Monday, June 30, 2008

Ok , to be blogging now , it's quite crazy . Hubbee Im sleeping after this post ! :D

Why I so long then update ._.
I got alot of thing to say de .. Now can only rmb 28th June .
Heh .
It was our 100th day . Im counting down to fourth month next !
So fast . 100 days = 3 months leih . Mai siao siao !

Ok on that day , after his CSO , I meet him at CWP .
Bought tickets for Incredible Hulk .

Shuai dai le manzzzzzz . He very cool leih . HE CANNOT DO SEX !
This movie very nice . Crazy bee , watch already still watch . Heehee .

After the movie went 515 makan .
Laksa ! Very niceeee .
Then we shared fries , he ask uncle put more salt , crazy -.-
Very salty !

Go Fragrant slacking slacking ! They keep play 'ban luk' .
Awhile later I go home change and then go back find them .. I pin-ed up my fringe and Ahjie and Hanjie laugh at me ! Jies -.-

OH YA . Suddenly thought of someone . Before she confessed to him she should actually think twice whether she really like him , if not it will hurt the guy you know . Im not siding with female this time !! Somemore it's a friend Im talking about man . I just hope her heart will be broken for the rest of her love lifeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Then after that Hubbee , me & Marcus cabbed to their house there . Then I go Hubbee house ^^
His mum cook very yummy food , but I not hungry at that moment !
So ke xi .
Then I play PSP ......
Sleep 2 hours then wake up see him play MS till dont know what time ! Then this lazy bum then gimme eat ai xin mian bao . Hehe .

Then he play MS awhile later we sleep ......

At first I sleeping with him , but awhile later , his heavy arm and 1/3 of his body lie on me ! I try push away but cannot , so I go down the other mattress sleep :X
Muahaha . As expected , keep disturbing me to wake up in the afternoon !

Ok , then it was Sunday , 29thJune liao . Then he pei-ed me walk until 515 there then he go find Alfrey . Fucking hot sia , till I very pekcek .
Then I walk home ! Power right , tyty :D

Meet Joycie for bubbletea at Vista Point after I bathe ! She bought Push-pop , her current addiction .__.
We slacked at Fragrant on our own . HAHA .
Quite fun la . Talk alot ^^

Then go 515 find Hubbee and others . Princess and me bought fries and walked to Fragrant !

}gosh , im craving for laksa again suddenly !{

HAHAH . Then that siao zha bo because of somethinggg she laughed like mad which makes me laugh too . I was laughing at how silly she looked S:

Hubbee keep puakiao . How to spell ? Lol ! They bet until super big }direct translation .

Ahjie is still so damn fucking cute . HAHA . }Hubbee no need jealous ! xD

Then the Princesses went to carpark slack slack because too sian and it's raining ! No badminton ):
I want badminton tmr ! I mean later ...

Then we go back sit sit awhile and I say byebye to Hubbee & everyone and went to Joycie house !
On the way at the overhead bridge stairs we played scissors paper stone . She always win la damn !

Joycie's house super save electricity :O
There's always many different kinds of fried rice in her house !
Few days ago I just ate there .. Then I ate there on Sunday again . Very delicious lor (:

We gossiped at people's friendster ! Joycie's room flooded with rainwater ...
We watch a romance show on TV :D

I think I getting a job soon , it's introduced by Joyce's sister . Sounds attractive leih the job . If I really do get this job . I die die swear that I will stay there for as long as I can !
Fuck , if I dont , shoot me man !
Im a worth it girl (:
I told my Dad about that job . Heehee , I can ask for money again and Daddy and Mummy are not that worried anymore . Even if I dont get this job Im finding another job too , soon .

I love Joycie's Baby . So small and furry . Although it does scare me sometimes ! Very obedient dog I like ^^
Oh I miss Hubbee's Doggy ........

Im looking forward to this Sunday too ! Also very happy , teehee .
Dont know why , Im kinda excited too :X

Anw I think my blog's too wordy liao . Guess not many actually read the wholeeeeeeeee of my post right . HAHA . Ok , I shall post lesser on other posts .

FAKE . I will not do that la ! Heeeeeeee .

Just now debate with Hubbee on phone again . Everything's alright my dear !
Im just telling you how I feel .
Fang yi bai ke xin , my heart stays still .
I will be a good girlfriend ^^
I'll make my word .

Go , not go , go , not ???

I want watch a movie on Youtube . Romanti-ke de . Mmmmhmmm .

Sims 2 & Harvest Moon very nice ^^

Im wearing Hubbee's Simpsons shirt . Super comfy la !

Wo yao shui jiao le ..
Wan an everybody !
Study hard for Nlvl people ^^

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ok I've made this blog on 19June but only now I've completed the making of this blog S:

Nothing great for anyone else , but it means alot to me .
Me and my boyfriend , our relationship (:

I chose this photo not because I look pretty or what .
I look totally cheeky !
But this photo gives me a very couplish feeling .
Somewhat , makes me feel we are very close .
Not like any other couple , those normal one when they love each other and break the other moment .
Nonono .

Anyway , this blog is sort of shared between me and Kianhui , maybeeeeeeee sometimeeeees he will post ? :D
Hahahaha .
I love him alot .
Everyday for us are precious , our days are great , our 100th day is coming !
Im very happy although on that day my dearest have CSO :O

Anyway to everyone else , please study hard and never quite school ):
It not only affects your future , it may affect the ties between you and your family , friends , or whatsoever .
Totally change your life completely !
Im speaking from an 'experienced view' lol . Im not proud of it , instead , Im really looking down on myself nowadays .
Hopefully things will be back in one piece . I dont expect things to turn better naturally right ?
Im hesitating between choices , reluctantly .
But , I will never go back to Riverside Secondary School !
Look at all my exclassmates/schoolmates they are all feeling so stressful ..
That's not the way to educate students right ?
At least other schools have more reasonable teachers .
Good/bad comments are welcomed :D

My parents have been ignoring me for past few days , my mother , past few weeks ._.
Only today , the condition slightly improved .
I've been too rude , too irrespectful to them .
I have been a really bad daughter ! It's time to change for the better :D
I helped to wash dishes today ! Mum's cooking is greattttttttttttttttt .
Went Fragrant watch them play poker and one hour later Hubbee sent me home .
Oh ya laogong , no worries ^^
I will stick to you like super duper glue !
See how you push me away (:

Anw , although my life is upside-down , but Im still happy !
The reasons are Hubbee , HJKs and Joycie .
They never look down on me or whatsoever , still talking to me , lending me a ear and playing a fool ^^

"This life is what you make it. No matter
what you're going to mess up sometimes,
it's a universal truth. But the good part is,
you get to decide how you're going to mess it up.
-Marilyn Monroe

Just live life the way you want , soon or later you'll die de ma .
Dont waste your youth away !
Joyce & I had been talking about how great if the world is at peace and every one will be given a stable amount of income and blah blah blah .
Heehee . It's just a dream , but sometimes dreams are what are keeping us going ..........

Let me recap what I missed out on the absence (:

In addition to my birthday present I have this Princess Ariel & friends(other princesses) hp puch and a sweet sweet birthday card from Princess (:
Real sweet . Thanks for being such a great friend who never fail to make me smile !

I rmb , on Fathers' Day , we went Vista Kitchen makan !
Actually want eat chilli crab but sold out la tmd ):
But we already buy bread to dip the chilli crab sauce ...
So nvm , bought curry fish head instead .
Dip the bread into curry lor ^^

My father had been giving in alotttttttt to me , treating me reallyyyyyyyyy well .
I have been taking them for granted ):

Last few days , we've been playing badminton , blowing bubbles , going Vista Point , Kelvin's house , and me , pei Hubbee at library and going Hubbee's house ^^

Playing PSP at Hubbee's house at night (: }

The lovely present ! }

Lame shit of MS , only understandable if play before . I was changing my hair , then DC-ed . Then dont know why like that . Cute hor ? }

I look shagged ):}


Hubbee outside @ Civics }

Fragrant :D}

(photos below credits to Princess Belle :D)

During the last week of holidays we chiong MapleStory private server , conference with all the funny and noisy guys + Hubbee !

球爱大战 is showing soon ! Im chasing after this series manzzz .
Oh Kianhui has been singing songs to be for these days . So happy ! :D

Havent been writing to ThamNengTong . He better come out soon so that I could pass it personally to him ! (:

Ok , Jianing will say this piece of news is so so so outdated la ! But it's NOT because I keep playing MS k , and MS is fun ^^

There's going to be a few movies I wanna watch ! :D

Im going to call up Hubbee soon I guess he's playing MS .___.

I think I want to edit the blogskin . Abit $%^ ? Maybe the url too . HAH .
Teeheehee . Good night .

Welcome back to my blog (:

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Proud to be your Mrs . <3

This is the first post , which is just for testing !

I absolutely love my boyfriend to the core ! :D