Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy 5th Month my dearest Kianhui .
You know you mean everything to me , yes , everything .

Though your forfeit was entertaining everyone present , I felt as if you danced for me LOL I know that's a very stupid thing to say but you were the greatest man ! As usual I will say , you rock my ballssss when I know I have none (:

Your bad points were all transformed into good points without me knowing inside me . I can feel myself getting fonder and fonder of you as days pass .
Little things you do made me smile and laugh , they could make me super mad too .
No matter what , I stay in love with you my dear (:


My sister give me chocolate ! So cute .

I ate the right one which looks like the flag . I still havent ate the others yet :O

Back to Maplestory & PSP-ing ! Weet .

Bomberman Boss Stage 4 ! I've tried this stage more than 30 times I guess S:

Sims 2 ! On the right is me and in the 2nd picture they are lesbian-ing . NONE OF MY BUSINESS ONE !

Anyway today , I met Joycie for lunch today (:
It feels good to talk to her again , we talk things out and whenever there were silence between us , it wasnt awkward because we know both of us are thinking of something .
Love girlfriend .

And these were the things she gave me on 13th August !

Love those tidbits (:
And anyway , outdated pictures :D

This is Joycie's niece and she exclaimed that she was cute ! Ya she is (:

At Joycie's house , ton-ed , we were making our own poker cards (:

The beauty therapy centre ! That I quitted ._.

Ah Kian's wall ! It says , Look at the Bright side => , pointing to the window . So cool !

Anyway ... Back to today !

And after that we went to RC . So long since I went there . I still love the craps they made . Haha .
Bygones by bygones . I've learnt to shut up . Sorry people (:

Darling was being super sweet and nice to me . Maybe he will say , got meh ? Heh ! Told you , little things he do will make me super ultra duper happy ! :D

Played with candles at a shelter near RC , they bought manyyyyyyy packets of candles . It wasnt even Mid Autumn ! They played cards and did painful forfeit -.-

After that , went back to RC and Joycie went home .

They played card and did forfeits again , this time it's dancinggggggg ! And taking off shirt and pants :X
There's boxer left la , and there were parts where Im not supposed to see !
Kianhui was the first one , and he was super cool . Super , I tell you . I love him so much (:

Blahhhhh . A block [?] ice-cream seller came and they bought ice cream . My love bought one for me and gosh , it was harder than a rock la -.-

But it was delicious !
They played with the dry ice in their mouth and it was very cool (:

Went home and here I am !

Toodles to everyone and good night .
Im off to Mapling already (:

Tag me if you want to play this server ok ? :D

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