Friday, November 28, 2014


 I guess that when certain kind of situations happened to you for quite a few times, you'll panic, you'll feel the same negative emotions, you'll be helpless, but somehow you'll also know that the whole thing will be done and settled with one day, and the rainbow is forever there, it's just how you can make it visible to you. 

Exams are next week, I'm barely making it through. These three months make me feel the dumbest I've ever felt in my life, but I've also learnt quite a bit, and I'm thankful that at least I'm gaining interest although the workload and difficulty level (to me) are really ridiculous sometimes and I am just like fml, why am I even doing this, why did I even chose this route. But end of the day again, I know the real reason, and speaking of that I realise that I actually have a goal, having a direction and that really makes me feel much better. 

People in school are really good to me, I'm thankful for all the craziness and laughters and gossips but oh god the drama that existed in there really awes me like I don't even get that kind of dramas floating around in school when I was in primary school or my partial secondary school life. But all's good, everyone has the evil tongue now and then but all of them have soft and kind hearts. Which I really find so awwwwwww. 

There's some annoying people with no sense of empathy and sensitivity towards others. Smart but talk with no brains. The irony. 

Thank god for my didi, hu0xing ge, kaikai and the market bunch so I don't have to hold my complaints back when I get angsty or in desperate mode, and I can say whatever shit I want which varies depending on the 63754865 moods we're put into everyday lololol and they'll entertain me. 

And lastly, my pillar of support, my boy. We have been missing each other so much, can't even have much quality time together. The December holidays are so yearned for, and it's definitely not enough for me but I'm so so thankful for it. Had my own exam prep kit today which I'm really all smiley about today, which was specially prepared by my fisherman. *beams* He brought it up personally and didn't want to let me know what is it. How sweet right? I mean who else, which guy does this for their girls nowadays? He brings out the best in me and I've never been a more positive person before I met him. Had a slight rough patch with coping with the sudden changes in lifestyle, and I'm glad it made us both better people. I always reminisce about how we play wrestling together and laugh at weird people we see (yeap I know don't say me) and always creating inside jokes that make me tear and my stomach pain . You're really the best, boy. 

Gonna get a good sleep and tomorrow is really gonna be my full blast, full effort, full energy studying. Jiayou jiajia. And to the kids (we're forever kiddies in our own hearts) taking exams soon, add many many oilllll