^
Then we went to Fragrant RC sit sit ~ Only Darren Liao was there . Then YKH and the others came ..
It still feels good to see your friends after a long time even though their first words were "Hi fei zhu !"
Ya I know I fat !!
Ok Im so into this book , Fatal Seduction II . I think Joycie told me about this quite long ago , and YKH just bought this book few days ago .
Even Fat Lips and Alvin Lee will read leh !
I only like Fatal Seduction II and not Fatal Seduction because before I came to post I was reading the book S:
Finished it in 3 hours leh ! Im a fast reader ^^
Totally cried at the end , it's damn touching and NOOOO I never got horny I swear -.-
And I think Fatal Seduction II is definitely nicer because Wenloong said so and the first page of it already got me reading without stopping (:
Btw , I havent finish reading Fatal Seduction -.- But I read 50+ pages and it's already quite boring !
I have to emphasized that I was really touched and enlightened by the story . It's like a total unexpected thing that happen in the end . You know when you read the words and they suddenly make all your hair stand and you will be feeling , wow ! , and that you are so into the story that kind ?
I scolded YKH for buying it using $11 !!!!! but now I take back my words . Heh sorry darling (:
Oh and anyway I talked about this book because I read Fatal Seduction for awhile while I was at Fragrant . Ahah !
Continue ~
And then after that , they wanted to kick some balls at Tekong Park ! Lol , soccer la !
Went to Joycie's house for awhile , her sister was being very sweet to be cooking for her boyfriend (:
And it was yummy !
Went down after awhile and many things happen , it was very chaotic and worrying ! Everyone went to CWP .
I was sweating like mad .
Lose fat ! :D
Then everyone took 901 to Vista Point to buy candles and stuff . Alot of people leh , 16 people I think (:
I went home to bathe and eat ~
And 8.45pm I went down and when I almost reached Vista Park , I saw them run across the road :O
I was confused and no one replied to my question -.-
Then I call here call there lor . Found YKH and guys , then Edwin , YKH and me took taxi back 'home' and here I am !
Im missing YKH already sia now . Part for four hours and I already want to see him very much . Very scary right ):
I scared later I too disturbing leh ~ You know the feeling when your hand really itchy want to call/text your boyboy but scared you too fan ?
Im having the feeling now S:
Aiyar I hope he'll open the door now and surprise me ! :D
I hope tmr will be fun ! I want buy alot alot of candles built alot alot of words and pictures and buy lanterns with girlfriend .
Yay ! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone ! So happy (:
Feel like I zi-highing because I alone in this room .
This one is my birthday photo at Fragrant RC ! So long ago but an unforgettable day .

And everytime I look at this picture I really will tell myself , Jiamin you really got grow fat leh . ):):):

Do you know my darling computer got alotttttttttttt of my zilian photos ? Wahahaha ! He had to look at my photos every night before he can go to sleep . Lol ! No laaaaaa !
You know wo de nan peng you the friendster background picture ? That was the very first photo we took . Lol lol (:
Memorable la !
I love YKH very very much !
I go blog-hopping while waiting for darling le .
I wanna upload many photos tmr ! Got many many :D
Bye people ♥
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