Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I hate this shit :(
I wanted to go school but my phone alarm didn't manage to wake me up, neither did 2 calls from Jiaxi and more notifications. Dafuq is wrong! So stressed now. Have to study harder for the next lesson. Feel like plucking my hair now argh! Why can't I wake up!!!

Summing it up with my instagram-ed face hee

Friday, May 4, 2012

Using the blogger app! Hee if it can do things that I want it to do I might be able to blog frequently after all! Since blogging was one of my super favorite past time ^^

At Thai Express with KL and Piak now. Table is empty because both went to ATM lmao.

Am sick with flu and sore throat yet I'm here to enjoy good food?!

Going to study later nevertheless. Missed one lesson of BPM today. Hate it :(
Hope I'll be able to catch up.
Life is becoming so stressful again because of studies.