Sunday, May 15, 2011


Happy anniversary to my super duper charming ironman boyfriend Terence Liang I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

So in da mood to blog cuz it's a special day :) Im waiting for him to knock off, and god knows where we are going.

BUT! I already had a very very very shiok celebration yesterday night. Together with night safari babes and guys, I feel so happy and fortunate and filled with love when everyone like cheers to us and congrats us for our one year. The feeling is AMAZING. Though at first I was like asking them, "Never wish me and Terence ah!" Then they will wish us and I'll be like, "THANKS THANKS!!!" HAHA

Lindy made me laugh like a bitch.
Qinyi make me feel short like for the first time since dont know when.
Veron, Jiahui and Guiqing are just simply adorable.
Anthony, Bernard and Patrick for the entertainment.
And finally, my bbff, TerenceYY for making me feel so loved, taken care of, and elated like never before.

My bbff is like everyone to me; my best friend, my lover, my sparring partner, my bickering bitch, my teacher (which teach me more than half of the knowledge I have now)...... and family :)
He's been with me and trying his best to understand me no matter what situation what mood I land myself in, he's the best I could ever ever ever have in my life.

I've learnt so much in this past one year, the one year that I've grown, live, laugh and love so much. I was shown that there is hope for love, for two people lived totally in different world to be able to communicate so well, to be patient, and to expect less and love more.

"Assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often, laugh a lot and realize how blessed I am for what I have."
This is a quote I saw from Twitter ages ago and it has become my life motto.

I am grateful :)
Terence LYY, love you ttvvvvvvm! <3

Pictures for ytd, and past few weeks:


Eyes and expression when half-drunk


That's the creation of my new mole just between the brows

Best sis ever

Cool or what my bunny shadow

Too much pictures lah sial! Cannot post all!!!
But shall end with this AWWWW~~~ picture. Love my Jelly, Pudding & YY.