The white starlight envelops the tears
The tears fall in the warm wind
Do you feel it?
This trembling, quiet whisper that is going your way
I draw you on this white paper
The warm smile holds me
Is this love?
Even when i close my eyes, I see only you
I will be waiting for you
I will wait for you
I don't want to see the tears of pain anymore
You let me know
This love that's like a lie, I'll never let it go
Because that love is you
I'm walking in my memories with you
The tears fill even the deepest area of my heart
What should i do?
Even in my dreams, I miss you I will be waiting for you
I will wait for you
I don't want to see the tears of pain anymore
You let me know this love that's like a lie, I'll never let it go
Because that love is you
Please look at me, like the faraway stars
Can't you be the one that's in my heart
I will be waiting for you
I will wait for you
I don't want to see the tears of pain anymore
You let me know
This love that's like a lie, I'll never let it go
Because that love is you
I love the way Yi Jung shelter Jan Di from Jun Pyo.
When nothing can makes you cry, when you keep everything inside your heart, when you really feel like screaming out loud.
Suddenly a song and a drama just make you break down and cry, makes you feel better, makes you think so much, and cry again.
What if your life is a drama? A similar drama? What will you do.
This is getting out of hand, I must learn to control.
I want to continue crying. I miss this kind of feeling.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
"Don't waste your time in surroundings you don't enjoy, or even in the company of those you don't consider kindred spirits. You need to be in an atmosphere that's conducive to comfort and security. Find it, and get there posthaste. "

Everyone is into Korean craze now! ME too!!!!! And three and four and five.
Especially Wondergirls and Kimbum!
Sohee &Sunye are my favourites now ^^
Im beginning to like YeEun already! Influenced by YKH!
Sohee and KimBum look so cute together.
Going to school later, seriously, Chinese is crap! Dont like the classroom. But the teacher is funny!!!
I want to earn lots and lots of pretty money.
Anyone has some to spare?
I must find more ways to earn money... BUT I SHOULD START STUDYING!

Everyone is into Korean craze now! ME too!!!!! And three and four and five.
Especially Wondergirls and Kimbum!
Sohee &Sunye are my favourites now ^^
Im beginning to like YeEun already! Influenced by YKH!
Sohee and KimBum look so cute together.
Going to school later, seriously, Chinese is crap! Dont like the classroom. But the teacher is funny!!!
I want to earn lots and lots of pretty money.
Anyone has some to spare?
I must find more ways to earn money... BUT I SHOULD START STUDYING!
Sunday, June 28, 2009

If being crazy over a drama and actors/actress is stupid, I wouldnt wanna be smart! ;)
Today was a meaningless day, and one of the reason is I had an afternoon nap! I hate the aftermath of an afternoon nap because I will have humongous mood swings when I wake up.
There? It's how I am now!
Im know what blogskin Im going to put already *winks*
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My sister has bad attitude these two days I dont like her!
Now I know why people are so crazy over Boys Over Flowers! I love the storyline...
Skipped English and going Maths later on. I need to improve on my Maths realy bad... I cant remember anything and panicked when we were told to do a practice cum test.
Dont wanna disappoint my parents and sister. SIGH. Big big sigh.
Went studying awhile with Lorencia yesterday. End up talking more! :)
Wanna meet darling today, I miss him!
Plurk's coming soonnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
My eyes were uneven on that day and I look like I just wake up on most of the pictures!
I love the hand-cut&paste words by my sister :)

Going to school! Lorencia's waiting, cya people!
Monday, June 22, 2009
I feel happy and sad after reading this person's blog. She's sucha sweet and nice girl :)
Sigh. Have no mood to go for chinese liao. How? Should I go find Darling straight away? Or should I go for lesson... Well I think Im going for chinese because I told Tania I will help her check her result and Feona that I will pass things to her..
*cannot be irresponsible!*
I want sweet days with my boyfriend... I want everything to feel right, everyday to feel love, I want the feeling of me cannot lose him, and I dont want the feeling of me worrying about him suddenly leaving...
I must say that Im not a good girlfriend. Look at the way I talk to him. Do I even sound like a girlfriend talking to a boyfriend? I sound like I have million of reasons to hate him, which I dont.
I know he has learn to cherish before it's too late. I HAD learnt to cherish. But it seems like I've forgot all my lessons?
I wanna cherish now, but something just seem to go wrong in me. Why? Sometimes I just feel like leading a fresh life away from these people that I love.
It was the 15th Month with Ykh yesterday, but yesterday didnt went right.
Happy 15th Month of unexpected events to me and darling...
I want to be alone.
Sigh. Have no mood to go for chinese liao. How? Should I go find Darling straight away? Or should I go for lesson... Well I think Im going for chinese because I told Tania I will help her check her result and Feona that I will pass things to her..
*cannot be irresponsible!*
I want sweet days with my boyfriend... I want everything to feel right, everyday to feel love, I want the feeling of me cannot lose him, and I dont want the feeling of me worrying about him suddenly leaving...
I must say that Im not a good girlfriend. Look at the way I talk to him. Do I even sound like a girlfriend talking to a boyfriend? I sound like I have million of reasons to hate him, which I dont.
I know he has learn to cherish before it's too late. I HAD learnt to cherish. But it seems like I've forgot all my lessons?
I wanna cherish now, but something just seem to go wrong in me. Why? Sometimes I just feel like leading a fresh life away from these people that I love.
It was the 15th Month with Ykh yesterday, but yesterday didnt went right.
Happy 15th Month of unexpected events to me and darling...
I want to be alone.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Hello people.
Im so wanting otah at this moment, waiting for my parents to be back.
It's fathers day!
I made a card for daddy and he loves it, he even paste it on the way beside dining table ^^
It's raining and darling want me to go over. But I wanna wait for my otah and wait for the rain to stop first! Wait the rain stops! But I hear thunder now! ZzZ.
I wonder how my next blogskin should be. Sick of my present blogskin. My next skin will be full of my loved ones faces I guess ^^
I hate Restaurant City's questions, always messed me up.
I miss LXT, GSPQ, JAPY & LTKM. ):
I MISS YKH TOO! I didnt see him for very long already. I think he missed me too. Keke.
Nothing much happens nowadays, it's so boring. But I prefer it to stay this way.
Im so wanting otah at this moment, waiting for my parents to be back.
It's fathers day!
I made a card for daddy and he loves it, he even paste it on the way beside dining table ^^
It's raining and darling want me to go over. But I wanna wait for my otah and wait for the rain to stop first! Wait the rain stops! But I hear thunder now! ZzZ.
I wonder how my next blogskin should be. Sick of my present blogskin. My next skin will be full of my loved ones faces I guess ^^
I hate Restaurant City's questions, always messed me up.
I miss LXT, GSPQ, JAPY & LTKM. ):
I MISS YKH TOO! I didnt see him for very long already. I think he missed me too. Keke.
Nothing much happens nowadays, it's so boring. But I prefer it to stay this way.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
In this post, you can see alot of my faces! :D
This posts includes the photos of:
Sister and I before fetching parents from airport.
Night out with XT Laopo and SimAiai.
Day out with sister at FarEast.
Day out with Lorencia at Tampines after Chinese O's.
Me and YKH who loves ourselves!
& finally Day out at the zoo!!!!
Im so so so lazy and impatient of waiting for the pictures to upload one by one so I just combine them. LOL lazy me but at least the pictures can be seen!
Clever me too!
No.1, sister and I eating at Plaza Sing. Ichiban, VERY NICE!!!!
Took pictures at the toilet, in the mrt and while eating!

No.2, I had a great night out with Xinting and Gladys!
I love these babes, they always make my day with their craziness.
Went to Suntec City, Marina Barrage etc etc, but we spent most of the time talking and singing in the car.

No.3, Day out with sister again! It was last week. Went shopping for cardigans and shoes. She bought me the bag on that day too! :)
Love going out with my sister, because she'll always offer to pay for me and she's a great and relaxing company whom I'll never feel stressed around.
My only sister leh!

No.4, Oh! I think this was the only time I talked alottttt with Lorencia, and I had alot alot alot of fun with her on that day!
Went to Expo Food Fair and we squeeze thru the crowd buying delicious food and made our body smelly!
We tried on the same dress but different colour and got stuck inside the room taking picture.
LMAO, I love Lexy! Auby me :D
No.5, Went FarEast and then find him~
Went high and crazy and took pictures.
He is my no.1 most stupid faces partner lor!
I love my darling before, now and in future!!!!
No one will take pictures with me like he does (L)

LAST! , At the zoo! Animals MIGHT be boring, but look at the mammals below these pictures, LOLOL ok got alot of my faces ok.
Best day with YKH, ever.

Still got birthday pictures with Sista. Taking it from her tmr... And I dont know when I'll upload. LOL.
Dont know why today my appetite SUPER BIG!
Ok it's unglam to say how big it is, but I ate:
Bread , Milo, 1 & a half veggie bun, Beancurd, Beehoon w/ egg, Canned sharkfin, Apple, Milk chocolate, White chocolate biscuit, and two packets of Orange peel.
I feel damn sinful and fat!
Lucky YKH want me LOL.
I studied abit with jiejie guiding me today. ABITTTTT only I swear...
My English passed!
My Maths is ungraded because I never go...
Science for total I got 40/100 -.-
I wanna know my Geog/ss & Chinese mid-year results!!!!
But I dont wanna go Chinese lessons anymore. Like that my weekend has 3 days! :D
Tmr is going school!
I really wanna aced my O level. I can, right?
I feel so lucky, because the people around me might be having more troubles than me.
I have always been fortunate only that I didnt realise it because I havent been in deeper shit.
I should cherish. And learn to do the right thing.
But how?
This posts includes the photos of:
Sister and I before fetching parents from airport.
Night out with XT Laopo and SimAiai.
Day out with sister at FarEast.
Day out with Lorencia at Tampines after Chinese O's.
Me and YKH who loves ourselves!
& finally Day out at the zoo!!!!
Im so so so lazy and impatient of waiting for the pictures to upload one by one so I just combine them. LOL lazy me but at least the pictures can be seen!
Clever me too!
No.1, sister and I eating at Plaza Sing. Ichiban, VERY NICE!!!!
Took pictures at the toilet, in the mrt and while eating!

No.2, I had a great night out with Xinting and Gladys!
I love these babes, they always make my day with their craziness.
Went to Suntec City, Marina Barrage etc etc, but we spent most of the time talking and singing in the car.

No.3, Day out with sister again! It was last week. Went shopping for cardigans and shoes. She bought me the bag on that day too! :)
Love going out with my sister, because she'll always offer to pay for me and she's a great and relaxing company whom I'll never feel stressed around.
My only sister leh!

No.4, Oh! I think this was the only time I talked alottttt with Lorencia, and I had alot alot alot of fun with her on that day!
Went to Expo Food Fair and we squeeze thru the crowd buying delicious food and made our body smelly!
We tried on the same dress but different colour and got stuck inside the room taking picture.
LMAO, I love Lexy! Auby me :D
No.5, Went FarEast and then find him~
Went high and crazy and took pictures.
He is my no.1 most stupid faces partner lor!
I love my darling before, now and in future!!!!
No one will take pictures with me like he does (L)

LAST! , At the zoo! Animals MIGHT be boring, but look at the mammals below these pictures, LOLOL ok got alot of my faces ok.
Best day with YKH, ever.

Still got birthday pictures with Sista. Taking it from her tmr... And I dont know when I'll upload. LOL.
Dont know why today my appetite SUPER BIG!
Ok it's unglam to say how big it is, but I ate:
Bread , Milo, 1 & a half veggie bun, Beancurd, Beehoon w/ egg, Canned sharkfin, Apple, Milk chocolate, White chocolate biscuit, and two packets of Orange peel.
I feel damn sinful and fat!
Lucky YKH want me LOL.
I studied abit with jiejie guiding me today. ABITTTTT only I swear...
My English passed!
My Maths is ungraded because I never go...
Science for total I got 40/100 -.-
I wanna know my Geog/ss & Chinese mid-year results!!!!
But I dont wanna go Chinese lessons anymore. Like that my weekend has 3 days! :D
Tmr is going school!
I really wanna aced my O level. I can, right?
I feel so lucky, because the people around me might be having more troubles than me.
I have always been fortunate only that I didnt realise it because I havent been in deeper shit.
I should cherish. And learn to do the right thing.
But how?
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Every June of every year is a disastrous one since two years ago.
Gemini comes in action, eh?
There's double thinking and actions everywhere.
Well, _|_.
I love all my sisters and girlfriends!!!! They are awesome, remembering my birthday, and those really close and loved ones gave me surprises. Im really touched, really.
Thanks to my three pretty ladies! I feel kinda inferior when Im with them... Hee.
GladysSim, JoyceAng & LorenciaTay

They gave me a really happy birthday this year. Though time spend is not alot, it's not about the quantity, it's about the quality. I dont know since when i started not to show my happy feelings, but i was really happy when Aiai gave me her present for me and J & L surprising me with the cake!
I was so damn happy and I felt so fortunate...
Of course i cant ever forget YKH, who celebrated my birthday with me at the zoo! It was a surprise, he has been hiding from me for afew weeks and I've been probing him. LOL xin ku ni le la (:
It was really fun in there!!!!!!!! Although we really perspire alot. And the rhino zebra and hog were reallllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy smelly. LOL quoted from darling, the hog is "the smelliest animal ever" the way he say is so funny lol!!!!!!!!
I love the kangaroo, the mouse deer, the cheetah/jaguar/leopard whatever it is. And the WHITE TIGER!!!!!!! CHIO.
There's a joke, lolssss. I feel so stupid -.-
Me: Darling, jaguar or leopard is the fastest land animal ar?
YKH: Cheetah.
Ok. Cant blame me! I have not been in the zoo for freaking 10 years. CANNOT BLAME ME.
Then you say cheetah fastest land animal isnt known by going to the zoo only.
Then I tell you ar... Whatever! LOL
When we go eat KFC later on and the smell is still there ok. Buaytahan.
I wonder how the zoo people memorise all those facts and say it out without even thinking lor. Strange and weird.
Super duper fun ok.
After zoo we cabbed back home... He went to find his friends.
I took a nap! We slept at 5am the day before and woke up at 10am. Crazy...
After that I went to his house, we had pizza! And we rented a movie to watch... Anacondas I think the spelling is like that.
It was very fun on that day which is 10th June.
At night Sim Aiai came to look for me!
We counted down for my birthday! But we didnt really count. LOL
She gave me a mini birthday cake, inedible one, but I seriously like it alot!
She say she intended to put it under my pillow one but she cannot tahan already so she took it out and gave me. LOL she's a very retarded ben ben.
She went home at around 2am, and I received smses from few good friends!
Really happy because they remembered my birthday! :D
Next day was my real birthday, I went to school, science teacher say, "Jiamin, you know why, you always break the rules..." because I passed the attendance list to Cheewei who was just behind me and the attendance is supposed to stay at the front. Lol! Ok it was funny.
After school, I slept until 6pm -.- More than half of my birthday was spent sleeping. _|_
Darling was sick...
Then Me, Jiejie, Papa, Mama, Tingting, Nigel went to IMM to dine at Ichiban.
I say, the branch at Plaza Singapura is much much much better. The cheese chicken chop right, the chicken i think 3/4 is the oily skin lor.
Tingtingjiejie gave me a bracelet, very feminine leh...
Then we went home to eat cake! My mum baked cake again, but this time it's cookies and cream cake xD
It's very delicious ok, my mum bake wonderful cakes.
My family bought me 2 cardigans, 1 bag, and................. GUESS WHAT!
SIMS 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I very happy, can boast infront of Joyce and Lorencia LOL.
Jonas came to my house later, and my mother and me was like chased by these two kids till we were goddamn tired lor. We were running in circles around the sofa. LOL veh funny..
Ok then later on at night my birthday ends like this lor :)
I know might sounds kinda boring, but I must say that I have a fruitful and a very happy birthday compared to last year.
Thanks to those who remembered and wish me my birthday also ^^
On Friday, I meet up with Joycie and Lorencia at CWP to catch a movie after I passed things to Feona. She hugged me leh T.T Xing fu me! Lol! Love you...
Ate Macdonalds! Got my charcoal cup! \/^.^\/
We took 3 balloons from there also. LOL
Then we watched Drag Me To Hell. The movie itself is a hell movie, the sound effects very loud, then hor the scenes got black humour one. LOL damn disgusting, I wonder why is it PG.
Lorencia was curling up and shrieking, Joycie was being very calm and looked bored. LOL ok when i imagine it become so funny again.
Then they gave me a surprise, they bought me a small cake! :D
I can sense the surprise though xD
I ate the cake unglamly... And my candid photos just look awful ok! I dont want put up!
I went home after that and they went to Lorencia's house!
Gemini comes in action, eh?
There's double thinking and actions everywhere.
Well, _|_.
I love all my sisters and girlfriends!!!! They are awesome, remembering my birthday, and those really close and loved ones gave me surprises. Im really touched, really.
Thanks to my three pretty ladies! I feel kinda inferior when Im with them... Hee.
GladysSim, JoyceAng & LorenciaTay

They gave me a really happy birthday this year. Though time spend is not alot, it's not about the quantity, it's about the quality. I dont know since when i started not to show my happy feelings, but i was really happy when Aiai gave me her present for me and J & L surprising me with the cake!
I was so damn happy and I felt so fortunate...
Of course i cant ever forget YKH, who celebrated my birthday with me at the zoo! It was a surprise, he has been hiding from me for afew weeks and I've been probing him. LOL xin ku ni le la (:
It was really fun in there!!!!!!!! Although we really perspire alot. And the rhino zebra and hog were reallllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy smelly. LOL quoted from darling, the hog is "the smelliest animal ever" the way he say is so funny lol!!!!!!!!
I love the kangaroo, the mouse deer, the cheetah/jaguar/leopard whatever it is. And the WHITE TIGER!!!!!!! CHIO.
There's a joke, lolssss. I feel so stupid -.-
Me: Darling, jaguar or leopard is the fastest land animal ar?
YKH: Cheetah.
Ok. Cant blame me! I have not been in the zoo for freaking 10 years. CANNOT BLAME ME.
Then you say cheetah fastest land animal isnt known by going to the zoo only.
Then I tell you ar... Whatever! LOL
When we go eat KFC later on and the smell is still there ok. Buaytahan.
I wonder how the zoo people memorise all those facts and say it out without even thinking lor. Strange and weird.
Super duper fun ok.
After zoo we cabbed back home... He went to find his friends.
I took a nap! We slept at 5am the day before and woke up at 10am. Crazy...
After that I went to his house, we had pizza! And we rented a movie to watch... Anacondas I think the spelling is like that.
It was very fun on that day which is 10th June.
At night Sim Aiai came to look for me!
We counted down for my birthday! But we didnt really count. LOL
She gave me a mini birthday cake, inedible one, but I seriously like it alot!
She say she intended to put it under my pillow one but she cannot tahan already so she took it out and gave me. LOL she's a very retarded ben ben.
She went home at around 2am, and I received smses from few good friends!
Really happy because they remembered my birthday! :D
Next day was my real birthday, I went to school, science teacher say, "Jiamin, you know why, you always break the rules..." because I passed the attendance list to Cheewei who was just behind me and the attendance is supposed to stay at the front. Lol! Ok it was funny.
After school, I slept until 6pm -.- More than half of my birthday was spent sleeping. _|_
Darling was sick...
Then Me, Jiejie, Papa, Mama, Tingting, Nigel went to IMM to dine at Ichiban.
I say, the branch at Plaza Singapura is much much much better. The cheese chicken chop right, the chicken i think 3/4 is the oily skin lor.
Tingtingjiejie gave me a bracelet, very feminine leh...
Then we went home to eat cake! My mum baked cake again, but this time it's cookies and cream cake xD
It's very delicious ok, my mum bake wonderful cakes.
My family bought me 2 cardigans, 1 bag, and................. GUESS WHAT!
SIMS 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I very happy, can boast infront of Joyce and Lorencia LOL.
Jonas came to my house later, and my mother and me was like chased by these two kids till we were goddamn tired lor. We were running in circles around the sofa. LOL veh funny..
Ok then later on at night my birthday ends like this lor :)
I know might sounds kinda boring, but I must say that I have a fruitful and a very happy birthday compared to last year.
Thanks to those who remembered and wish me my birthday also ^^
On Friday, I meet up with Joycie and Lorencia at CWP to catch a movie after I passed things to Feona. She hugged me leh T.T Xing fu me! Lol! Love you...
Ate Macdonalds! Got my charcoal cup! \/^.^\/
We took 3 balloons from there also. LOL
Then we watched Drag Me To Hell. The movie itself is a hell movie, the sound effects very loud, then hor the scenes got black humour one. LOL damn disgusting, I wonder why is it PG.
Lorencia was curling up and shrieking, Joycie was being very calm and looked bored. LOL ok when i imagine it become so funny again.
Then they gave me a surprise, they bought me a small cake! :D
I can sense the surprise though xD
I ate the cake unglamly... And my candid photos just look awful ok! I dont want put up!
I went home after that and they went to Lorencia's house!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Changing blogskin and URL soon!
There will not be much difference with my blogskin though........ You'll get what I mean!
I love G, X, J, & L.
Miss them already ^^
L aka Lexy, thanks for today <3
You're sucha dear!
Love the fun and your nonsense today.
Pictures with G & X will be uploaded soon soon soon!
Chinese O level is a total disaster, no?
Was lucky to sit near to people I know though!
Tidy room is a must today.
There will not be much difference with my blogskin though........ You'll get what I mean!
I love G, X, J, & L.
Miss them already ^^
L aka Lexy, thanks for today <3
You're sucha dear!
Love the fun and your nonsense today.
Pictures with G & X will be uploaded soon soon soon!
Chinese O level is a total disaster, no?
Was lucky to sit near to people I know though!
Tidy room is a must today.
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